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June 11 1915/2015

The 54th Anniversary of Co. H., 4th Pennsylvania Reserves will be celebrated by the surviving members of the company, namely, Lieut. James P. Gay, Sergt. M. H. VanScoten, Calvin S. Gay, of Sayre and W. K. Trippler, of Brooklyn, NY, on Monday, June 14.  Dinner will be served at the Tarbell House (Montrose). Since the celebration of the 50th anniversary of this company, four other surviving members, Roger Searle, Charles Kenyon, George Woodruff and Capt. A. T. Sweet, have passed to the Great Beyond.

Dairymen Pay $10,000 for Bull: King Pontiac Alcarta Pletje, a prize 2 year old bull, said to be the best ever bred, was purchased by a combination of four breeders, one of whom is E. L. Rose, of Binghamton, and the other three residents of this county, at a sale held Wednesday on the Waverly farm of Dr. D. B. Dalton, of Dalton, PA. Associated with Mr. Rose in the purchase of the bull was A. E. Robinson, of Montrose, George E. Paige, of Gelatt and H. S. Brown, of Thompson. The animal, undoubtedly, will be placed at Mr. Rose’s farm at Silver Lake.

Auburn Twp.  – Aaron Bump, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in West Auburn on Monday.  The funeral was held yesterday. (Enlisted in Co. A, 151st Regiment, PA Volunteers and later in Co. C, 203rd Regiment, PA Volunteers.) In Pleasant Valley congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reimel over the arrival of a little daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, born June 2. At Auburn Four Corners it is reported that the government will abolish the postoffice on July 1, putting the place on an R. D. route.

Montrose – Joseph H. Williams has received an invitation to attend the 275th anniversary of the founding of the town of Southampton, L. I., also the celebration of the same event in the establishment of the First Presbyterian church of that place. The town’s celebration will occur tomorrow and the church will celebrate on Sunday. The old Sayre homestead, occupied by the ancestors of the local Sayre family, was one of the oldest buildings in that place and only within a few years was in a fair state of preservation, but has been torn down. [Mr. Williams died several months later, on Oct. 20, 1915, age74.] ALSO The citizens of Montrose voted, at a special election, to pave two miles of streets and for construction of a sewage disposal plant.  The vote was 372 to 17.

Hallstead – Hallstead suffered another bad fire Wednesday morning in which two buildings were totally destroyed and the loss is estimated at about $6000.  About 3:25 a.m. flames were discovered issuing from the confectionery and cigar store of John Farr, on Franklin street, adjoining the Y.M.C.A. building. The latter building also caught fire and, together with the store building, was soon totally destroyed. Hoffman and Ross, of the Blue Stone Co. owned the Y.M.C.A. building and the store occupied by Mr. Farr was owned by James Gillespie. There is partial insurance coverage on both buildings and it is not known how the fire started.

Little Meadows – James Hickey, of Warren Centre, died on Sunday, May 30, 1915, at the age of 64 years. Funeral from St. Luke’s church June 1 with Father Lynch of this place officiating. [The Hickey’s were early settlers of Friendsville, Middletown and Choconut Townships.]

Jackson – Geo. Leonard has purchased a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle with side car attachment. ALSO Jackson is planning to have an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration with a Brass Band and Flying machine.  The program will be announced later.

Susquehanna – Carl Buckley has graduated from the law department of Fordham University. ALSO M. J. McCarthy, division supt. of the B. & O. railroad, at Cincinnati, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. D. F. O’Connell.

Herrick Center – Mrs. Smith, wife of John Smith, manager of the Forest City poor farm, died Friday last. Funeral services at the house Monday morning and the body was taken to Roscoe, NY for burial.

Harford – Harley Smith, a superintendent at the extensive Walker-Gordon farms, at Plainsboro, NJ, is paying is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, a visit. Mr. Smith spent his boyhood days in Harford, and always cherishes an interest in old Susquehanna county. The Walker-Gordon dairies consist of upwards of 1000 head of cattle and supplies certified milk to a select trade in New York and Brooklyn. Several from Susquehanna county are living at Plainsboro, assisting at these big farms. [Henry Jeffers, of Harford, married to Anna Adams in 1898, became president of Walker-Gordon in 1918 and purchased the farm in 1944. A graduate of Cornell, his inventions did much to further dairy production. By 1945, Walker-Gordon had grown to be the world’s largest Certified Milk Farm.]

Clifford – A remarkable series of revival services, conducted by Rev. Ross, of Addison NY, in Lenoxville, closed last week with conversions numbering over 120. A large number united with the M. E. church on probation. The talented preacher has now commenced meetings in Hop Bottom and, according to present arrangements, will come to Clifford ion September.

Lynn – There is much need of a traffic officer here as it is almost dangerous to cross the streets, some days, where the autos run through the place faster than the speed limit.

Lanesboro – Patrick Joyce, who will be well remembered in Susquehanna county, having been convicted of robbing a store in Lanesboro and sentenced to a term in the Eastern Penitentiary, but later released, by a pardon, is again in trouble. Joyce, after receiving his pardon about a month ago, immediately returned to Canavan’s Island, near Susquehanna [well-known for harboring thieves, etc., in the 19th and early 20th century] and has since been hanging around Lanesboro. He visited the Buckley store, which he robbed two years ago, and when asked by Mr. Buckley if he was not Pat Joyce, said “no he was his brother.” Joyce is fine looking, good natured and very pleasant and makes friends easily.  While in the penitentiary he worked at his trade, that of a barber, earning $18 a month and was very popular with the keepers.  The Binghamton Press, Tuesday, contained the following:  Confronted with Bertillion measurements and his photograph made before he was sent to the penitentiary in 1912, Patrick Joyce, alias “Whitey” arrested singlehanded at 3 o’clock this morning on Lewis street by Patrolman Jeremiah Donahue.  He confessed to the police this morning that he is a yeggman known in a dozen states.  When caught he was equipped with every implement necessary in the blowing of a safe and it is believed that he intended to pull a big job in this city. In his pocket was a pint bottle of nitroglycerine and at his belt was a loaded 44 caliber revolver. He refuses to admit that he is an accomplice of “Tennessee Red,” “Shorty,” Black and Johnny Quinn, the yeggs who were arrested in a raid on the house, 116 Washington street, last Friday. Joyce maintains that he is being set up and is innocent. He sassed Judge Little, after receiving a sentence in the Susquehanna county courts, two or three years ago, saying, “Judge, why didn’t you make it for life?”, whereupon Judge Little immediately doubled his term.

News Brief:  A miner at Carbondale broke into an old mine chamber of the D. & H. colliery and found the skeleton of a miner, who was lost by a cave-in, nearly 70 years ago. It was in a sitting position against the face of the coal measures and still wore miner’s shoes. Around the chamber were the bones of a number of other men. It was determined by investigating the mine records that the bones were those of the eight men who were entombed by a fall of rock in the old drift, Jan. 12, 1846.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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