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July 26 1907/2007

Lynn, Springville Twp. - W.A. Welch is repainting the old Presbyterian church near the Lynn cemetery. It was built in 1832.

Friendsville - The old frame structure formerly used as a place of worship by the Catholics will be offered at auction sale on Tuesday, August 13. The building is 40x80 and contains about 28,000 ft. of good lumber. AND James Murphy, chief supervisor of the State hospital at Cleveland, Ohio, is spending his vacation at his home, the stone house at Friendsville.

Great Bend - The Erie Railroad has purchased the Calvin Towner property, known as the Skinner store, and will convert it into a lodging house for employees of the Erie shops. The company is negotiating for additional places.

Montrose - The strong Phoebe Snow team of Scranton was "Snow-ed under" at this place on Saturday by the one-sided score of 7 to 1. The features of the game were the pitching of Shafer, who struck out 10 men in seven innings, and the batting of Saville. The Montrose team consists of C. Shafer, F. Shafer, Conklin, Dillon, Gardner, Kelly, Strous, Allen, Birchard and McCain. "Relentless fate!/ Sad to relate--/They always struck at balls too late./Their score was light,/We played with might,/And beat the boys of anthracite.

Silver Lake - The wedding of Miss Anna McGraw, formerly of Choconut, and Frank Monahan, of Silver Lake, took place in St. Paul's church, Binghamton, on Monday afternoon, Father Simmons, assisted by Father Commerford, officiating. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Monahan left on a tour including Rochester and other places, and after August 1 they will reside at Silver Lake.

Kingsley -On Thursday evening of last week the Ladies Aid held an ice cream social on Milvin Tingley's lawn. The band was present and discoursed fine music to a large crowd of people, which was greatly enjoyed.

Hop Bottom - Peter Johnson, of Denver, Colorado, has been calling on friends in this place. He is 87 years of age and came east alone. He has great vitality for a man of his years. AND Eben Woods' dog went mad and was killed. Since that time Eben had to kill three mad cows. Mr. Downey's horse also went mad and had to be killed. It is causing a great deal of excitement in this place.

Harford - Harford Grange seems to be in the front rank in the county with 229 members on the roll and ten applications at hand. Let's hear from the next largest.

Brookdale - The Liberty school board met Monday and hired the following teachers for the coming year: Brookdale, James Kelley; Stanfordville, Margaret Downs; Lawsville, Mary Cosgriff; Mountain Valley, Anna Dolan; Hillside, Nellie Banker; Tripp Lake, Mr. Rockwell; Rhiney Creek, Mable Southworth.

Bunnell Hill, Auburn Twp. - Those who lost their crops, fruit and gardens in this place by the terrific hail storm, wish to thank their many friends for sympathy and kindness shown by work and all kinds of plants given them. We know that such storms come from a higher power than we can control, so we humbly submit to the will of our Heavenly Father who doeth all things well and are thankful our buildings and lives were spared.

Lenox - The Glenwood ball team had their fighting clothes right on Saturday and defeated the South Gibson boys by a score of 13 to 7. The West Nicholson base ball club traveled to Glenwood and met an awful defeat, the score being 32 to 1. Nick Matthewson was in the box for Glenwood and his catcher from Factoryville was with him.

Uniondale - A number of people residing in the vicinity of Uniondale met there one night to hear H. O. Aimy, a local district labor organizer, discuss the advantages to be derived from union labor. While Mr. Aimy talked a hanging lamp suspended from the ceiling fell and set the hall on fire. The damage was slight. The lamp wick was too high and the heat became so intense that it burned the lamp from its fastenings. Oil from the bowl spilled over the floor, igniting as it fell. There was a stampede for a moment but cooler heads fought the flames and succeeded in putting out the fire.

Forest City - The Forest City Poor Board have a number of men at the Poor Farm repairing the house and barn.

Susquehanna - The death of Edward Hynes, an old and respected citizen, occurred at his late home on Friday morning at the age of about 65 years. He was for many years employed in the Erie shops. Deceased is survived by three daughters--Misses Kittie, Annie and Mary Hynes and three sons, John, William and Edward. The friends and relatives in Montrose and Forest Lake extend sincere sympathy.

Fairdale - The Mission people, who have been holding meetings in the tent north of the two bridges for the past four weeks, have gone to Cascade Valley to hold meetings there.

News Briefs: A boy was recently killed near Oneonta by the careless driver of an automobile who failed to obey a signal to stop. This so incensed the farmers in that region against automobilists that the former carry revolvers, declaring they will shoot any autoist who will not halt his machine when commanded to do so. The other day an Otsego farmer, in a rage, blazed away at a man in a machine who refused to halt when signaled to do so and now fear of the angered farmers makes the autoists tremble. If the men who run automobiles would obey signal given them by drivers of horses, lives and limbs would be less endangered. AND An old man tramps through the rural districts of Ohio and plants nuts by the wayside. The old man is a philanthropist in his way. He is working for generations yet unborn. He carries across his shoulder a sack filled with walnuts and hickory nuts. He seeks out of the way places and plants a nut or two there with great care. All the year round he keeps going, and already the nuts he planted are springing up into large trees. Years ago nearly every farmer in Ohio knew "Apple-Seed Johnny," who tramped as this man tramps, and planted by the roadsides, not nuts, but apple seeds. There is hardly a farm in Ohio today that has not at least one apple tree planted by "Apple-Seed Johnny," and they grew thickly along nearly every public road.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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