Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 30 1905/2005
Heart Lake - There will be baptizing at Heart Lake, Sunday, July 2, 1905. Services 11 a.m., Rev. M. L. McKessic, B.D., of Wilkes-Barre. Baptizing by Rev. J. T. Thornton, B. D. of Pittston. All Baptist and other churches are invited. AND Wm. Brown has his cellar nearly completed for his new house. Eugene Whitney has the contract for the stone job.
Laurel Lake - The O'Day Brothers have joined the Empire baseball team, in Binghamton. This team will play in Forest City, July 4th.
Springville/Lenox/Montrose - The three highest honors won in Keuka College this year were won by Susquehanna county students, as follows: The Gates oratorical prize offered by Dr. L. M. Gates, of Scranton, for best oration, won by Carl Churchill, of Springville. The mathematical gold medal, offered by ex-County Superintendent Moxley, for best rank in mathematics during the freshman year, won by Clarence M. Snyder, of Lenox. The diploma giving degree of B. S., with honor, which is the highest honor given by the regents of the University of the State of New York, was received by Charles W. Finn, of Montrose. Prof. H. H. Larrabee, of Keuka College, who is known as the Susquehanna County professor, is justly proud of the county contingent.
Jackson - Prof. Walter Fish, of Springville, has been elected Principal of the Jackson Graded school and Miss Alice Griffis, of Jackson, as teacher of the primary department. F. S. Bingham will teach the North Jackson school, Mrs. A. D. Corse, Lake View, and Miss Nellie Tucker at Maple Ridge.
South Gibson - Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Howell are among the very few couples who ever have the privilege of living together threescore years. They recently celebrated their 64th anniversary of their marriage surrounded by their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
South New Milford - Walter A. Crossley and Miss Jennie Smith were married Wed., June 21. They went to New York and will visit other places of interest, being gone about two months and upon their return home will reside at Gibson. Mr. Crossley is boss at Crossley's Mills.
Brooklyn - F. B. Jewett has purchased the "city hall," which will be moved down on the corner by Watrous' and the Odd Fellows' Hall will be moved where the "city hall" now stands.
Birchardville - The new barn on the old Murphy homestead, belonging to John Murphy, of Kings Park, NY, was struck by lightning Sunday night, the 18th, and burned to the ground. It was full of hay belonging to Mr. Murphy, also all of Wm. Flynn's farm implements, including a new drop reaper, mowing machine, hay rake, new plows and other things too numerous to mention. The barn was built only two years and was a very large and up-to-date one and it is a great loss to Mr. Murphy, also to Mr. Flynn. The neighbors saw the fire but could not save anything. It was one mass of flames at once. It burned fiercely for almost two hours although rain fell in torrents.
Harford - The members of the Ladies Guild are doing their utmost to raise funds for the carrying out of needed improvements in connection with the Congregational church, including renovation of interior. An ice-cream social will be held on the lawn at the parsonage, on Saturday eve. It is expected the Band will play.
Hallstead -William Smith has lived in this vicinity nearly all of his life and remembers many of the personages who figured so largely in the early settlement of the town and neighboring districts. As a boy he remembers of seeing Joseph Smith, who afterwards became head of the sect known as the Mormons, who founded Salt Lake City in Utah. Mr. Smith remembers too, of seeing Emma Hale whom Joe Smith married, says she was often a visitor at his father's house and his recollection of her is that she was a very pretty girl. Mr. Smith's father, Jonas Smith, built the house once occupied by Joe Smith, which is still standing near Oakland, this side of Susquehanna. This is the house which the Mormons talk of purchasing and removing to Salt Lake City. Mr. Smith remembers also of seeing the painting on the rocks something over a mile up the river, which is now effaced, and that it was the picture of an Indian Chieftain in his canoe. Mr. Smith says that both the Indian and his canoe were quite plainly to be seen.
Montrose - Montrose Fire Co. No. 2 Golden Wedding. Among the causes that contributed to bring about the organization of this company was the big fire of Nov. 12, 1854, which started in the store of Bentley & Read, or the harness shop of O. Baldwin, that then stood as part of the frame row on Church street, where the brick block now stands, and burned its way to the corner of Main street, then down Main street to Mr. Neeley's, and on the opposite side to Mr. Turrell's house; also on Turnpike street as far as Mr. Baldwin's house. The loss was at least $100,000. At that time Rough & Ready, No. 1, was the only company in town and they promptly responded to the alarm and set their hand engine at a reservoir near Searle's Hotel [bottom, west side of Public Ave], but for some reason, not known to the writer, the engine failed to work, and the town was left to the mercy of the fire. This unfortunate circumstance caused an agitation to be started for another engine. The town council was appealed to in vain to order another; finally it became necessary to get the voice of 2/3rds of the legal voters to say they were willing to be taxed to pay for another engine. Montrose Fire Co. No. 2, met and adopted their constitution selected their officers on the 11th of July 1855. Among the charter members were, Elijah Mott, Henry Drinker, Wm. L. Post, Benj. S. Bentley, Albert Chamberlin, Wm. H. Boyd, Geo. V. Bentley, H. J. Webb, Wm. J. Mulford, J. P. W. Riley, A. E. Hawley, J. F. Dunmore, C. M. Gere, W. V. Hatch, D. C. Hendrick, Geo. Keeler, Wm. A. Crossman, A. J. Brewster, Henry Clemons, Isaac L. Post, S. M. Wilson, S. A. Woodruff, F. M. Williams and a few others. It is impossible to estimate the property saved by these brave firemen, but they have always responded promptly to the alarm and have sacrificed much in the discharge of their self-imposed duties.
Flynn - One young man went three nights in succession fully determined to ask his best girl to go to the fourth with him; the fourth night she asked him.
Compiled By: Betty Smith