Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 04 1910/2010
Flooding - The rise of water in the Susquehanna river was largely checked when a lowering temperature stopped the thaw of snow and ice in the mountains along its course and that of its tributaries. At Great Bend and Hallstead high water did considerable damage and caused discomfort to the residents on the lowlands. The Black Horn Tanning Co., at Great Bend, lost heavily, water getting into the basement of the plant and making it necessary to suspend operations. The American Chair Co., at Hallstead, has been shut down and the silk mill, employing about 60, mostly girls, stopped work. Five or six feet of water stands on the floor of the June Dairy Co. At Susquehanna and Lanesboro the electric light plants were forced to shut down. The Erie officials in conjunction with the county commissioners are jointly erecting a retaining wall above the Erie bridge to protect that structure, and at times so fast was the rise of the water that it was within two feet of the top of the wall. At New Milford the creek ice was dynamited just in time to prevent the flooding of the streets, the ice gorge giving way just as the water commenced overflowing the banks. Everything on the flats is under water. Fifteen or sixteen farmers and families, between Great Bend and Riverside, have had to get out of their homes in order to escape the rising flood, often the rescue being made by men in boats. Many curious things are reported. A man named Davis, living at Riverside, has placed his ten cows on top of a hay mow, out of reach of the water, until the flood abates. Another farmer killed his three hogs and placed them safely from the water, as they were in danger of being drowned.
The Census - Taking the census will begin April 15. In towns and cities the job must be completed in two weeks, in the country in thirty days. Enumerators are allowed no less than two cents a head, and not more than four or no less than $2 a day or more than $3, at the option of the supervisor. In the country the enumerator is allowed 20 cents per farm. He must hustle to make $2 per day.
St. Joseph - Rev. Edward O'Reilly, the last of four brothers who were ordained to the priesthood, died Feb. 24, 1910, at the parochial residence at South Waverly, PA. The deceased was born at St. Joseph, was educated at Holy Cross college and received his theological training at St. Mary's of Baltimore. He was the brother of the late Rev. James, Rev. Michael, and Rev. John O'Reilly and survived by one brother, Aloysius, of St. Joseph. The funeral was held at St. John's in South Waverly, with 75 priests present. After the funeral the remains were taken to St. Joseph, where he was interred, it being the largest funeral ever seen at the church.
Forest City - The D.H. Co. and the Hillside Coal and Iron Co. appealed to the commissioners for decrease in assessment on their coal properties. The assessment on their coal properties is much lower than in Lackawanna, and has been fixed on basis of $150 to the foot acre. They ask for the Luzerne assessment rate of about $62. The companies have been assessed but little in the past and the raise is more keenly felt. The matter is being held under advisement.
Lawton - Atty. F. A. Davies and John Rosche drove here on Wednesday, where Mr. Davies was called on legal matters. They report that roads were in very bad condition. Near the Truesdell farm in Rush, the water had overflowed the banks of the creek, and for about 300 feet they passed through water several feet deep in places, coming into the cutter so that they had to stand on the seat to keep from getting wet. While they were making the ford, a pair of bobs came along driven by a farmer, in which there was a dog. The current was so swift that it washed the dog out of the bobs and whirled it against a rail fence, where the animal clung until rescued. After such a thrilling experience, "Jack" says he will always have greater sympathy for the Eliza's of Uncle Tom's Cabin fame when they appear in the river of floating ice in Montrose's play houses.
Clifford - On account of an ice jam the lower part of town was flooded early Monday morning. The water did not get down so that danger of damage was not over until the afternoon, although several men worked all day to break the gorge and release the water.
Brooklyn - The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac VanAuken, to the number of about sixty, gathered at their home on Thursday last for the purpose of extending a friendly greeting and also to put that friendship into practical form by getting up a wood pile for their use. Charles Snyder brought his sawing machine and the ladies brought well filled baskets and served a bountiful dinner. No less than 20 cords of wood, all ready for use, was left at the door. The VanAuken's wish to thank their friends for the substantial aid rendered them.
Auburn Twp. - The funeral of Rev. J. J. Henry, which was held at Jersey Hill on Wednesday, was not largely attended owing to the bad roads. The men had to go ahead of the procession and shovel the snow banks.
Hopbottom - The Hopbottom National Bank will open for business Monday, March 7. Light refreshments will be served by the lady friends of the bank, and every one is cordially invited to call and have lunch and inspect the new institution.
Kingsley - Notice has been given to the employees of the Kingsley Chemical Co. that owing to the exhausted supply of wood the factory will close April 1. Whether it will be closed permanently remains to be seen.
South Gibson - Mrs. Addie Gillett has been engaged to teach school at the Columbian district again this year. Parents and children all seem well pleased. School will commence the first of May.
Springville - Stuart Riley says in his advertisement today, that you can get almost anything at his store, from chewing gum to an automobile. Mr. Riley has a large store, and the people here and in the vicinity may take Mr. Riley at his word, we believe. He buys eggs and butter, and has a very fine line of goods for his trade.
Herrick Center - Oscar Hugaboom has a bass horn with which he entertains the neighbors evenings.
Watrous' Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - For the first time our carrier, Homer Smith, failed to get through Monday, but he started to make the trip Tuesday, "backwards."
Compiled By: Betty Smith