Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 17 1921/2021
Montrose – Two prisoners escaped from the Montrose jail yesterday afternoon by scaling the high wall in the jail yard. One was soon captured and is again in safe keeping. The name of the prisoners getting away are Lawrence Scrum, charged with forgery, age around 17, from Susquehanna. The other prisoner was Arthur H. Blang, charged with breaking and entering the store of W. A. Wheeler on May 30, and also suspected of complicity in a murder committed at Elmhurst. Blang was captured in the woods west of town on the Frink farm, during the afternoon by Chas. B. Dayton and Matthew Rafferty, who brought him back to jail. He was seen climbing a tree by two small boys and was found secreted in the branches. Scrum was believed to have lingered in this vicinity during the afternoon, when he secured passage by automobile to Hallstead, a tower man suspecting him from the description sent out. The young man’s mother phoned the sheriff’s office and said that he was at an uncle’s home near Susquehanna and that he would remain there until officers came for him. Sheriff Darrow was in Williamsport on business, but it was quite unthinkable that the high stone wall, with its sheer perpendicular of about 20 feet, could be scaled, and although Mrs. Darrow kept watch of the yard at intervals, they waited for the right time and made the difficult ascent and dropped off. ALSO H. A. Patrick has purchased the D. V. Gardner building on Public Avenue and will move his pool rooms and bowling alleys to that location as soon as some alterations and additions can be made to the building.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. – Christine Lowe Carter departed this life on May 21, 1921. She was born Dec. 15, 1833 in Essex county, New Jersey, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Lowe, being the last of a family of five children. In 1856 she married Royal Carter, who passed away in 1875. The union was a happy one, she being a help mate in the full meaning of the word to her husband. She always did her duty cheerfully, not striving for worldly praise, but aiming only to live a life of usefulness. To them were born six children. In the passing of Mrs. Carter, the link that binds the past and present is broken, for she is the last one of the circle of those who made up the neighborhood in those early years. At her funeral she was gently carried by her grandsons and laid to rest in the Retta cemetery by the side of her husband.
Elk Lake – Miss Julia Arnold, a trained nurse from New York city, is spending a few weeks with relatives in this place.
Gibson – N. H. Wilmarth had a hive of bees swarm in the chimney of his house and settled in the sitting room stove. After a few days they became dissatisfied with their new home and returned to the hive.
Harford – The funeral of Pvt. Archie Button, Co. D, 304th Engineers, was held at the Kingsley M. E. church. Interment was made in the village cemetery with full military honors. ALSO Our main street is undergoing extensive improvements with buildings being painting by Mr. Hart and Mr. Gunn. Mr. Sturdevant, who has recently moved to Harford, from Corning, is busy doing paper hanging, and then we have a fine state road between Harford and Kingsley, which is in fine condition. Mrs. Oliver comes through often with fresh buttermilk and the best of cottage cheese. Fresh meat is delivered at our doors nearly every day and with fruit peddlers and clothing salesmen we have our wants easily supplied. Who says we are behind the times?
Uniondale – Jerome Curtis, a lifelong resident of this place, died June 12, at the home of his son Benjamin, of Factoryville, at age 82. Mr. Curtis was a veteran of the Civil War, serving as a member of Co. M, 17th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. There are but two of the company now remaining. Five of the pall bearers were veterans of the Civil War, namely Theron Dimmick, Morris and Richard Davis, F. Z. Carpenter and W. E. Gibson. The sixth, M. O. Rounds, a life-long neighbor.
Forest City – Complaint is made that too many cows travel within the borough without escorts, causing much inconvenience to the public. ALSO E. B. Martin, of Arena, NY, recently visited his brother, George Martin, of this place. On his return home he missed the train at East Branch. Being in a hurry he walked to his home, a distance of 31 miles. The feat was a remarkable one owing to the fact that Mr. Martin is 83 years of age.
Jackson Twp. – J. [Jesse] Morse of Lake View, is the largest grower of potatoes in the township. He will have sixteen acres under cultivation.
South Gibson – Dewey Carpenter is the new mail carrier on the South Gibson-Susquehanna Star Route. He has purchased a new motor truck for the route and will be prepared to care for freight and passenger service.
Franklin Forks – Miss Jennie Stevens, of Williams Pond, was dressmaking for Mrs. C.J. Peck and also for Mrs. Charles Palmer, last week.
Susquehanna – The class of the high school this year consisted of eleven members: Margaret Jones, first honors; Helen Jones, second; Harry Singleton, third. The other graduates are: Helen R. Hines, Helen L. Hinkley, Norma H. Barnes, Marie E. Bowell, Marion L. Bisbee, Bernice R. Potter, Gladys I. Morgan and Harold A. Craft.
Forest Lake – Jas. Babcock and wife, of Tacoma, Washington, are visiting relatives and friends here. It has been twenty-five years since they left here. ALSO Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawley, a ten pound son, William Lewis.
Birchardville – B. H. Devine, the well-known and popular blacksmith, says he has no intention of leaving Birchardville at this time. A good blacksmith is a valuable asset in any community nowadays and practically no young men are learning the blacksmith trade, evidently preferring lighter and pleasanter work, and the shortage of competent blacksmiths, which will be more and more acute as time goes by, is a really serious matter for the farmer and others using horses.
Hop Bottom – Harold Roberts, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roberts, was badly hurt while playing at the mill pond. Several young bathers, tired of aquatic sport, climbed an old telephone pole, which gave way and plunged the boys into shallow water. Harold struck the rock bottom and was rendered unconscious. Medical aid was summoned and after several days of rest, he is again at play.
Compiled By: Betty Smith