Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 25 1919/2019
West Auburn – The burial of Andrew Kennedy in the West Auburn cemetery, which occurred on July 16th, was most impressive. Mr. Kennedy was a soldier in the Civil War and six young men from the A. E. F. acted as bearers: Webb Sturdevant, Clyde Bennett, Dorsey Baker, Walter Bunnell, Emil Cogswell and Nathan Smith. The funeral was held at Silvara, where Mr. Kennedy resided, and Rev. L. W. Karschner, of Herrickville, officiated. Mr. Kennedy was a man respected by all. He was a director of the West Auburn Cemetery association. ALSO Earnest Smith and daughters, Misses Margaret and Marion Smith, of Auburn, were callers in town Saturday. Margaret will enter State College this autumn and Marion, who graduated from the high school here this spring, will teach one of the schools near her home the coming year.
Williams’ Pond – George Lewis was in town, bringing with him a mink skin which was sent to Harrisburg to secure the bounty offered on the animal which was a large female. In two killings, about July 1st, the animal quickly disposed of 22 chickens ranging in size from half-grown to full-sized fowls. The main object of the mink is the joy of killing and drinking its victim’s blood, the carcass not being consumed.
Forest City – A number of boys and young men were arrested Thursday afternoon charged with train riding. They interviewed Judge Dutchman, who gave them fatherly advice after imposing the usual fines, in such cases made and provided. The authorities are bound to check, if not stop, train riding by boys and young men. ALSO Louis Skubic, a member of the 40th balloon company, under date of July 5, wrote his brother Frank that he expected to leave Germany in a few days. He said he was only too glad to ride in a box car for four days, for that meant he would soon leave for the old U.S.A. On his return the Sheet Iron Gang propose to hold a jubilee. There were 18 members of that organization in May 1917. All but two were in the service and one made the supreme sacrifice. Sergeant Skubic will be the last to come home.
Binghamton – The Binghamton Slag Roofing Co. has an announcement in today’s paper. The president of this company, Samuel M. Griffiths, is personally known to many Montrosers, having superintended the construction of roofs on a number of buildings here, including the Bible Conference auditorium, court house, A. W. Lyons and the Republican blocks, and other structures. The Republican had a slag roof placed over tin roof nine years ago, and it has not cost a cent for repairs during that time and is as leak proof today as when put on.
Springville – The following is a list of those who have been in the service, who have recently resided or are not residing in the township, as nearly complete as possible: Earl Garrison, Jerry Stevens, Erlis Smales, Ralph Thomas, Douglas Lathrop, George Lee, Ralph Loomis, Glenn Ottman, Edward Ottman, Harold Ferguson, Walter Spencer, Olin Teel, George Spencer, Eugene Teel, Raymond Snover, Steve Barber, Walter Hartman, Dana Wood, Raymond Titman, Harold Titman, Carl Gesford, Raymond Strickland, Cecil Parks, Charles Edwards, Howard Thomas, Dr. W. L. Diller, Robert Sheldon, William Sherman, Leland Comstock, Frank Ferris, Dewey Capwell, Fred Hardy, Roy Kilts, George Brown, Frank Overfield, Gordon Fish, Harold Smith, Stewart Button, Jack Williams, Laverne Palmiter, Eugene Galligher, Thomas Jones, Glenn Davis, Hazel Scott and Jesse Pritchard.
Montrose – About 35 veterans of the world war met at the court house on Friday evening and organized a local post of the American Legion. Robert Wood presided and at the election of officers the following soldiers were chosen: Chairman, Robert Wood; vice chairman, Frank Leonarad; secretary, Braton R. Gardner; treasurer, Leon B. Dolan. An application was made for charter for the post, which will no doubt be soon granted. The meeting was enthusiastic and the young men present are confident it will result in an organization which will be of much benefit during the coming years. Owing to the comparatively small number of soldiers in neighboring communities and smaller towns, these smaller-bodies will unite with the local post and form a strong organization. The outlook is that upwards of 100 veterans will be on the roll within a few weeks.
Friendsville – Rev. Ruddy is having electric lights installed in St. Francis’ church, the parochial residence and St. Francis’ hall. The picnic that was held on July 4th, for the purpose of raising money to help defray the expense of the plant, netted more than $500. ALSO Thomas Winters, of Binghamton, is spending a short vacation here and at St. Joseph. While here Mr. Winters is completing the work of demolishing the old Winters house, which for several years has been in a dilapidated condition. One more landmark gone.
St. Joseph – Michael Kane, son of Thomas H. Kane, was calling on friends here during the past week. Mr. Kane left here about 35 years ago and this was his first visit back. He is now general director of an electric battery company in Toronto, Canada. He expects to visit here again in the fall.
East Rush – Frank Bertholf and family and Andrew Jenner and son went over to Mehoopany mountain huckleberrying last Thursday and Friday. They report plenty of berries.
Choconut Valley – Haying and berry picking seem to be the business of most people at present.
New Milford Summit – Ernest Williams has a new Baby Grand Chevrolet touring car.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 24, 1819
*We would inform a large portion of our patrons that we have left their accounts, up to this date, with a Magistrate in this place, for collection. Such as are indebted to the amount of one year’s subscription, had better attend to settling the same in the course of next week or they will have costs made them immediathely [immediately] thereafter. As soon as one year has expired, unless one half of the subscription money has been paid the additional 50 cents will be added. And no papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
*Gratifying to snuff takers. A skillful physician asserts that he never knew snuff to injure the brains, as is generally supposed—because, says he, the man who has any brains will never take snuff!
*The “lawyer” has been, time out of mind, a standing mark for dull wits to crack their jokes upon. The following epitaph, however, has some drollery. “Beneath this stone lies Robert Shaw, Who follow’d forty years, the law; And when he died, The Devil cried, Ha! Bob! Give us your paw.”
*Notice is hereby given, To all the creditors of Reuben Benedict, an absconding debtor, to exhibit their demands against the said Reuben Benedict at the house of Nicholas M’Carty in Newmilford on Wednesday the twenty fifth day of August next at 10 o’clock A.M. for allowance. At the above mentioned time and place will be sold all the right and title of Reuben Benedict to a certain saw Mill situate in Newmilford township and also board, scantling, one barrel and one bedstead, to the highest and best bidder for cash only. NICHOLAS M’CARTY, BENJAMIN DOOLITTLE, Trustees. July 15th, 1819.
*Just received and for sale at the Montrose Bookstore, opposite the Hotel, SCOTTISH CHIEFS, A romance, in three volumes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith