Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 12 1897/1997
Heart Lake – Twenty-five thousand tons of ice have been placed in the Heart Lake icehouse. The DL&W Company recently placed an order with a Berwick firm for 300 special cars for the transportation of ice in summer. The Heart Lake ice business requires a number of ice cars.
Susquehanna – The Mallory and Ash building, on Erie Ave., is being fitted up for the Church Hill Social and Athletic Club. AND Nearly 100 ladies have applied for positions in the shirt factory.
Great Bend – Ray Reckhow has 12 young Plymouth Rock chickens that he thinks will take the cake.
Montrose – The 13th Regiment, including Co. G., of Montrose, it is now said, will go to New York City the latter part of next month to participate in the parade at the unveiling of the Grant mausoleum.
Springville – William J. Hawke & Co., of Wilkes-Barre, have purchased the stone quarries on the Stevens farm and will commence operating them on a large scale as soon as the weather will permit.
Forest City – Rev. J.C. Hogan and R.E. Alexander have been appointed members, for Susquehanna County, of the Prohibition State Central Committee.
Herrick Centre – Messrs. Frank Gettle and Alaric Bowell and ladies, attended the sugar party at the Grange Hall, on Lyon St., Thursday night: AND Two tramps broke into the school house Sunday night and enjoyed the warmth of the fire until disturbed by the janitor Monday morning.
Fairdale – Many in this vicinity are on the sick list with a contagion called mock measles.
Friendsville – The original comedy "Odd People" which was written especially for the Friendsville Literary Society by one of its talented members was given at Parochial Hall Monday evening. The play was preceded by a beautiful and touching sketch entitled "Marion's Vision," in which Misses Moran, Walsh, Carie and Bryan and Messrs Flynn, Bryan, Byrne, Keenan and Murphy look the principal parts. Before the entertainment Rev. Father Driscoll gave some choice selections on the graphophone, and Prof. DeGrafie of Union, accompanied by Miss Agnes Tierney at the organ, played the violin between acts.
Auburn – A fox captures a wolf. Prof. Fox lakes no risks in fooling away time when there's a beautiful prize at stake. He went down last week, where he had been attending State College, and married a Miss Wolf, a very highly respected lady, and returned with her today. They go right to housekeeping in his cozy little house, which was all in order. We congratulate Mr. & Mrs. Fox and wish them a long smooth voyage on the matrimonial sea.
Birchardville – The spelling contest between Birchardville school, taught by John Sweet, and the Griffis school, taught by Addie Dayton, was decided in favor of Birchardville. At the close it was a sharp contact between Olive Bolles and Eurana Dayton, giving Olive the floor at 11 o'clock at night.
Union Dale – The base ball team is about to reorganize for the season. The boys have always put up a good article of ball and give us many good games. The team promises this year to be stronger than ever. Let's give the boys good substantial aid.
New Milford – Excitement was caused in New Milford Sunday by a mad dog running the streets. The dog came from Franklin, and was followed from Tingley by Ed. Summers and George Lewis. Mr. Lewis finally succeeded in shooting the dog, which was in a frenzied state. The owner of the dog is not known. Fortunately no one was bitten.
Clifford – This town has at present a skating park in the street. We think our supervisors should immediately remove the road, or water.
Elkdale – Thomas Thomas, David Thomas, Henry Harris and Mr. Hunt were courting at Clifford Saturday night.
Brooklyn – Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Sterling are entertaining Mr. & Mrs. A.S. Waldie, Mr. & Mrs. N.L. Tiffany and a few other friends in celebrating the day as is their custom of meeting together each year, on the 9th of March. It being the anniversary of the marriage of each one of the three panics named.
Gibson – Robins have made their appearance but they look sorry they came.
Compiled By: Betty Smith