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March 18 1899/1999

Forest City - St. Patrick's day was observed by the Catholics here by attending high mass in the morning and by parading in a body to the hall of the Y.M.I. Society later. AND The Hillside Co. and the D. & H. paid one day late this month so that the men could celebrate St. Patrick's day.

Hallstead - At a "welcome home" to the soldier boys of Hallstead, given recently by the citizens of that place, I noticed an evergreen arch upon which was inscribed "Welcome The Brave." I thought of the days of Gettysburg and certainly there was one who passed under that arch that was indeed a "hero"-- J. J. Stockholm of Hickory Grove. During the fight at the "Peach Orchard" at the "Bloody Angle," the 141st PA, was being driven back; two color-bearers were shot down and the Regiment had fallen back leaving their colors behind; the first to miss the colors was Comrade Stockholm and he ran back in the face of a galling fire and grabbed up the colors and brought them back to the Regiment. This brave act should have brought him promotion but for some reason it was never done. I noticed others of the old veterans at Hallstead whose acts of heroism in the days that tried men's souls had made applicable to them the inscription on the arch. So it was fitting that the old as well as the new soldiers should share in the honors of the day.

"From One Who Was There"

Montrose - A beautiful new line of spring neckwear--dozens and dozens of them--ties, bows, four-in-hands, Tecks, once-overs, imperials, puffs, Arcots, at Warner's next week. Call and make your selection for Easter wear. AND A letter just received from W. D. Lusk, Esq., at Seattle, announces the death of Mr. T. D. Cashin. We understand that Mr. Cashin was with the Lusk party of gold seekers on the Copper River at the time of his death but we have learned no particulars as to the sad event.

Susquehanna - Susquehanna Council No. 384, Catholic Benevolent Legion, will hold its second annual ball in Hogan Opera House, on Monday evening, April 3. Doran's orchestra will furnish music for the occasion.

Rush - Mrs. Hiram Devine, an old and respected resident of this neighborhood, was buried in Devine Ridge Cemetery. She was the mother of four sons who served their country during the Civil War and one of whom spent a year of untold suffering in Andersonville.

Harmony Twp. - Miss Susie Storer has returned to her studies at the State Normal School at Mansfield.

Franklin Forks - The Salt Spring school taught by Miss Deackon, of Upsonville, and the school at the Forks taught by Miss Williams, of Dimock, close this week.

Herrick Centre - We saw in the Hallstead Messenger that the correspondent from Herrick Center to the Democrat had misconstrued the ideas of the Prohibitionist who spoke so freely his ideas on town meeting day. According to his writings he did not speak to defeat Mr. Flynn, but did it to reprimand his brethren for signing a petition to grant a hotel whiskey license. But still it looks to us as though the motives of politics played an active part. In the same item the writer referred us to the Pennsylvania School Law 245-246. We do not think it will make any difference with the Pennsylvania State law or our school in regard to branches of studies to be taught in our schools, whether one of the school directors is a hotel keeper or a Prohibitionist.

Ainey - W. B. Lathrop has sold his personal property, except his horse, yet to sell, and expects to act as salesman for the Home Comfort Steel Range Co. A.C. Brink has leased the farm for the coming season.

Friendsville - The Crystal Springs Creamery Co. has engaged T. F. Coyle, one of the best creamery men in the county, and who has been at the Forest Lake creamery for some six years.

Thomson - Hon. John Wesley Cargill has purchased a farm here and has abandoned his contemplated removal to Arkansas.

Birchardville - L. T. Birchard, the well known stock breeder puts an ad in the cent-a-word column of the Republican when he has any of his fine stock to dispose of and the results therefrom are always prompt and satisfactory. The reputation of Mr. Birchard's blooded stock has become known far and wide and when well posted people are in want of good cows for dairy or family use they are in the habit of selecting them from Mr. Birchard's herd.

News Brief: A bill has been introduced in the House directing township supervisors and road commissioners to annually, on April 1, enter into a contract with the taxpayers in their jurisdiction to remove loose stones from the main traveled highways at least once a month during April, May, June, July, August, September and October.

Great Bend - A delightful evening was spent on the lst inst. at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Harding. The occasion was the entertainment by Miss Ivah Cobb of the following persons: Prof. John Richards and his corps of teachers of the high school: Misses Helen Bard, Lugerda Eggleston, Ella Munson, John Barry, Floyd Smith, Courtland Bradshaw, Vernon Reckhow, Dr. Hagar, Fanny Reckhow and Bessie White of Bainbridge, NY. The time was spent in elevating and instructive exercises; ice cream and cake were served and on retiring it was the unanimous verdict; "We had a good time."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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