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July 23 1920/2020

Hallstead – It would be difficult to find a motor route affording more enchanting or more animated scenery than the road between Hallstead and Conklin, on the Hallstead side of the river. The one real fly in the ointment, in passing over this scenic road, is that rabbits, in swarms, covering the ground like a blanket, deport themselves gleefully in the path of automobiles, making it necessary every few rods for motorists to stop their car and drive the bunnies out into the bushes before they can pass, to avoid terrible mortality in the rabbit family—and the blamed hares seem to fully understand that this is the closed season for rabbits. It has been suggested that a delegation wait on Game Warden Warren Simrell and strenuously demand that he keep his game out of the roads, emphasizing the fact that travel is being obstructed. Rabbits are protected under the law; should not travelers have some protection too?

Springville – A half-starved and abandoned house cat has made raids on all the residents’ chickens in the western part of our town, causing a loss of whole broods of chickens in some instances. Said cat seems to lead a charmed life, so like the old saying, “a cat has nine lives,” for it has been chased, stoned and shot at a good many times, but still lives, and it is the prayer of this community that if one of our residents moves away, they take their whole family with them after this.

Montrose – About midnight, Tuesday, the neighbors on Grow Avenue were aroused when some thieves tried to get Fred Stilson’s chickens. David Stilson fired the six shots in the direction of the squawking chickens, but did not strike the marauders. Three baby chicks were killed. Grow Avenue men say there were two thieves and warn them that next tine there will not be so much noise, but more fatalities.

Brooklyn – A pleasing Children’s Day program was rendered by the members of the Universalist Sunday School at their church, Sunday morning. The two members of the Cradle Roll were presented with flowers. Three infants were christened by the pastor: Evelyn Elizabeth Packer, William Roe Quick and Leland Harrison Whitman. The church was tastefully decorated with flowers and ferns and the program was carried out in a pleasing manner.

Summersville – M. J. Fernane’s gang, while working on the track near Summersville, killed a rattle snake that measured 30 inches and carried eight rattles and a button.

Harford – George Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth, was united in marriage June 24, 1920, at Camp Eustis, Virginia, to Miss Anna Patterson, a Red Cross nurse, who cared for him while he was in the hospital some time ago.

Dimock – J. F. Wanick celebrated his 66thbirthday, July 12th, by working in his shop all day, repairing harnesses and footwear, which has fast accumulated, being more than busy all of the time.

West Lenox – When a bunch of young fellows from Scranton were enjoying a fine Sunday fishing at the Acre pond, they were greatly surprised when Special Deputy Game Protector W. W. Oakley, assisted by Leon Hull, came upon them. They were arrested and taken before Justice Myron Tiffany, of Foster, and found guilty. They were fined $25 each and costs. After pleading in vain to be released and sentenced pronounced that one had been arrested twice before and let go with the promise that if ever caught again they would push him to the extent of the law. The fines were paid. Although the acre pond has been a fine place for unlawful and Sunday fishing for some years, perhaps there will be less of it from now on.

Uniondale – Shubael Carpenter, eighty nine years young, the oldest resident of this vicinity, has two large garden patches which he cultivates He is hale and hearty. For many years he was active in matters political and has held nearly every office in the gift of the people of the borough, performing his duties at all times with credit to himself and honor to the community. Harding is his man this year. May his days be long in the land, is the wish of his many friends.

Susquehanna – Carl Mulqueen and Frances Barnes are in the City hospital in a serious condition from injuries received when a Buick Touring car, in which they were riding, crashed into a large tree on Washington Street, Binghamton. According to persons who witnessed the accident, the car was going at a furious rate of speed and as it turned the corner from Lewis St. onto Washington, was going so fast that the driver evidently could not turn the car in time to avoid the accident. Sylvester Hurley and Thomas Ambrose, who were also in the car, were badly shaken up, but uninjured. Witnesses say the party had the appearance of being intoxicated. Mulqueen, the driver, was injured about the chest and back and Barnes was thrown forward and went through the windshield, striking the tree. It was found necessary to take him to the hospital on a stretcher. Reports at the City hospital were that both men are seriously but not critically injured.

Rush – Mrs. Susanna Harris has received a letter from her niece, Mrs. Charles Tewksbury, stating their safe arrival at their home in the Rockies. They left in the middle of June and on their way home found snow drifts ten feet deep.

Forest City – “Sherry,” the season’s big dramatic sensation thus far, will be one of the big drawing cards at the Poli theatre [Carbondale] the first half of the current week. Pat O’Malley, the leading man, has the role of Sherry and his kaleidoscopic career includes a tour of the British Isles, Germany and France, playing in stock productions. Mr. O’Malley, though born in Dublin, Ireland, came to this country when but an infant, and was raised and educated in Forest City. Makes us kind of feel like next door neighbors in the lead of one of the biggest screen productions of the year. He’s our Pat all right, but he was born in Forest City and his mother was born “on the Pike” in Carbondale, a long way from Tipparary. From the Carbondale Leader [The last sentence seems to dispute that he was born in Dublin.]

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Green & Raub’s motor truck balked last Monday and took them all day to go to the milk station, and on Wednesday it balked with M. J. Green and he had to call for someone to come to A.E. Robinson’s and get him and his mother.

News Briefs: How about muslin underwear for the older ones and the kiddies? Read & Warner’s advertisement may solve the problem. ALSO One can remove vegetable and fruit stains from linen by dipping the cloths in very strong tea for a few minutes then wash in clear, warm water.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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