Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 3 1896/1996
South Gibson - On the evening of July 4th the Epworth League at South Gibson will give an entertainment and ice cream social in the M.E. Church. Tickets 15-cents for adults; children 10-cents. These fees pay for entertainment and a dish of cream. Proceeds to apply on church repairs.
Montrose - John E. O'Brien has purchased the well-known and popular furniture establishment from the estate of the late, lamented W.W. Smith. Mr. O'Brien's father spent his life in the upholstery business in New York, and Mr. O'Brien was thus brought up to the business. He will also make a specialty of the undertaking branch of the business. Mr. Will Smith, who has so long been connected with the business will remain with Mr. O'Brien and will be glad to have his friends call at the old stand.
Union Dale - A lawn tennis club has been organized under the leadership of Rev. Evans. It is a young but growing society and under its very efficient management is bound to be both popular and successful. We are pleased to note this advancement and as we have longed to see something that could and would harmonize the kid glove aristocracy of this borough, we hail it with delight long live tennis and its supporters.
Herrick Centre - Mrs. E.H. Hoel spent a day in Burnwood. A goodly quantity of strawberries was the result.
Jackson - A very exciting ball game was held in this place between New Milford and Jackson boys. The Jackson boys were victorious.
Birchardville - On Account of the long sickness of Geo. Warner, his friends arranged for a ploughing bee. June 16th ten teams ploughed about 7 acres for buckwheat. George and family are very thankful to the neighbors for their help.
Friendsville - The Congregation of St. Francis Xavier's Church, will hold its regular annual picnic on the 4th of July in the grove attached to the farm of Mr. Thomas Bums, adjoining town.
Apolacon - To Stephen Purtill and Jas. Walsh are due the credit of building one of the best pieces of road ever graded in this town.
Susquehanna - The Emperor of Germany now owns a sorrel horse formerly belonging to John 0'Connell, of this place. AND The Susquehanna Athletic Clubs and the Crescent Club of Carbondale will play ball in Susquehanna. July 9, for the championship of 17 counties.
Harford - Addison Dimmick of Louisiana, son-in-law of Amherst Carpenter, visited at Horace Sweet's, E.T. Tiffany's and S.E. Carpenter's last week. He was enroute for New York where expected to sail for Europe June 27. He will accompany a party of astronomers to North Cape, Norway, who will make observations on the total eclipse of the sun, August 9th.
Forest Lake Centre - Calvin Lincoln's horse was sick all winter with a discharge from its head. He finally sent for Dr. Butterfield, who came and found the bone was diseased. He bored a hole under one of the eyes, took out a small piece of bone, injected medicine in the cavity and to all appearance the horse is cured and is used every day. It speaks well for Dr. Butterfield
Forest City- Prof. C.T. Thorpe has been chosen principal of the Forest City graded schools for another term.
Rush - Ten or a dozen youngsters, from 10 to 14 years of age, accompanied by the old veteran [Civil War], Asa Hickok, and son Clifton, camped out on Michael Hill's farm Saturday night, to the great enjoyment of the boys and the amusement of their elders.
Hallstead - Two of our "city" ladies hired a team of J.N. Sackett Sunday last to go to Susquehanna and back, but it seems they "rid" down the river a few miles up to Susquehanna, Lanesboro, to Hallstead, and then to New Milford, where one of the horses died from overdriving, it is claimed, and the other can hardly walk. It is an outrage to use an animal in such a manner.
Brooklyn - The Paint Club met Saturday, the 27th, with their President Miss Eva J. Lee. AND The berry picking is progressing merrily in the various home fields. E.S. Eldridge had his field and pickers photographed by our local artist, Hattie D. Lee securing a fine picture of both.
News and Notes: The school department of the State has commenced the disbursement of money's apportioned to the various counties. Susquehanna County’s share is $43,054.28. AND After tomorrow, the up-to-date national emblem will display 445 stars the last one having been added for the new state of Utah. AND Farmers are warned to look out for the man who is around endeavoring to sell the right to get more butter out of milk than the cows put in it.
Susquehanna County- Marriage Licenses: Frank Dolouzaritch and Marianna Baranofska, both of Forest City; S.B. York, of Lenox, and Amanda L. Brewster, of Harford township; W.T. Lamb and Anna A. Lown, both of Oakland Twp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith