Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 30 1897/1997
New Milford Twp. – Dr. D.C. Ainey, while making a professional call, encountered a rattlesnake in the road near F. Middaugh’s house. The physician tried to fight his snakeship as he lay stretched his entire length across the road, but the cunning fellow was too quick for him and escaped in the dense bushes lining the roadside. Dr. Ainey has been traveling the roads for 38 years and this is the first time he ever saw a live rattlesnake at large.
Forest City – The YMCA has been closed temporarily on account of lack of financial assistance.
Lenox – The descendants of Amos Payne, dec'd., will hold their annual gathering on the farm of Freeman Manzer, in Lenox, August 25th. Turn out friends and bring your baskets well filled, and let us have an old fashion picnic. All friends and neighbors are invited. Good speaking.
Jackson – On Monday, July 11, those ever sympathetic and generous hearted G.A.R. boys [Civil War vets] were seen wending their way to Comrade A. Daniel's, who has been seriously ill. Soon the humming of mowing machine and scythes filled the air, while field after field of hay was cut and stored in Mr. Daniels' barn. Those present were as follows: Mr. M.V. Larrabee, P.K. Benson and Uncle Frank Barnes, of this place; Comrade Oscar Stone, Fletcher Brown and son, Bruce, with teams from East Jackson; Mr. Jeff Daniels and son, with team, of Gelatt The above named comrades were assisted by Messrs. W.B. Payne and Geo. Daniels, with team. Thus another worthy cause was enacted, and a comrade's heart cheered by the remembrance of those "boys in blue."
Clifford – The Millard boys from Dundaff are doing the haying on John Halstead's farm. They cut it and put it in the barn for $2 an acre.
Montrose – F.G. Gibbons is in town, representing J.H. Beers & Co., publishers, of Chicago, in the interest of a work entitled, Commemorative Biographical Record of N.E. Pennsylvania. AND Albert Newton left on Saturday for Chicago, and may perhaps from there continue his trip to Alaska, to see what chance there is for a young man in the Klondyke gold fields, should he strike a company of young at Chicago who are well prepared for the twp, whom he could join. We hope he'll find a great big fortune if he goes.
Brooklyn – Brooklyn is a favorite with summer guests, and the Bullard House gets its full share. Mrs. Bullard's home is filled with boarders from New York, Jersey City, Brooklyn and Hoboken.
Auburn – Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Voss attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Raub, who died quite suddenly, caused by drinking too much water. AND The first law suit before our newly elected Justice El.. Adams, will take place tomorrow. The parties being Mr. Birch and Mr. Dunlap, dispute over a few rake teeth. Give me the costs and I will pay for the teeth and throw in a rake besides.
Herrick Centre – The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church held an ice cream social last week. A large number of people were in attendance. The tables were presided over very nicely by the Misses Bessie Curtis, Laura Fletcher, Blanche Kishpaugh and Mabel Lyon. The net receipts were $16.
Birchardville – The fishermen that have extra good luck fishing at times....M. Bradshaw spent two days at Forest Lake; first day caught 10 bass, and second day, 7 bass, and then went ashore to take a nap in the shade. While asleep somebody borrowed his fish and forgot to return them.
Susquehanna – The work of removing the old Presbyterian Church edifice to the lot on the corner of Maple Avenue and East Church streets is completed. It will be used for school purposes by the Catholics. The Presbyterian congregation has commenced worshipping in the Universalist church. AND James McKinney was in Montrose this week taking his final examination as a law student before the board of examiners. We are informed that he passed successfully.
Rush – One of the largest and most enthusiastic crowds that ever assembled in Hibbard's Hall gathered thereon Friday evening, when the Rush baseball club gave an ice cream festival and dance. Rigs and teams began to arrive and soon filled the spacious lawn in front of L. Haire's Hotel and the adjoining roads presented an appearance that is very seldom witnessed. Mr. Haire's large barn being filled to its capacity, he was forced to throw open the doors of his hay shed. The music was first class, being furnished by the Whalen Brothers of Friendsville, assisted by Bro. Skimmerhorn of Old Laceyville. Edw. Redding officiated as floor manager, while Frank Chalker accepted the tickets at the door. Dancing continued until the "wee small hours in the morning when all departed for their homes, tired but happy and satisfied that they had passed a night long to be remembered.
Lindaville – On Monday, B.A. Oakley and Jesse Whitman caught 12 large bass at North Pond.
Compiled By: Betty Smith