Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 20 1906/2006
Brooklyn - The subject of Rev. Drury's sermon, to the young and others, on Sunday morning, will be, "What is it Worth in Money." This theme is especially for the times.
Montrose - Plans were completed yesterday for an extensive building operation by J. J. Ryan, the hardware man, and W. A. Harrington, the liveryman, for the erection of a large building, or rather two buildings, with a joint party wall between. The Ryan part will be 33x60 and the Harrington, 30x50. The construction will be of cement and cement blocks, and will be up-to-date all around. George Sauter has already begun work, getting ready for the foundations. The location is in the rear of Ryan's store and adjoining Harrington's livery.
Oakland - Dist. Atty. Denney went to Susquehanna to inquire into the Maude Haynes case. He says so far as he knows no arrests are contemplated and he learned little of importance. The fact that the initials of the murdered girl were marked in large letters in the inside of one of her shoes is one of the puzzling features of the case. It is an unusual thing for anyone to wear their initials on the inside of a shoe and this fact alone may throw a different light on the case. Why her relatives looked for this unusual means of identification the first thing after the body was found and why the initials of the murdered girl were placed in the she in the first place are questions that have caused
considerable comment in official circles.
Forest Lake - Lee Lincoln, formerly of Forest Lake, went to Lestershire a few years ago to work in the Endicott-Johnson factory. Later the firm transferred him to its big tannery at Endicott, where he has advanced step by step, 'till he is now assistant to the foreman in that great plant, one of the largest tanneries in the world--perhaps the largest. Good for the Susquehanna county boy.
Uniondale - They are putting a double track on the O. & W. R.R. The report of some of the blasts make the people on this side of the valley think of earthquakes. AND Miss Edna Burdick is engaged at the Telephone central during the absence of Mrs. L. Lockwood. AND The school board has engaged as teachers, Mr. Bradford, as Principal and Miss Jennie Watson, of great Bend, as primary teacher.
Birchardville - A strange looking man passed through this place a few days ago, carrying a large banner with the inscription, "The World is coming to an end." No other information could be had from him. He passed on towards Montrose. It is thought he was out of his mind. AND Slauson & Robinson have a new 'phone in their store
Harford - Mr. Andrews, of Scranton, who is at present visiting his parents here, has entertained a number of residents--adults and children--with rides in his automobile.
Thompson - A band of Gypsies visited last week.
Hallstead - The members of the Hallstead Fire Co are being supplied with goggles and smoke respirators to be used in fighting fire. It is also being planned by the fire department to divide the borough into five or six wards and to have a fire alarm system for each ward. They will be operated by electricity and will be connected with the roundhouse so that when the alarm is given it will be known just in what part of the town the fire is located.
Lenoxville - Miss Madge Bennett has accepted the position of vice-principal in the Lanesboro High School.
Rattlesnakes - Dr. D. C. Ainey killed a rattlesnake on his farm near New Milford measuring over 4' in length. In Hallstead Robert Stuckey and Geo. Steele, while returning from the reservoir, discovered a large rattlesnake in the road at the head of Pine St. They quickly dispatched him--it measured 4' and had ten rattles and a button. In East Bridgewater Mrs. Elmer Pickett, who resides on the Giles Watrous farm, while out berrying on the Kent place, was bitten and her condition is still serious. Dr. Mackey was summoned and has since been successfully treating her, although last night her condition was not thought so favorable. This is the first instance known that rattlers have been in the immediate vicinity, residents of the neighborhood where the accident occurred claiming, however, to have seen the poisonous reptiles thereabouts before.
Tunkhannock - Fourteen-year-old Loretta Rosengrant was married at Tunkhannock recently to Claude Ross, a lumberman, after obtaining her father's consent. Her father, in 1900, sold her mother for $3, and in the paper which was drawn to record the transaction was the statement, "and to throw in the little girl." She met Ross in the Wyoming lumbering district, where her mother and Palmer took her after the sale and have since been living.
Forest City - Mrs. M. Hendler, Main Street, advertises: "Owing to the fact that I am going out of business my entire stock consisting of $8,000 worth of clothing and shoes must be sold at once. They have been marked down to fifty cents on the dollar."
Scranton - A terrible tragedy occurred at Hillside Home, near Scranton, Wednesday afternoon, when Ignantz Krewsyp, an inmate, suddenly became a raving maniac, and having secured a long, sharp, amputating knife from the surgeon's office, killed two patients--Mrs. Annie Golden and Mrs. Ann Van Vallen. Mrs. Golden was a widow, 53 years of age. Her name is enrolled on St. Mary's [Montrose] parish register and she is a sister of Mrs. John Donohoe, of Dimock. The funeral will be held from St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church in Auburn.
News Brief: In 1903 we had very wet weather during June, July and August; wetter than it has been this season, an exchange says. But it does not seem possible. AND Every Catholic family in the Diocese of Scranton [of which diocese St. Mary's church in this place is a part], will be assessed $1 to assist in paying for the new Bishop's House, in Scranton, now being erected. The cost of the residence will be $75,000. There are about 40,000 families in the diocese. Members of the Scranton parish will pay half.
Compiled By: Betty Smith