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March 17 1905/2005

Great Bend - The Chapot-Shirlaw Chamois factory is to have $48,000 expended in improving it this spring. About 100 are now employed in the factory and when the proposed additions are made and new machinery installed it will be the largest of its kind in the world. W.G. Parke and Chas. V. Chapot are to visit France in the near future. They will endeavor to have larger quantities of chamois skins shipped to the plant.

Montrose - The congregation of the A.M.E. Zion church has divided, part of the members going with Rev. J.E. Williams, while the remainder go under the pastorship of Rev. Dawson Edwards. The affairs pertaining to the split in the church have not been entirely devoid of excitement and it is the main topic of discussion and argument among the colored brethren. Some dissatisfaction had arisen among the members about the taxation of the church by the conference which was considered too high. AND Business is booming at the Beach foundry and saw works. Orders for the machines turned out by this well-known establishment are being received in numbers highly complimentary to the works.

South Gibson - It is reported that H.T. Taylor was relieved of $150 by his hired man, Floyd Morris. Morris is a general chore man, making a living by doing odd jobs for the farmers. For the past three or four days he worked for Taylor. Early Tuesday morning Taylor prepared for a trip to Forest City where he was to sell his produce. In a vest he had $150 in bills which he was to take along to deposit in the bank at Forest City. The vest he left on a chair while he went out to the barn to feed the horses. When he returned to the house both hired man and money had disappeared.

Kingsley - W.W. Adams, station agent on the D.L.& W. R.R., who is enjoying an extended vacation, sailed from New York on March 11th, via Ward Line, for the Island of Cuba. He will visit Havana, Santiago and other important and historic places, traveling perhaps 500 miles on the island. While there he will visit M.S. Lamb, a former Hallstead boy who now holds [an] important position as engineer on the Cuba R.R. During Mr. Adams' absence J.E. Masters, relief agent, will be in charge at Kingsley.

Susquehanna - C.E. Whitney, the well-known newspaperman, died at his home last Tuesday morning. He was about 60 years old and is survived by a wife, two daughters and two sons, Mrs. F. Mastin, Deposit; Mrs. C. Curtis, Harford; Charles E. Whitney, Erie; and a boy two and a half years old. Mr. Whitney was one of the best-known and most versatile newspapermen in Northeastern Penna. For years he acted as the Susquehanna correspondent of several vicinity newspapers and city dailies and a contributor to most of the New York papers. He possessed a delightful sense of humor and his snake and bear stories were extremely interesting. He was one of the quartette of remarkable newspaper fiction writers who during the past third of a century did much to call attention to Northeastern Penna. by the charm of their overdrawn bear, snake and wild animal stories. AND The Susquehanna Tri-Weekly Journal, one of the best papers in this section, is offered for sale by the proprietor, B. F. Pride, who has conducted it for 34 years. It is a well equipped establishment.

Forest City - The moving picture entertainment given by the Alonzo Hatch company in the Opera house Monday night was well attended. Unfortunately a large number of the company were suffering with one malady or another and the specialties were perforce not given. The Enterprise Hose company, under whose auspices the affair was given, had no knowledge of the crippled condition of the company until after the performance began and greatly regret the elimination of advertised features. The moving pictures were good.

Brooklyn - Burbank and Whitman, who had the contract for building the new factory for the Brooklyn creamery association, have finished their contract and the concrete floor is being put in by the company, C.F. Watrous superintending the work. Watson & Jones, who have rented the buildings for 5 years, have part of the machinery here, and expect to be ready to receive milk April 1st.

Auburn Four Corners - C. E. Voss is treating the interior of his store to a new coat of paint. Jesse Conklin is doing the work. At P. C. Bushnell's there is a nice line of new spring goods. AND At Auburn Center, Arthur Harrison recently purchased an Edison Home phonograph of Chas. Lake, of Springville.

Harford - Geo. Doloway, of Elmira, was the lucky man to draw the prize ticket on the steel range, given with Aderney baking powder at Frank Lott's. AND We are to have a village meat market the coming season in the Osborn building, E. E. Lewis, proprietor.

East Rush - A goodly number of young lambs are found straying around this little town. Anyone wanting a good flock just inquire at the postoffice.

New Milford - S. A. Benninger and Alva Tourje left Monday for New York, from which place they sailed Tuesday for Panama, where they have positions with the government in the engineering department of the building of the big canal, they having civil service positions.

Birchardville - Wm. Flynn is entertaining the railroad men while they are surveying for our new railroad. We think now we are sure to ride on the Binghamton & Southern R.R.

Uniondale - Leon Reynolds had one of his fine horses stricken down with a disease called azoturia about 10 days ago. The horse seemed to be paralyzed and had no use of his hind parts, so they loaded the horse on sleighs and hauled him to Wm. Morgan's shop, which is a good, warm place and Mr. Morgan commenced treating him, and now the horse is walking around nicely. Mr. Morgan should have great credit as a good many said the horse would never get well.

Jackson - Miss Beva Leonard very pleasantly entertained a party of friends last Saturday evening at progressive Flinch. After a few games had been played and each person had untangled the cob web and found his partner, lunch was served. This was followed by a few other games and at a seasonable hour the guests departed feeling that all had passed a very enjoyable evening.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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