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July 20 1894/1994

Jessup - O S Squires, whose house in Jessup was burned to the ground June 2nd, will soon erect a new house not far from where the old one stood, but over the town line in Forest Lake Twp That’s a quick way to move from one town to another.

Ararat - A child, less than two years of age, was thrown from the track by a train at Ararat. The little one was playing on the track when Walter Dix’s train came along. The train could not be stopped in the distance to run when the child was seen. When picked up the boy, son of George and Jennie Lakey was unconscious but not fatally injured.

New Milford - Dr. E.M. Casey, Veterinary Surgeon of New Milford, is winning a most enviable reputation in his time. It has come to such a pass nowadays that a surgeon who understands and can properly diagnose and treat a case of sickness in animals, is as much sought after as for the human family. The Doctor graduated from one of the very best veterinary, surgical and medical institutions in the world, and the results of his work in actual practice confirms and makes more emphatic the diploma he there received. ANDThe members of the New Milford ball club are nice young men, but they seem to be a little short of practice on ball.

Jackson - The Jackson Cornet Band left here with a four horse team, on the morning of the ever-glorious fourth, to discourse sweet music for the Gibson celebration, which they did in a befitting manner. Boys, your photos taken that morning on the lawn in front of the Central, are fine. We Jacksonites think that the band boys are a little above par.

South Gibson - Mrs. J.B. Sheen, of South Montrose, has engaged Miss Sara Cook, of Brooklyn, NY, to instruct her children in elocution. Mrs. S. is very fortunate in securing so excellent an elocutionist.

Heart Lake - There will be a grand dance at U.E. Crofuts, Heart Lake, on Tuesday night, July 24th. A general invitation is extended.

Auburn Corners - Miss Bessie Riley has suffered very much since the 4th, with a sore hand, caused by horse stepping on it Mr L S , if you don’t change horses Miss Bessie will likely change fellows

Hallstead - Among the novices at bicycle riding are Mr. Warren, Simrell of William Street; Miss Taylor of the Centennial cottage, and Mrs. B.F. Bernstein of Main Street AND The mayor should call the attention of the public ordinance No.6 in regard to bathing and swimming, it being unlawful for any person to go in bathing or swimming in this borough between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. without having on a bathing suit

Union Dale - The parties who put dynamite in Cotterel pond and caused the shores of the lake to be lined with dead fish had better leave the country as the authorities are on their track.

News Briefs: A man remarked the other day that the barbarous custom of piercing girl’s ears and the wearing of jewelry in the lower lobes of the auricular appendages has almost entirely gone out of fashion. Not one young lady in ten now borrows this custom of adornment from the aborigines. How much better our American girls look with well-formed ears that are not deformed by this ancient fashion. White duck trousers sometimes make a man look like a goose.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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