Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 06 1903/2003
New Milford - On Saturday night, Edith Howard, aged 12 years, was drowned here, and it was not until an early hour Sunday morning that that the body was recovered about a half mile from where she fell in the water, on Johnson's flats. Her father, Charles Howard, had just removed from Franklin to New Milford, and it being necessary to obtain some milk she started out alone after it. A bridge spans a creek near the center of the town and she had to cross it on her way. The bridge is narrower than the street, so instead of the sidewalk taking a straight course it turns off at an angle shortly before reaching the bridge. The street lamps were not lighted and being unfamiliar with the place she kept going directly ahead. In another instant she fell, screaming, into the torrent, which had been greatly swollen by rains, and melting snow, and was swept down the creek. A searching party was immediately organized, finding her as stated above. She was an only child, her mother having died some time ago. The remains were taken to Franklin for interment.
Uniondale - Fred W. and Edgar J. Crandall, who were born and lived at Uniondale until grown to manhood, but for the past 20 years have resided near San Jose, California, will pay a week's visit to Susquehanna county and visit old friends. Fred is engaged in raising and packing fruits and Edgar sells real estate and mining stocks. Continuing this trip Fred will visit Germany, France, Scotland and England, expecting to return about May 15. Each is married and have families.
Friendsville - On Thursday night of last week at about 11 o'clock, a large barn belonging to Thomas Byrne, including its contents, was destroyed by fire. Out of a herd of 32 cattle 27 were burned to death, and all the hay, wagons, sleds and farming implements were destroyed. When the fire was discovered it had gained such headway that it was impossible to check it. There was only a small insurance.
Montrose - John V. Meehan has sold his blacksmith shop to his brother Joseph, of Rush, and after April 1st will conduct a grocery store in the location now occupied by N. Warner (the Mulford building). Leo Lannon, formerly with N. E. Bissell, has accepted a position in his new store. AND Olin B. Tingley has rented the store room formerly occupied by Philip Marks and will soon open a five and ten-cent store, together with a stock of useful household articles. AND The Montrose House is to be leased to E. Hibbard, of South Montrose.
Susquehanna - Burgess John V. O'Connell and the new Common Council were sworn into office on Monday evening. There is a deadlock in the vote for President of the Board, between W. Epes and James Lannon, and a deadlock in the vote for Thomas Doherty, the present incumbent, and Wm. A. Skinner, candidate for borough attorney. The following were re-elected: T. J. McMahon, chief-of-police; Wm. Allpaugh, borough treasurer; Daniel Lynch, borough sec'y; Stephen Mahoney, street commissioner. AND The Standard Oil Company's pipes, which cross the river at Tuscarora, between this place and Windsor, on Saturday evening, sprung a leak, and it is estimated that 5,000 barrels were lost. On Sunday, the river was covered with oil and the odor was very strong.
Franklin Forks - The ice banked up against the bridge over Stony Brook on Saturday morning-that one could not get to the bridge from the Forks side of the creek, and only for the hard work of George Hickok and son Earle, the bridge might have gone out. The water ran down the road past the M.E. church, and the yards near were filled with large cakes of ice.
Hopbottom - The Foster Mattress Co. is rushed with orders.
Lawton - Hugh McGovern, while returning from a call the other evening, was startled by a wild cry on the tree above him. Running to his house he seized his gun and returned, shot the animal, which proved to be a large cat of M. A. Wood's.
Auburn - We will soon be connected with the outside world by telephone.
Thompson - Charles Chandler, the wild man of Thompson, was on his way to jail yesterday, handcuffed to Constable Fred Empet, of Thompson, and another officer. Chandler has been demented for some time. Of late he amused himself in threatening and attempting to kill all his relatives in order to obtain their possessions. He himself is estimated to be worth many thousands of dollars. The man was arrested at the insistence of his relatives on the charge of assault and battery and committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury in the case.
Choconut - Thomas Coyle and family are moving to Friendsville where Mr. Coyle expects to take charge of the creamery. AND Miss Winifred Stanley, who has been confined to her bed on account of illness, will soon be able to attend to her duties again as teacher at the Graves' school.
Clifford - We are well supplied with blacksmiths, but lack a good harness-maker and shoemaker. AND Several of our young people attended the social at the Dundaff rink last week. Fine music furnished by James Brownell and wife.
Brooklyn - Eighty-one solemn strokes of the church bell floating over the hills, Friday morning, Feb. 20, gave sad announcement to the people of Brooklyn that another familiar and venerable landmark had been removed from our midst. Albert Rezin Gere was born in Brooklyn, on the farm now owned by Wm. R. Caswell, April 29, 1822, being the only son of Stephen and Abigail (Olney) Gere, and grandson of Capt. Rezin Gere, who was killed in the terrible massacre of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. Albert's childhood and all his mature years were spent on a farm, nearly 50 years in the same home. In 1845 he was united in marriage to Sarah E. Tewksbury, who with the eight children born to this couple, survive him. Today that home is shadowed by a venerable chair vacant. The wise, cautious counsel of loving husband and father, so unassuming, yet so tactful and sympathetic, is sadly missed. A large gathering of friends were present to manifest kind respects to an esteemed neighbor, a worthy citizen, and a man exemplary in all the relations of life. The casket was bourn to its final resting place by the six sons, amid the tolling of the bell, whose solemn notes added deeper impress to the loss we all have sustained.
Compiled By: Betty Smith