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June 17 1910/2010

Montrose - In a letter from H.W. Beach, of Chicago and formerly of Montrose, calling our attention to a recent article in the Scientific American which gives Clarence A. Dawley, formerly of Montrose and a graduate of the High School, much credit for a gasoline engine of his invention. That periodical, by means of numerous diagrams and explanations, gives a good idea of the wonderful engine Mr. Dawley has attained and believes it has great possibilities in the way of increasing power and decreasing cost in operation. Clarence is the son of S. A. Dawley, of Montrose, and has exhibited, since early boyhood, a knowledge of mechanics amounting almost to genius and those who know his ability along a mechanical line feel confident of his ultimate success. ALSO Some miscreant poisoned a valuable dog owned by Miss Anna Pache, Monday night. The dog, which had a gold tooth, formerly belonged to Dr. Fred Birchard.

Heart Lake - All who desire to enter the marathon race, or any of the other races, July 4th, are requested to send their name and address to Frank T. Mack, Heart Lake, PA, at the earliest moment possible.

Dimock - Raymond Daley, the 8 year old Dimock boy who was shot by his brother while hunting woodchucks on June 2, died in the Sayre hospital from lockjaw Monday night. He appeared to be improving  after his admission to the hospital but lockjaw developing brought about his speedy death. The body was brought over the Lehigh Valley Tuesday morning, the sorrowing mother and brother accompanying the remains.

Lakeside - Ray Williams and Harry Page, students at Cornell University, after spending a few days with their parents, left monday for Topeka, Kansas, where they have work.

Bennett Corners, Lenox - Charles Conrad, one of our enterprising farmers, has one of the finest flocks of young chickens we have seen this year. They are the white leghorn breed and there are 400 in one flock.

Susquehanna - Sunday afternoon the lunch wagon at the corner of West Main and Front streets was completely destroyed by fire. ALSO During the past few months great activity has been manifested by the master mechanics and working forces of the various shops maintained by the Erie railroad, in a friendly competition in rapid locomotive repairing. These competitions have demonstrated that repairs can be accomplished in much less time than ordinarily, without in any way slighting the work. If has also created great enthusiasm at the shops and stirred local pride in an unusual degree. The Susquehanna shops, in the record competition, turned out an engine in the remarkable time of 14 hours, 34 minutes, thereby beating all previous records.

Forest City - John Williams will soon launch into the real moving picture show business. His home town, Forest City, will not even see the "first night" performance as it will be given elsewhere. Mr. Williams has purchased two teams and two large vans and will carry three tents, a piano and other accessories. The show tent will be 24 x 50 and seat 240 persons. Two night stands will be played.

Oakland - Darwin Carnegie disappeared about May 10 and has not been seen or heard of since. Until his disappearance he had been employed as a switchman in the Erie yards at Susquehanna. A wife and five children are dependent upon him for support. His wife fears foul play, or that he had been killed in a railroad accident. Carnegie's age is 38 years, weight 140 lbs, height 5' 5", had broken front tooth in upper jaw. When last seen he wore a blue shirt, black derby, blue tie, blue coat and stripped trousers.

Great Bend - Andrew Stephens has accepted a position in the Buffalo steel plant and left for that place Monday night.

Clifford - Silas Aldrich, our former Nicholson stage driver and mail carrier, has sold out to Wallace McAlla, his entire stage property and stage business, and has applied for a position on the street car line in Scranton. He moved his family into the Utley house near Nicholson. Mr. McAlla, our present stage driver and mail carrier, has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Aldrich.

Uniondale - Isacc Curtis and niece, Della Sherwood, Sam Lowrey and son, M. D. Daniels and wife, were down to Scranton last week to see the elephant. They say that the show was well worth the price.

Lynn, Springville - The scribe from this place called on his old friend, Wm M. Teel, of East Lynn, one day last week and was very much surprised to see how nice and cozy Will has fixed up his residence. Furnace in cellar, which gives steam all through his house, nicely finished wood work to the interior and the best of all one of the nicest and most entertaining companions, his better half, who no doubt Will picked out of a thousand, and then he has two autos with which he offered to take me out around the farm, but not being one that wanted to hinder anyone about their work this catchy weather, I declined. Oh yes, I almost forgot to say that Will is a pretty good sort of follow all around as everbody knows.

Gelatt - Ice cream and cake were served after grange Saturday night. Those who do not attend regular do not know what they are missing.

Friendsville - Carmalt Morris, a former well-known Friendsville boy, has been in town visiting his sisters at 'Restmore' on South Main Street in Montrose. He has been living in New Brunswick for several years but is now removing his family to Virginia on account of his health and where his business now takes him. He had a herd of ponies at Friendsville at one time.

Hop Bottom - Mr. Johnson of this place lost a valuable cow recently. It was thought that the animal had tuberculosis but on examination a wire was found imbedded in the animals heart. 

News Brief - The "North Pole Hat" is the new thing this fall in women's headgear. We haven't seen it yet, but we presume it will look like an inverted ice cream cone with a few cookies on top.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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