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March 18 1921/2021

Alford – The Gentlemen’s chicken-pie supper was a great success in every way. Proceeds, $46.10. Much praise is due the Alford jazz band and we must mention the clog dancing by little Ronald Richardson, and Everitt Aldrich, who was the only gentleman to make his own chicken-pie. The others all had to call on their wives to help them out.

Montrose – Landlord John J. Burke, of the Exchange Hotel, was sentenced in the U. S. district count at Scranton, to pay a fine of $100 and imprisonment in the county jail for 30 days as a result of violating the 18th amendment of the constitution. The crime with which he was charged was receiving two barrels of whiskey from Scranton parties, for which he said he paid $1,800. He took officers to the garage in the rear of the hotel and showed them the liquor, which was confiscated by the officers. The fact that Burke admitted his guilt accounts for the lightness of his sentence. ALSO Henry L. Beach has invented a clever device which permits the heat from an oil stove be distributed where desired for the comfort of those sitting in any part of a room, instead of the heat immediately going toward the ceiling. Mr. Beach has patented some fifteen inventions, all of which have been highly successful and profitable.

Uniondale – Thirty-three years ago this week, Uniondale was snow-bound as never before or since. Snow began falling on Saturday and for one week there was no railroad traffic. The storm is remembered as the “Conkling blizzard.” It is said that a cabman asked $50 to convey Roscoe Conkling from his office in New York city to his apartments in the Hoffman House, in that city. The ex-Senator refused to pay and walked and in a few days after died as the result of exposure. Different conditions prevailed Tuesday [of this week], when the robins and bluebirds warbled their joy at the coming of spring.

Susquehanna – Another change in the local shop here went into effect on Monday, when the men were put on six days a week, and orders were also received to reduce the force employed to bring operating expenses to a sum equivalent to the four days per week which had been in effect the past six weeks. This will mean that 240 or more men will be laid off until further notice.

Jackson – F. M. Pease, of this place, is one of the county’s best road supervisors.

Rush – The matter of organizing a Boy Scout troop is being thoughtfully considered. Christie Curran, teacher in the Rush High School, and who is interested in all kinds of sports, is among the most active in promoting the laudable project.

Forest Lake – A social will be held at the home of R. H. Raub, for the benefit of the Taylor Hollow school, on March 25th. Ladies, bring cake or sandwiches. Refreshments, 25 cents; children under 12 years, 15 cents.

Hopbottom – It is rumored that bids are soon to be let for the construction of the Lackawanna Trail between Hopbottom and Nicholson. The trail is to be constructed on the lower side of the old roadbed, the upper side being reserved for the now existing freight track, extending from Nicholson to Hopbottom, which is to be maintained.

Lakeview – The men drawing milk to Susquehanna are driving three and four horses on account of the roads. We wonder if it would help the cause of good roads any if the county commissioners could ride over the road from New Milford to Jackson. Certainly the road has never been worse than now.

Forest City – Paul Franceski, who left here last Labor Day for a visit with relatives in Jugo-Slavia, and Italy, has purchased a hotel property in Milan, one of the largest cities of Italy. He was expected to return ere this, but having engaged in his new venture the time of his coming is uncertain.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. – Word has been received of the death of David S. Jenkins, in Ontario, California. He was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jenkins, pioneer residents of Welsh Hill, and was born in Clifford township in 1854. He worked in Ontario and Australia, state of Washington and went to California for his health. Two brothers have preceded him in death, the Hon. Thomas Jenkins, of Dawn, Mo., and Z. D. Jenkins, of Montrose, at one time sheriff of this county. He is survived by one brother Hon. John G. Jenkins of London. England and two sisters, Mrs. Levi West, Montgomery, NY and Mrs. Henry Davis, of Neath, Bradford County, and three sons.

West Auburn – Married – Mr. William Kinner, of Hopbottom and Mrs. Nellie Potter of this place. We extend best wishes.

Bridgewater Twp. – Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caterson, of Williams’ Pond, Saturday, March 12, 1921, a son, Donald Clair Caterson.

Thompson – On Thursday evening last, in Keystone Hall, a reception was given in honor of Harold Wallace, who just recently returned home from Syria after a four year absence. He was the first of the Thompson boys to enlist in the World War. After spending about a year in this country, he was detailed for service in France. When the armistice was signed, Harold and several of his associates took up American Relief work in the Near East. He is a graduate of Thompson High School and is an individual the like of which is needed in every community.

News Brief: Many people have remarked this winter, “There’s no use going south when we get weather like this.” The last week of unusually advanced spring weather has almost made us forget that we can experience such winters as that of 1919-20. And now with daffodils, crocuses and tulips bursting through the ground from which the frost has practically left, it appears like an early spring. The roads have “settled” and in some places the mud has given way to dust, although occasional rain—interspersed with bright, balmy days—keeps the “dust nuisance” abated. But, we have not forgotten that “March came in like a lamb” and we may yet repent his triumphant declaration of the death of Winter.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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