Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 03 1899/1999
Rush - George Snell had the misfortune to have a leg bone fractured below the knee whilst umpiring the game between the Fairdale and Rush baseball clubs. He started on his return trip to New York on the 6th. AND There will be a baseball game played on Saturday afternoon on Rush flats, by the Birchardville and Rush baseball clubs.
Susquehanna - A splendid musical organization in this place is the orchestra connected with Laurel Hill Academy, and composed of 15 pupils of that school AND Night work in the Erie shops has been discontinued. AND The coming street fair will be a hummer; in the band contest, one of the attractions, 30 bands will participate.
Lenoxville - Mrs. Arthur Snyder, of East Lenox, has two hundred and fifty ducks, hatched by the incubator method.
Lindaville - Within the past week the skillful use of road machines has improved the people's ways very much.
Lake View - All members of the Jackson Cornet Band are requested to be present on Friday evening and bring their wives and ladies. Ice cream and cake will be served.
Forest Lake - A pleasant family reunion took place at the home of Wm. H. Lester, May 27, about 30 being present, among them being four brothers--Myron of Lestershire, NY; Wesley of Vestal Center, NY; George A. and Wm. H. of Forest Lake, with their families; also two sisters, Mrs. Holley of Montrose and Mrs. Willard Weston and daughter, Mrs. Geo. Jackson and husband and niece, Miss Veda Weston, all of Nebraska, after an absence of 25 years; also a niece, Mrs. M. M. Scott and son, Harry, of Creede, Colorado, after an absence of 21 years.
Bridgewater - Wm. Robbins, a farmer living near Williams Pond, Tuesday morning, June 6th, took his gun and went to a field not far away to shoot crows. His daughter, Mrs. Frank Leslie, heard calls and she, with her husband, went to investigate and found Mr. Robbins near a stone fence, badly wounded. The family thinks the old-fashioned gun was discharged accidentally while he was climbing over the fence. Mr. Robbins lived but a short time. He would have been 46 on July 27th.
Shew and Eagan Case - It will be remembered that Susie Graham, who was under indictment for conspiracy, in connection with the Pepper murder case, was released on bail some time ago. Once free, the gay and festive Susie did not tarry in these parts, but shaking the dust of Pennsylvania from her sandals, she hied herself to pastures new. Her conduct was not reassuring to her bondsman and he took measures to capture Susie and again and place her where she would be found when wanted. Chief of Police McMahon, of Susquehanna, located Miss Graham at Norwich, NY and brought her back to Montrose and delivered her into the custody of Sheriff Deuel, where she will doubtless remain until arraigned for trail.
Heart Lake - Preparations are being made for a celebration and general good time on Griffing's picnic grounds on July 4th. A most enjoyable program is being arranged and Mr. Griffing will spare no pains in giving those who attend a pleasant day's outing.
Montrose - A large force of workmen have been busily engaged in tearing down the Baptist church and in a few days that ancient and historic edifice will have become only a memory. Some interesting history on the pillars, those used in the auditorium to support the ceiling and those in the basement supporting the floor. Mr. H. F. Turrell relates that at the time the church was erected there was no lathe in this section suitable for turning the pillars, so the inventive genius of those sturdy pioneers was brought into play and indeed did necessity prove the mother of invention, for a "home-made" lathe was constructed which was worked by turning a crank by hand. Mr. Turrell, who was then a boy, remembers taking a turn on the crank, "just for fun.: The pine logs were brought in from the woods, dressed down partly with a drawing knife and then put on the lathe and turned by hand into the sturdy pillars that have so long and admirably filled the purpose for which they were designed and stood as monuments of the zeal and tenacity of those early Baptist brethren.
Forest City - A horse getting beyond the control of the driver, plunged into the plate glass window in Jack Alexander's store, smashing it into a hundred pieces. The horse was cut about the head and breast. The glass was worth about $40.
Clifford - Mrs. C. C. Gillett and ten of her Sunday school class, visited the Harford Soldiers' Orphan School, witnessed the drill in the afternoon, dress parade after supper, and returned home in the evening. The children were much pleased with the trip.
Uniondale - The Fourth will be observed by the Uniondale cornet band. Celebration in Carpenters' Grove and a drama in the evening.
Elk Lake - E. L. Estes, of East Rush, was getting out the foundation stone for the new church at Elk Lake, last week.
News Briefs: A bright preacher has hit upon a scheme that will effectually wipe out the high hat nuisance in his church. He will make a division, putting the women on one side and the men on the other, with the exception that women who take off their hats may sit with the men. It is a great head that man is wearing. AND The horseless carriage comes high, costing about $1000. Everybody is interested in the performance of the gasoline vehicle which arrived in New York recently after a journey from Cleveland. It traveled 707 miles in five days and on a part of its journey made 38 miles an hour, beating the French road record. This is less important as fore shadowing the future of such vehicles than is the demonstration made of their endurance and practical adaptation to use on rough country roads and their exceeding cheapness as regards power cost. About $1 covered the entire fuel charge on this long trip and three cents worth of gasoline served for a run of 218 miles.
Compiled By: Betty Smith