Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 22 1923/2023
Springville – Wanted—in Springville—a physician to settle permanently. In the summer, nearly every family having an automobile it is not so bad, but the winters, when all roads are blocked with snow drifts and trains irregular and miles from a doctor, it is not a pleasant prospect.
Hallstead – Our merchants will close their stores Wednesday afternoons during July and August, so that the proprietors and clerks may enjoy a half-holiday during the heated period. The Wednesday afternoon closing is becoming quite general and parties planning shopping tours to nearby towns should learn in advance whether or not stores are open on that afternoon. The Scranton postoffice is agitating the matter of closing Saturday afternoons, during the warm weather, giving clerks and carriers an opportunity to secure a little recreation.
Forest Lake – The following Camp Fire Girls occupied the E. J. Smith cottage at the lake last week: Misses Peggy Sayre, Helen Minkler, Virginia Avery, Rosetta Arnold and Cynthia Brewster. Miss Irene Pedrick chaperoned the party. ALSO T. F. Young, of Fair Hill, who was knocked down by an automobile, in Montrose, one day last week, was bruised quite badly.
Great Bend – The Great Bend borough building, used as a lockup and hose house for many years, has been sold by the borough to Hall & Nichols of that place for $526. ALSO The following graduates of the high school are spending the week in Washington: Carl Holcomb, Lloyd Foote, Manice Foote, Gladys Roosa, Norma Riley, Fred VanLoan, Nora Gifford, Robert Colwell, Bessie Hariman, Rena Brant, Stanley Foote, Fern Colwell, Joseph O’Neill. Mrs. Anna M. Holcomb is chaperoning the party.
Susquehanna – Early Tuesday morning two calves were stolen from a barn on the John Hilborn farm, Riverside drive, near this place. An attempt was made to take other calves in the barn, but it appears that the nerve of the robbers deserted them. The animals were tied with chains and these were taken with the animals. It is probable that parties with a truck perpetrated the robbery. These frequent robberies should warn people of rural districts to see that property, which can be carried off, is protected from such unscrupulous parties. Motor vehicles make it easier to perpetrate such robberies than ever before and it is well to “lock the barn before the horse is stolen.”
Montrose – On June 29 the D. A. R. will present the great Cosmopolitan picture, “When Knighthood was in Flower,” starring beautiful Marion Davies. The amount realized will be added to the fund for the Revolutionary Soldiers’ Bronze Memorial Tablet to be placed in the Court House. More than 3000 actors appear in one scene and the picture was filmed at a cost of over $1,200,000. The wedding dress alone, worn by Miss Davies when she, as Princess Mary Tudor, became the bride of old Louis X11, of France, cost $1,500 and is so heavily laden with gems it weighs 28 lbs. The book is on the high school required reading list.
Harford – Reginald E. Lewis, of Tiffany and Rachel W. Tingley, of New Milford, were united in marriage at the home of the pastor of the Congregational church, June 14, 1923. The groom is the son of Ernest Lewis, owner of the large poultry ranch on the Montrose Trail, with who he is in partnership. The bride is well known in Harford and New Milford and is the daughter of H. J. Tingley. She was prettily attired in grey silk Canton crepe and fox furs. Following the ceremony the couple left on an extended tour, by auto, through New Jersey.
Uniondale – Theron Dimmick returned from Greensburg, Pa., where he attended the state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Rushville – While milking on Saturday night, H. E. VanGilder had the misfortune to get kicked by a cow and is now nursing a broken nose. ALSO Theron Hitchcock is driving a new Baby Grand Chevrolet car.
Ararat – The people of this place are getting ready, with much enthusiasm, for Chautauqua, June 28th, 29th & 30th. Last year’s Chautauqua was most interesting and a real uplift to the community.
New Milford – Miss Marion Vail, who has been enjoying a short vacation at her home here, has returned to Mansfield to teach in the State Normal School for the summer. ALSO Ogden Moss purchased a new Hupmobile.
Dimock – Miss Rose Williams has gone to Kingsley where she has a good position in the hotel owned by Mr. Stearns, the father of her old teacher here. ALSO Dimock won the ball game from Springville, the undefeated team of the season, score standing 15-0. The Dimock team was in fine form and Proper and Benninger, as battery, were effectual at all times. Proper did splendid pitching from start to finish. The work of Decker on first base was superb, while second base was excellently covered by Sherman. Siply made a home run, but space does not permit proper mention of the feature hits. A good delegation was present from Rush to witness the game.
Forest City – On June 12 about 100 children, pupils of the Forest City schools, took the Toxin-Anti-toxin treatment. June 20 they took the second treatment and Tuesday morning, June 26, at 9 a.m., they will be given the third treatment. ALSO On June 15, six days before the longest day of the year, we had a frost. No damage was done, however.
News Briefs: The state highways are to be patrolled by motorcycle police and parties exceeding the speed limits or violating the road laws will be arrested. The Lackawanna Trail is to be given special attention. It is hoped in this way to avoid some of the entirely unnecessary accidents. ALSO The following roads are to be added to the state highway system: Route 468—extending from LeRaysville, Bradford county, to Little Meadows. Route No. 474—extending from Jackson to New Milford. This is one of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the county. It serves a populous agricultural section and is the natural outlet for people in the eastern part of the county to the Lackawanna Trail and the count y seat. ALSO The Susquehanna County Dairy judging team made an excellent showing at State Collage. Out of a class of 26 county teams competing, the Susquehanna lads were second. The team from this county consisted of Ceylon Ely of the Brooklyn Vocational school and John Karveller and Elwyn King of the Harford Vocational school. City National bank of Susquehanna donated the expenses of the boys while attending the contest.
Compiled By: Betty Smith