Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Thursday November 28th, to observe Thanskgiving!
June 22 1900/2000
Montrose - Welsh Bros‚ circus, which showed here last week, was liberally patronized and was voted "a good show for the money."
Susquehanna - Miller Wright, son of Hon. C. F. Wright , and two young companions, had a narrow escape from serious injury by a powder explosion last week. Miller and the other two boys procured one-half pound of gun powder and proceeded to celebrate the nomination of McKinley and Roosevelt. They loaded a small cannon and in lighting the fuse the powder in a bottle held by one of the boys, Earl Muzzy, was ignited and instantly exploded. Muzzy was badly burned and lacerated about the face and hands but his injuries were not dangerous. The other boys were only slightly burned.
Harford - The poems of Miss Sarah Jones have been published in book form and are on sale at W. H. Turrell's, Montrose, at 50 cents a copy. The book is nicely gotten up and contains a good picture of Miss Jones. The biographical sketch and editorial work is by Prof. W. L. Thacher. The poems have real merit in themselves and will be of genuine interest to all lovers of poetry aside from those who knew and prized the rare woman who wrote them. Brooklyn people can find them at S. B. Eldridge's.
Lynn - George Conrad has a large number of hives of bees and this year is making more of a specialty than ever of honey producing.
New Milford - It should now be called Greater New Milford, she has extended her limits so as to take in Nicholson, at least a considerable number of the members of the New Milford ball club that came here to play the other day resided at Nicholson.
Heart Lake - The letter carriers of Scranton are coming to Heart Lake on an excursion July 4. They are talking of bringing a thousand people. And with the large number of other people who will spend the fourth there, Heart Lake will indeed be a lively place.
Gibson - On the Fourth of July will be a celebration in Gibson with all accompanying pleasures of the day. There will be a street parade at ten o'clock and a speech by F. I. Lott, Esq., of Montrose, at 11. The dinner will be served at Grange Hall for 25 cents. A substantial supper will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock, you can then remain to the dime concert at 7 o'clock. In this local talent will be assisted by Mrs. E. M. Tiffany, of Hopbottom, Mrs. W. Jeffers, of Lenox, and Miss Maud Waldie of Brooklyn.
Lathrop - A correspondent says Lathrop township has taken a long stride forward in the matter of educational enlightment. The newly organized school board has voted that there shall be no more "boarding around" ordeal for the teachers, and the salary of $25 per month, which they will pay, is a little in advance of other districts in this vicinity. The antiquated practices and inadequate salaries of Northeastern Pennsylvania are a disgrace to the state and serves to send energetic and wide-awake teachers into more appreciative fields for their work. We are glad to notice that Lathrop is coming out of its Rip Van Winkle state.
Glenwood - J. B. Swartz, Esq., while hoeing potatoes in his garden, unearthed a curiosity in the shape of a petrified head, pronounced by all who have seen it to be the head of a human being of the Indian type, small head and high cheek bones. The formation is very peculiar, alternate flesh colored and white; and it wasn't a very good day for hoeing either.
Thomson - According to the law the stone should be taken out of the roads every month.
Uniondale - The Erie R.R. is putting in a new switch and will move the water tank down below town, thus giving a better chance for crossing and doing away with much disagreeable noise in town. AND: Burglars were again on a raid a few nights ago entering the kitchens of Mrs. E. Westgate and B. Mapes, taking provisions, etc.
Rush - David Godwin found two monster strawberries in his patch that measured 5x7" and 4x7" in circumference.
Great Bend - Arrangements are going forward for the building of a two-story school house by the School Board of Gt. Bend township for the scholars now attending the Ives district school, and those pupils who have been sent to Hallstead for instruction. It is intended to maintain a superior school with not less than two teachers in a modern school house in the neighborhood of the silk mill. This advance step has grown out of the recent selection as school director of Scott Ives, and will be heartily endorsed by the property owners and residents of the West End.
Brandt - Miss Martha Peck, of Brandt, who recently graduated at the Mansfield State Normal School, will accept the principalship of the Brandt School.
Susquehanna - The Elmira "Telegram‚s" statement that Tommy O'Gara, Susquehanna's crack pitcher, had signed with the Oriels of the Binghamton City League, is foundationless. AND - Thomas Finnerty, an aged resident of West Susquehanna, was on Friday seriously injured by being struck by the locomotive of the "Monitor" in that place. He was thrown 20 ft. He is recovering.
Lawsville - Spencer Luce has taken the contract to furnish the town of Liberty with seven new woodsheds for school purposes.
Lanesboro - The "menagerie" at Riverside Park has been increased by the addition of a boa constrictor, 8 ft. long. The reptile was brought from South Africa by Rev. Hunter Reed–a returned missionary from that country.
Jersey Hill - J. C. Rifenbury had a freak in the shape of a turkey hatch; it had two wings, two feet, and two separate necks and heads attached to the same body.
Ararat - The lumber for the store of Orvill Potter has arrived and the work is being pushed as fast as possible.
East Lenox - James Archibald, thinking that he wanted a new buggy, went to South Gibson and purchased one of John Pritchard. All right, Jim, you need it.
Rushville - While swimming the other day, Fred Clink caught a carp which weighed six pounds and was 22 inches long.
Forest City - The salary of the postmaster has been increased from $1,300 to $1,400.
Compiled By: Betty Smith