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March 07 1898/1998

Susquehanna - Susquehanna has caught the fever of patriotism, now epidemic in this country. A military company is being organized. In case of a war with Spain, the members agree to fight for Uncle Sam for a period of one year. Now who's afraid?

New Milford - Mr. Heil will occupy the rooms over L. G. McCollum's store after March 8th and resume the tailor business.

Montrose - In driving home from Birchardville last Saturday, Messrs G.B.Horton and L. J. McKeeby, accompanied by their wives, found the roads in an impassable condition and were obliged to drive through the lots from J. Burr's place to T. McKeeby's, crossing many bad places, in one of which a spring was broken and the ladies were thrown out and quite badly hurt. The supervisors should look after that piece of road.

Forest City - Rev. J. C. Hogan was in Columbus, O., this week, as a delegate to the national conference of the Liberty party which was held in that city on Wednesday and Thursday.

Auburn - John VanScoten lost his cow and the good people here chinked in and replaced it, for which he is most grateful.

Great Bend - The re-opening of the Central House occurred Wednesday evening. Music was furnished by the Hallstead band. The house was recently purchased by Mr. Holmes, of Cortland, who has had it remodeled in the latest style.

Upsonville (Franklin) - There will be a "Card-board" social at Mrs. E. Lindsley's Friday evening, March 4th. A reward in money will be offered to the person making the prettiest article. There will also be a fish pond from which the articles will be drawn. The supper will consist of sandwiches, cake and coffee. Price 10 cents, children 5. Everyone come and have a good time.

Carmalt Lake (Apolacon) - A number of our young people attended the oyster supper and dance at Andrew Minehan's.

Flynn (Middletown) - The Triangle Literary Society spent the evening of the 17th very pleasantly at the home of Mr. Wm. Conboy. The program arranged for the evening showed that our young people are cultivat-ing the acquaintance of the very best authors; recitations were given by Misses Lane, Flynn, Conboy, O'Brine and Byrne; Messrs. O'Brine and Lane. Vocal solos, Messrs Flynn, Conboy and O'Grady. Instrumental solos, Messrs. Flynn and Golden. Sketch, Messrs. Conboy and Murry. Comedy, Messrs. Murry, Conboy, Gillen, FitzPatr-ick, Kane and O'Brine. Refreshments were served and before adjourning a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Conboy for the cordial entertain-ment received.

Ainey (Springville) - People who have not got their supply of ice are hauling with wagons.

West Auburn - Dr. W. B. Beaumont, wife and daughter were taken quite seriously ill recently, but are now convalescent. Cause of illness, canned beef. Take warning and avoid it.

Rush - The Pepper Murder (continued). At Rock Rift it was found that Shew had been gone since Christmas; for a short time previous he had been working in the woods for a Mr. Lenox, with whom he boarded, and who lives some miles up in the mountains. A drive to Mr. Lenox's resulted in the additional information that he had gone to Kerrysville Acid Factory, and was still there two weeks before. Returning down the precipitous mountain road to Rock Rift, the journey was continued toward Kerrysville, up over the mountain, past a small station called Apex on the Ontario & Western R.R. Another turn off from the main road, and a few miles travel brought the party to Kerrysvile, just as the factory whistle brought the noon hour to a close. As the party pulled up in front of the factory office, a man rather undersized and with a shuffling gait was seen going behind a large horse barn across the creek, eight or ten rods away. McMahon said "that's our man," and no more quickly said than the three searchers started taking in both front, sides and rear of the barn. Shew was not to be seen. The officers kept perfectly quiet and finally a slight noise was heard in the mow and Shew came down the ladder; as he reached the floor he was quickly secured. Kerrysville would appear to be a typical place for hiding--situate away up in the mountains of Delaware county with neither railroad, post-office, business enterprises or residents, except those pertaining directly to the Acid Factory, it is a place not likely to be visited by strangers. With the prisoner, the officers drove quickly to Hancock and from thence crossing over into Wayne County, PA, up the Delaware to Deposit, where a commitment was obtained and placed in the hands of Officer Perry, who started with the prisoner, on Erie train #5, for Binghamton. At Susquehanna, Officer McMahon served the Pennsylvania warrant upon Shew and Friday at midnight the District Attorney knocked at the door of the Montrose jail and turned over to Sheriff Deuel the first of the two suspects. The arrival of this midnight prisoner at the jail was sufficient to set gossip afloat, and it was known that the work in capturing Smith (Eagan), if successful, must be done quickly. So Mr. Ainey, accompanied by his brother, Charles H. Ainey, started Saturday evening for Binghamton and from Binghamton by the Erie to Susque-ha-nna; from Susquehanna they drove, together with Officer McMahon, to Windsor, where they arrived about midnight and where Smith's adopted father, Catlin Smith, lives. Inasmuch as none of the party had ever seen Smith, the services of John Squiers were obtained. Smith had not been seen in the vicinity since Christmas. At the suggestion of Mr. Squiers, Catlin Smith was visited. He is one of Windsor's well-known and most respected citizens. He was unable to give any information of value, as he had not seen James Smith or heard from him in over a month. It was then decided to go to Coventry, Chenango county, where Kern Eagan, James Smith's brother, lived. Harpursville was reached at 4 a.m., where breakfast was obtained. From there the journey was continued to Coventry, where a stop was made. Continued next week....

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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