Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 28 1918/2018
Hallstead – Several Montrose attorneys were over to Hallstead, Monday, to attend the trustee’s sale of personal property in the bankruptcy case of Deemer Bros. Co. The personal property consisting of glass cutting machines, cut glass, office furniture, etc., brought $900, approximately, the First National Bank of Hallstead and John E. Clune, who had claims, being the principal purchasers. Glass cutting machines, costing when new $12 to $15, were knocked down at $3 to $4. The real estate will be sold later.
Susquehanna – An auto bus line to Binghamton started last Tuesday, with headquarters here. The Star Co. under the management of Barney Denning, will put busses in service between the two cities: freight will also be carried and regular daily trips made. Beginning June 27th the round trip will be $1.49. A thirty passenger bus will later be put into service. ALSO Dr. W.H. Brandt has received notice from Gen. Gorgas that he will be called into actual service very soon. Dr. Brandt was given a commission as lieutenant almost a year ago and has been awaiting the call since. He is a member of the well-known dental firm of J.S. & W.H. Brandt.
Dimock – July 9th has been appointed as general Clean-up Day at Dimock Camp Grounds. All stockholders and others interested are requested to be there on that date, with tools, teams and lunch to put the grounds in proper shape for the annual meeting.
Clifford – Particulars concerning the death of William Jones could not be obtained. The young man was killed at an aviation camp in Florida on Saturday, but government officials have not yet given out information concerning the accident. The young man’s skull was fractured and his back broken, so it is supposed he met death in a fall. His body arrived at Elkdale on June 14th and the funeral services were held from the home of his father, David W. Jones. The flowers were many and beautiful. He was buried in the family plot in the Welsh Hill cemetery by the side of his mother. Services were in charge of the Sons of Veteran’s from South Gibson.
Montrose – Capt. C.N. Warner, an alumnus of West Point, attended his class reunion. His first visit was to make a call on a classmate, General Tully McCrea, retired, who during his academy years was George A. Custer’s roommate. During the time there he attended the conferring of the diplomas to the class of 1918. He visited the museum and saw many historic battle flags and a part of the staff from which flew the Stars and Stripes at Fort Sumpter. The last day of his stay was to have mess with the cadets. ALSO Miss Amelia Pickett, former librarian in Montrose and Wellsboro, has accepted a position at Painesdale, Michigan, where she will have charge of the Sarah Sargent Paine Library and three branch libraries.
Rush – Charles H. Davis is one of the best shoemakers in this section of the country and enjoys a large patronage. Many local people send their shoes by parcel post and are assured of quick repairs, excellent leather and workmanship, and reasonable prices.
Harford – Notices for bids for school [kid] wagons from Sweets, Harding and Reed schools are now being considered by the school board.
Springville – There will be a meeting in the basement of the M.E. church, when a demonstrator from the Home Economics department will give a practical demonstration of canning and how to use the various wheat substitutes. Every housewife in the township is expected to be present at this meeting, as it is planned by the Food Administration for your especial benefit. Hon. H.A. Denney, food administrator for the county, says: “After July 15th the strictest observance of the use of substitutes and sugar will be made. Until then we will allow the women to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the use of the substitutes. I want every woman in the county to attend these meetings.
Gibson – The 4th of July will be celebrated here with a parade at 3 o’clock. Several of the Red Cross societies of the surrounding towns will take part in the parade, and the following characters will be represented: A marshal, Washington and Lafayette, with their aides, mounted on ponies, carrying the flag; music, Joan of Arc, Red Cross girls singing “America,” Liberty, Betsy Ross, “Spirit of ’76,” Uncle Sam and John Bull, Canada, France, Italy, Greece, stretcher carried by four soldier boys, red Cross nurses, wounded soldiers, soldiers and sailors, service mothers, and service sisters, carrying flags. A community supper will be served in the M.E. church, with ice cream for sale. After supper an entertainment will be given for the benefit of the Ladies’ Aid and the Red Cross.
Forest City – J.J. Driscoll was at Garden City, NY, to see his brother who is a member of the aviation corps. Mr. Driscoll was greatly amazed at the preparations for embarkation of thousands of soldiers for somewhere in France. Many planes were soaring over the place, darting higher and thither, up and down and eagerly watched by soldiers and civilians. All was hustle in the camp, with recruits coming in and trained men leaving for action. We saw hundreds of soldiers in the rooms of the U.M.C.A. and the K. of C. Many were sending messages to loved ones at home before leaving.
Thompson – A gentleman’s pocketbook, containing money, was found somewhere between the watering trough and C.E. Leach’s blacksmith shop. Owner can have the same by calling on Mr. Leach. ALSO The graduates of Mansfield from this place were the Misses Edna Wright, Helen Clark and Doris Crosier.
Uniondale – John Zelinsky found a horse and buggy near his place in Herrick township on Monday morning. The horse was hardly able to travel as the result of hard driving and lack of feed. Mr. Zelinsky got in touch with J.P. Murray, of Forest City, who informed him that the horse belonged to Fowler & Williams, liverymen, of Carbondale. A man named Wayman had hired the horse on Sunday to take him home from Carbondale and a man named James A. Minor went along to drive the horse back. It seems that Minor came back to Carbondale and then drove to Crystal Lake, from thence to Thompson and then returned as far as Herrick Center, where he shipped his valises to Bainbridge, NY. He then turned the horse loose and jumped a north bound freight train. The police at Bainbridge were notified to look out for him, where he was arrested. The man had an honorable discharge from the Canadian army and claimed he had been severely wounded in the head while fighting the Huns.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, June 21, 1818.
*Died – In This village on Monday last in the third year of her age, Agnes Ann Post, daughter of Maj. Isaac Post.
*William Tellott, Dyer, (from London, England) Most respectfully informs the inhabitants of Susquehanna County that he intends Dying and Dressing Bombazetts, Cotton, Velvets, & whole pieces of silks, black and all other colors—ladies silk gowns and silk shawls, Bombazetts, and ribbons, dyed black, and all other colors; gentlemen’s coats, and pantaloons, dyed for mourning on the shortest notice—Cotton dyed light and dark blue, red, and all other colors—linnen and tow yarn dyed dark blue and warranted not to boil out—whole pieces of Silk ribbon dyed the most fashionable colors—woolen yarn dyed red, blue, green and all other colors—ladies bombazette gowns dyed black & all other colors to look as well as new—kerseymeres dyed to any pattern and dressed—silk, cotton and worsted stocking dyed black and other colors on the shortest notice. All orders directed to Wm. Tellott, Dyer or to Capt. Sweet, Harford, will be duly attended to. Reference can be given to the above by applying either to Mr. Kingsley, Clothier, or to Mr. Whitney, Clothier, Harford. Harford, June 10, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith