Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 25 1902/2002
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - A mammoth paper balloon was found on the farm of Henry McCoy, of this place, in the early morning of July 5th. The envelope that accompanied it has the address of A. O. Dunlap, Springville, PA. Return after two years and nine months for a reward.
Lenox - Leon Squires, grandson of P. P. Squires, a lad of 12 years, while hunting woodchucks, put a charge of shot into one of his feet, [and] the gun being so close made a bad hole entirely through the foot and one toe had to be amputated. Dr. Taylor is the attending physician. Careless use of fire arms in the hands of young boys should be frowned down.
Uniondale - Uniondale Cornet Band gives concerts from their new band stand, erected near public square. They accompanied an excursion to Shohola Glen recently.
Glenwood - The continuous rain has been a bad one on the farmers, some of whom have several acres of grass down, which will undoubtedly be spoiled before it can be taken care of. Also, potatoes are beginning to rot. If such should be the case, with coal at $5 a ton, it will make the poor man wonder where or how he will get through the winter; but it could be a great deal worse, so let us be thankful for what we have and there has always been a "seed time and harvest" and will be again.
Harford - What is going to happen? We have had five fair days in succession. (Rain).
Clifford - Earl Sickler, a boy working on the Thomas Maxey farm, while at play in the barn, fell from a beam or hay rack and struck on a board, tearing his kidneys loose, or something else inwardly. The doctor was called at once but could do nothing for him; he said there was no help for him unless he could be got to the hospital at once. He was taken to the Carbondale hospital the same night.
Herrick Centre - Mrs. J. F. Fletcher and son, Howard, of Forest City, are with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fletcher, gathering their yearly supply of red raspberries.
Susquehanna - Farmer Larter of Cascade Valley, sold neighbor, Farmer Wadsworth, a half interest in a Jersey cow, and soon refused to divide the milk, maintaining that Wadsworth owned the front half of the cow. The cow on Saturday hooked Larter and he will sue Wadsworth for damage. AND The Susquehanna river is higher than it has ever been known in the month of July. It is raising the dickens with farmers' crop and everything else within its reach.
Springville - The excursion to Harvey's Lake last Sunday was well attended from this county, and the Narrow Gauge, which conveyed the excursionists to Tunkhannock, was unable to accommodate all its would-be passengers, and it was necessary to go by all stations (although crowded with people) after leaving Springville. In making the return trip an attempt was made to draw four heavily loaded cars up the grade with one engine, but when about a half mile from Tunkhannock it was found necessary to return for another engine. They reached Montrose about midnight, a tired but happy lot, all having thoroughly enjoyed a most pleasant day.
Silver Lake - James Whalley, of Silver Lake, died on Saturday evening last, at the age of 68 years. He is survived by the following children: Joseph, of Scranton (formerly of Montrose); John, of Susquehanna, James of Sayre; Jerome, William and Harry, of Silver Lake; Mrs. J.E. Gahagan, of Susquehanna; Kate Whalley, of Binghamton; and Anna, Lizzie and Nellie, of Silver Lake. The funeral occurred on Tuesday morning from St. Augustine's Church, in that place.
Bridgewater Twp. - a gipsy band is encamped in Scott's woods, near the poorhouse farm. They are of the usual type and are engaged in their usual occupation of horse-trading, fortune telling (?), etc.
Lanesboro - A Lanesboro man has invented a steamer which is expected to go through rifts, over dams, and run wherever it is a little moist.
Lawsville - Dr. E. R. Tower killed six cows out of a herd of seven belonging to Charles LaSure of, Lawsville Centre, last week. This makes 159 cattle infected with tuberculosis that Dr. Tower has killed within the past year, not counting an occasional cow of which the doctor has lost count.
Montrose - The funeral of Byron O. Camp took place from his late residence on Lincoln Avenue, July 25. Comrades of Four Brothers Post No. 453, G.A.R., assembled at their hall at half past three. Color Sergeant John Quinn, carrying the Post flag, led the procession through South Main St. and up Drinker St. to the Camp residence. The bar soon arrived afterward and among its members was Hon. J. B. McCollum, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Penna. The distance to the cemetery, being short, the hearse was dispensed with and the Four Brothers' Post led the procession and next came the Bar; then the casket carried by relatives of the deceased, the members of the family and friends following.
Byron Camp was born at Camptown, Bradford Co., April 16, 1837. He was a teacher and principal, a carpenter, soldier, Notary Public and lawyer. He became a member of the 15th Pa. Cavalry, known as the Anderson Troop, in 1862, and saw a good deal of active and severe service. He was promoted to First Lieutenant for gallant and meritorious service in Tennessee and in the fall of 1864 received his commission as Captain. He returned to Montrose and entered the office of Hon. J. B. McCollum and in 1868 was admitted to the Bar. In 1898 Mr. Camp was admitted to the Supreme Court of the State. His wife and three children survive him.
Thompson - The Free Methodist Camp Meeting will be held here Aug. 20 to 27, in charge of Rev. A. G. Miller, presiding elder. Tents can be rented from Rev. J. T. Logan, 13 Academy St., Wilkesbarre, PA. The Prohibition meeting, on Thursday, Aug. 21, at 2 p.m., will be addressed by Bishop Sellew, E. D. Nichols, Esq., and by Revs. O. M. Owen, M. D. David, A. W. Myer, and others. Gates closed to the public on Sunday, Aug. 24.
Compiled By: Betty Smith