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June 12 1896/1996

Birchardville - The Baptist Church at Birchardville is doomed, as it has been decreed that it shall be torn down and a new one erected in its place. All the lumber that is good in the old church will be used in the new one. It is 59 years this summer since it was built. Most of those that were active in building it are sleeping in the cemetery near it. Elder William Brand preached the first sermon. Elder W.C. Tildon preached last Sunday, the last sermon we expect will be preached there. A number living will remember how a heavy pike pole, used to lift the heavy timbers, fell and struck Asa Bixby on the head, throwing him senseless to the ground. He lived a good many years, but never fully recovered from the injury. Mrs. Harriet Hawes heard the first and last sermon. Her father, John W. White, sawed a good deal of the lumber used in building the church, in a mill that stood where Myron Bradshaw's mill now stands. H.F. Handrick, who died five years ago, was chorister there for a great many years.

Susquehanna - The old bakery building and the first National Bank building have been razed to make room for the new bank building to be erected by the shareholders of the First National bank. The bakery building was an old landmark erected some half a century ago when Susquehanna was almost a "howling wilderness."

South Gibson - The 4th annual reunion of the Brundage family, descendants of John Brundage, senior, will be held on the Fairgrounds in Harford, August 13th. Look out for particulars in four weeks.

Forest City- Superintendent of schools Moxley left Hallstead for Forest City on Monday morning to hold teacher's examinations on that day. On Tuesday he will he at Herrick.

Montrose - Some time during the summer the very Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban will visit his Catholic Church at this place and administer the sacrament of confirmation to a class. The Catholic cemetery will be consecrated by the Bishop at the same time. AND After enjoying a spin about town for a short time a number of the cyclists of the town assembled in YMCA Hall and organized a bicycle club. The officers chosen are: President H.W. Beach; Vice Pros., Miss Stella Lyons; Treasurer, Miss Ethel Pope; Sec'y J.E. Barney; Captain, W.S. Maxey; 1st Lt., S.J. Jenckes; 2nd Lt., Miss Mame Taylor; Standard Bearers. Ray Cruser and Rob't Raynesford.

Rush - Mrs. Rebecca Hickok, of Rush, made her eldest son, Clifton, a unique birthday gill on his coming of age a large United States flag made by her own hands.

Friendsville - Willis Treadwell is driving the Binghamton stage, which we understand will go the way of St. Josephs, hereafter.

Auburn - That large noble dog, Carlo, of Ed Loomis, committed suicide one day last week by drowning himself. Blanche has our sympathy.

Dimock - The Dimock Camp Meeting association now owns its grounds, and has erected necessary buildings to properly equip the grounds. It is to recoup itself and have their meetings completely in hand. The wire fence has been built and the admission fee of ten-cents for a season ticket to the grounds is to be charged.

Forest Lake - Recently, while L. Shelp was bringing up his cows, one of the yearlings pitched at him, a lively tussle ensued, but Mr. S. got the better of him and made him get into the barn. He thought he would get rid of the pesky thing, so he went straight over to A.D. Lincoln's and sold him for five dollars.

Ararat - Dr. A.L. Craft effected the successful removal of a tape worm from the person of Mrs. James Tinklepaugh this week, which measured 29 feet in length.

Lenoxville- Clifford boys crossed bats with Prairie Chickens of Benton, Saturday, 7th. The Chickens came out victorious, 16 to 12.

Hop Bottom- Loomis Lake has been sold to parties who intend to make a summer resort of it.

Clifford - The road from Clifford to Carbondale is very rough and in bad condition. The loose stones ought to be thrown out at once, if nothing more.

Lymanville - Miss Cora Vanover closed a very successful term of school at this place on Friday of last week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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