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June 18 1909/2009

Herrick Center - Our genial and enterprising merchant, A. D. Barnes, has bought a fine jersey cow and promised to take eight fresh air children. He is now looking for a housekeeper, one who has had experience at teaching preferred.

Harford - Miss Esther Osborn, who was accidentally shot through the foot, is getting along nicely, although she will not be able to use her foot for some days.

Elk Lake - The stone wall around the Young cemetery is badly in need of repair. Those interested in the cemetery are endeavoring to raise a fund to relay the wall. Those wishing to contribute to the fund may communicate with E. E. Stevens.

Forest Lake - A musical treat in store for the people of Forest City is a recital on the new pipe organ just installed in St. Anthony's church.

Heart Lake - What might have been a severe accident occurred to Edward Little yesterday when he shot himself in the arm. Edward and his father, Judge Little, were in the woods hunting and treed a raccoon. The Judge stayed on the ground to catch the 'coon when he came out and Edward went up the tree with a revolver to shoot it or drive him down. While sitting on a limb the 'coon stuck his head out of the hole, which startled Edward and he lost his balance and fell to the ground, shooting himself through the fleshy part of the left arm. They immediately started for Montrose, just having time to catch the train and had the wounds dressed by Dr. Wilson.

Hallstead - Burglars operating near Hallstead ransacked the homes of Miles and Clayton Bennett last Saturday. They secured about $50 in cash, a Remington rifle, shotgun and coat and lugged off a couple of pigs. Sufficient information was gathered and Constable Elmer Decker drove to Kingsley and at the Warner home, two miles from that place, they recovered the pigs and the guns. A young daughter was the only occupant of the house, who stated that her parents were away. A man by the name of F. E. Foote, claiming Corning as his home, was found in the cellar drinking cider. He was arrested and continuing the search the guns were found between the mattress of a bed and the stolen pigs in a sty near the house. Foote was taken to the Hallstead lockup. The men, carrying off their plunder, had boarded a Lackawanna freight, turning an angle cock on the air brake and stopping the train suddenly between Foster and Kingsley, where they jumped off. Warner was soon captured and both men were brought to Montrose and placed in jail.

Montrose - The Hallstead nine defeated the Montrose Athletics in a game here Wednesday afternoon, the score being 12 to 5. The local team needs practice. Outside the errors there were no features. ALSO A conference will be held at Scranton today between a committee from the town council and the officials of the Consumers' Water Co., which furnishes the town with water. The object is to secure better quality water, a vegetable growth in the lake having for years, at times, caused a nauseating taste that is most unpleasant. The committee proposes three options: a filtering plant, drive artesian wells or build a concrete dam around the large lake springs, shutting out the other water of the lake in which there is vegetable growth.

Brooklyn - Brooklyn people are still strongly talking of running a spur of the Lackawanna railroad to their town, connecting with the main line at Foster [Hop Bottom]. The promoters have been negotiating with owners of property, through which the railroad would have to pass, for the right of way, and as the project is being thoroughly agitated and meets with general approval, it would not be surprising to see the branch road within a comparatively short time a reality,

Rush and Auburn - The party of engineers surveying a route between Nichols, NY and Nicholson for the D.L. & W railroad, are now in the townships of Rush and Auburn. In conversation with members of the party, they state that especially heavy grade is encountered near Neath, Bradford county, and they fear that the expense will be so great that it is doubtful if the road is ever put through. As it will shorten the line some thirty-three miles, the officials may think it is money saved to make the cut off.

Lynn - Walter Button and Glen Davis are the two busiest boys we have in this section. They are the joint helpers of Clarence Taylor in the milk station, and often have to arise at 3 a.m. and handle the large consignment of milk that comes in daily to their station.

Oakley - On Saturday, June 5, Charles Stevens, of this place, was the victim of a serious accident. While coming from the pasture with his cows at milking time he found it necessary in crossing a creek to walk the stringer of an abandoned bridge, which broke, letting him fall into the water, and the timber falling on his leg broke one bone between the knee and ankle in two places, besides splintering the bone. Dr. A. J. Taylor was called and with the help of a neighbor reduced the fracture. Mr. Stevens is 68 years of age and in feeble health.

East Dimock - James W. Bunnell is very busy moving buildings these days.

Susquehanna - Mrs. Julia Carrington has been elected state president of the Women's Relief Corps this action was taken at the state encampment at Gettysburg last week. Twelve years ago Susquehanna county was similarly honored, when Mrs. Watson Boyden of that place, was elected president.

Fairdale - A great "Fourth of July" celebration will be held on July 3, to which both young and old are invited to come. A full program has been announced by the committee in charge, and a day of sport is assured. At 10 a.m., a fine fantastic parade will begin the doings of the day, to be followed a half hour later by the crossing of bats between the Fairdale nine and fats and leans. At noon dinner will be served by the Ladies' Aid Society. Races will be a principal afternoon attraction and at 3 o'clock the East Lemon Athletics will wage war and engage in a game against the ferocious Fairdale Tigers. The Silvera Band will play all day.

Clifford - Glenn Bennett, a student at Clark University Worcester, Mass., is home for summer vacation.

Lawsville - Mrs. E. D. Northrup will serve ice cream at her store every Wednesday afternoon and evening and Saturday afternoon and evening during the summer.

Watrous Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - This place was treated to a show last Saturday. It did not stop to pitch its tent, but moved slowly on. It was in the form of a large band of gypsies. Their business of fortune telling was slow, people not caring for the knowledge that they could impart. Their destination was Stone Bridge.

News Brief - To bring the coffin containing the body of William Penn, who now reposes in a practically abandoned cemetery in Buckinghamshire, England, to this country and have it interred on the banks of the Delaware river, is the object of a movement just launched in congress. ALSO The Jermyn borough council has passed an ordinance prohibiting the wearing of bells by cows after 10 o'clock at night. Numerous cows roaming the streets during the nocturnal hours make it impossible for residents to sleep, hence the wise provision by the borough fathers to maintain peace in the community.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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