Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 07 1924/2024
High Voltage Beer and Cider Found in New Milford Raid: While the first hundred years of prohibition may be the hardest, New Milford authorities evidently thought they might, at least start, and a large toll of while mule, cider and other liquids, not in good standing with Mr. Volstead [of the National Prohibition Act], fell into the hands of constables and deputies at this place, last Saturday, when the homes of Tony Gallusi and Frank Moseo, alias “Frank Lamboiso,” whose abodes are just out of the village, near the viaduct, on the road leading to Montrose, were entered and searched. Acting on complaints were Constables Chas. Culver and Dennis, of New Milford; Chief of Police Harry Stockholm and Deputy Hulburt, of Susquehanna; Chief of Police Tingley and Deputies Wm. Holmes, John DeWees and Arthur Smith, of Montrose. Their search revealed various solutions for allaying thirst. Both men were taken before Justice Shelp, where Galluci pleaded guilty and released under $1000 bail; Moseo did not plead guilty, and was released under $1000 bail. The liquor was brought to Montrose and placed in the Court House in custody of Dist. Atty. Ed. Little, for disposal by the Court.
Franklin Forks – A meeting of the Stockholders of the Snake Creek Telephone Co. will be held in Alliance Hall, this place, Saturday, March 8, 1924, at one o’clock p.m. A full attendance requested. ALSO Chicken pie dinner to be held by Ladies Aid, March 12. Proceeds for Pastor’s salary.
Dimock – James Calby was in town yesterday and made The Democrat a very agreeable call. “Jim” is one of the best carpenters of the county but obeyed an impulse to return to the farm seven years ago.
Springville – The high school students are rapidly paying for their Victrola. Monday and Tuesday of this week they held Egg Days. The eggs were sold to help the Victrola fund.
Hallstead – The Symphony Male Chorus, of Montrose, will give a concert in the Hallstead Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, March 12. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Halstead Public Library.
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – The Alford Blue Stone Co., operated by J. M. Decker, advertises for 25 quarrymen and stonecutters. Work is to commence April 1st, and good wages will be paid. The Alford Blue Stone Co. mines an excellent quality of flag and curbstone which has a ready sale in the city markets.
Uniondale – Frank Gettle has a Bible that was printed in Germany in the year 1707. It has been handed down from generation to generation, the older son of the family being the possessor. It is bound in leather with brass clips to preserve the corners. The print is as legible as if it was recently printed.
South Montrose – Leonard Stone reports that his son, Byrd, is making rapid progress in the State Hospital at Scranton, and expects to be home in about two weeks. Byrd was painfully burned in a fire that killed his sister and destroyed the Stone home.
Bridgewater and Forest Lake – C. M. Bennett, who has been on the J. M. Jeffers farm for the past two years, will sell his cows and all other farm property at public sale and will operate the Booth blacksmith shop at Forest Lake village, which has been closed for the past two months. Mr. Bennett is an experienced blacksmith, having conducted shops at East Rush, Rushville and West Auburn, covering fifteen or more years. This will be a great convenience to the farmers of Forest Lake and vicinity.
Hop Bottom – Ladies of Book Club, No. 2, were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Merl Rynearson and Ladies book Club, No. 1, were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. W. E. Brown.
Kingsley – The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. F. E Tiffany and tied off a quilt.
Jackson – The storm that struck this corner of the hemisphere last week, did not miss Jackson. The homes of H. G. Felton, H. M. Roberts and Mrs. Eva Perry had several windows blown in or blown out. The roof of the schoolhouse was badly damaged so that no more school was held last week. Miss Rachel Benson, the primary teacher, returned to her home at New Milford.
Thompson – A snappy cage tilt was staged between Prof. Felton’s graded school and Thompson high school. Early in the game Shelly, Jackson’s forward, was injured but the game was later continued and some fast work was displayed. Prof. Felton and Rev. Freeman kept the Thompson team guessing from start to finish with their clever passing and dribbling. Professor [Felton] starred for the visitors, with three field goals, but found the going pretty rough with Books ever at his heels. [It was either a tie game or Thompson won. Confusing score totals.]
Montrose – The General Committee, composed of representatives of various religious, social, educational, fraternal, civic and business organizations, is rapidly whipping matters into tangible shape for a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the borough which will be conservative, but commensurate with the importance of the occasion. One of planned events is the building of a replica of the first log house built within the limits of what is now the borough of Montrose, to be constructed and dedicated by March 29th.
News Briefs: The dwindling menace of tuberculosis in recent years has been one of the marvels of medial science. Where a decade ago it led all causes of death, science and medicine have beat it down steadily, year by year. ALSO Housewives were urged to use a brush and a can of varnish and save themselves the drudgery of standing over steaming kettles in preserving time, by William Downie, of Cleveland, at the convention of the International Association of Master Painters and Decorators. He said all that was necessary was to apply a thin coat of varnish to fruit or vegetable to be canned and it would last for months, keeping their original flavor. “Varnish” is tasteless,” he asserted. “Nearly all candy made to sell six months after it is put into boxes is coated with varnish or shellac. This is an excellent way to preserve eggs all winter.” ALSO Of interest to the ladies. A Paris dispatch says: “The length of skirts worn by fashionable women this spring will depend somewhat upon personal preference, judging from styles exhibited at the opening of the racing season at Longchamp. Some of the models who paraded in the bitter breezes wore skirts falling only 3 or 4 inches below the knee, while others were about the same distance from the ground.
Compiled By: Betty Smith