Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 06 1902/2002
News Brief - A little after 11 o'clock on Thursday night, May 30th, an alarm of fire was sounded-flames were seen in the rear part of the Montrose Democrat's office. The firemen responded quickly. The fire was burning fiercely just inside the north side of the building. From there it spread with great rapidity to all parts of the rear portion. But after the firemen really got to work at it, after holes had been cut in roof and floors, and No. 2 got to pouring on floods of water, and Rough & Ready firing their chemicals into the building, the fire soon began to weaken and a little later quit business. The origin of the fire is not fully known. The night was a still one, which was fortunate. Had it been one of those windy nights, preceding, no one can say what damage might have been wrought in that part of town and down towards the Baptist church. [The Democrat was back in business, having ordered new type and cases, and having the paper printed at the Independent Republican building, where Messrs. Taylor and Ainey kindly made room for them.]
Forest City - In anticipation of [strike] trouble the Erie Company's property has been enclosed with an eight-foot barbed wire fence and will be guarded by a large force of Coal and Iron police, sworn in by the officers of Susquehanna county.
West Lenox - The memorial exercises at West Lenox Baptist church, commonly known as "Tower" church, were a pleasant surprise. The Glenwood G.A.R. attended, as did the Cameron Corners Sons of Veterans. After everyone enjoyed a sumptuous repast, everyone adjourned to the church. The address by Rev. Austin, of Hopbottom, was pronounced to be very superior. One gray-headed man said that this is the first time I ever heard a minister talk on the civil war who understood the subject. AND Willis Birtch, who is helping Walter Tingley at present, says there must be great power in the east wind. The other night when the wind was in the east, the milk in one of his cans was compressed at least two inches, leaving the line where it stood at night plainly marked, thus the only inference was the east wind has started making condensed milk, or else someone is playing the same they did last winter and robbing milk cans. Hen roosts, too, are being despoiled of eggs, by someone. This thing ought to be stopped.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The sporting season has opened for the summer, many lively ball games having taken place here already.
Dundaff - Thieves entered the hog house of Chas. Cross and took therefrom six very fine pigs. They also entered the cellar of Mr. Cross' house and took a quantity of salt pork from a barrel. Mr. Cross has no clue to the thieves. Thieves also entered the cellar, the same night, of Rupert Wells and took all the salt pork found there. It seems they were going in whole hog or none. Farmers better see that their buildings are securely locked.
Thomson - The Erie has begun the work of filling in the high trestle. A large force of men and a steam shovel will be employed in the work, which will probably consume four months' time. It is estimated that it will require 100,000 cars of dirt to fill the gap.
Hallstead -Samuel Turrell's horse became frightened while at Hallstead, and broke lose from the sheds at the Baptist church, where he was hitched, and made a straight line for the railroad crossing on Pine street. A large gang of men were digging a ditch near the crossing. The horse plunged into the ditch and had to be removed with a derrick. The horse, fortunately, was not badly hurt, but the buggy was almost a total wreck.
Friendsville - Mr. Root, of Birchardville, has moved his mill here, to saw the timber for Byrne Brothers.
Flynn - M. P. Curley is having put up a 40 foot tower windmill to be used for pumping water and grinding feed.
Susquehanna - The School Board re-elected the old corps of teachers, with the except- ion of the principal. A principal will be elected at a meeting to be held two weeks hence. AND Michael Cotter's Oakland Side residence caught fire on Tuesday. A bucket brigade quenched the flames.
Silver Lake - Thirty-nine members of the Lady Jane Grey School, of Binghamton, spent three days at the Lake, arriving Friday afternoon and leaving Monday afternoon.
Lawsville - The bee, last Wednesday, to fix a fence around Bailey cemetery, was well attended.
Springville - Dora Taylor wishes to announce that she will do dressmaking. She learned the business in Montrose and is probably competent. AND The band will serve ice cream and cake and lemonade, on Saturday evening next, on the nicest lawn in town.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Three hundred mine mules were turned out to pasture at Welsh Hill recently. They were from the mines at Pittston.
Montrose - The death of Prof. Danielle, a former dancing master of this place, occurred May 1st, at his oddly constructed home, "Octagon Castle," in St. John's, N. F. Prof. Danielle, while in Montrose, was very popular in conducting fancy balls, and he organized several classes, who held forth in Village Hall-then known as "Danielle's Hall," and which was interiorly festooned with balls of different colors, in compliance with his aesthetic taste. He also had a summer home in Forest Lake Twp., known as "Deer Lodge Farm." Its pretty yard [was] dotted over with flower-beds and cozy settees, and the huge antlers over the doorway, attracted a great deal of admiration, and was quite generally commented on. Prof. Danielle left Montrose about 15 years ago, and when he took up residence at St. John's, he started a restaurant, made fancy costumes, and conducted carnivals and fancy hops. Octagon Castle, a summer resort, was well patronized. In his castle he had a mortuary chamber fitted up by himself, and his coffin was lined with white silk, the drapery containing over 1000 pieces of the fabric, cunningly fashioned into shells, and embellished with fancy stitching. A beautiful white robe was also made to envelope him. When he died, a young man named Brazil, whom he adopted as his son and heir, carried out every wish of the peculiar Professor. His funeral was witnessed by fully 10,000 people, and it was very elaborate.
Compiled By: Betty Smith