Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 18 1919/2019
North Jackson – The home of Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Brown, well-known residents of North Jackson, was destroyed by fire on the morning of July 4th. The blaze was discovered in the upper part of the house about 9 am. Help was summoned and neighbors hurried to the scene, but they could not stay the flames. They succeeded in removing all the furniture from the rooms on the first floor, but nothing in the upper part of the house was saved. The loss is heavy.
Brooklyn – Dr. Calvin F. Bennett, who recently resigned from the military service, after having served 11 months with the American Expeditionary Forces, has opened an office for the practice of veterinary medicine. Dr. Bennett is a son of Dr. N. C. Bennett, a well-known veterinarian in southeastern Bradford County, who has recently come forth with what appears to be a positive cure for infectious abortion in cattle. Dr. Calvin Bennett has not only had experience with his father, but has worked with Dr. Frederick H. Schneider, of Philadelphia, and Dr. Edwin Hogg, of Wilkes-Barre, and is a graduate of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bennett is one of four brothers who volunteered their services to the government during the war.
Thompson – Wendall Brown has purchased the house and lot on Jackson street formerly owned and occupied by H. L. Burchell and family. Mr. Burchell and family and Mr. Wademan and family, of Ararat, have gone to Oneida, Tenn, where they intend to reside. They made the trip by auto. ALSO Boro teachers hired for ensuing year: Principal, Prof. Robert Sampson, of Thompson; Asst. Principal, Miss Ruth Smith, of Virginia; Intermediate, Miss Myra Campbell, of Osceola, Pa. and Miss Nina Avery, of Ararat.
Silver Lake – Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Murphy have sold their farm and are moving to Binghamton. A farewell was given them one evening recently.
Susquehanna – Jack Dempsey, who walloped Jesse Willard, and galloped away with the so-called heavyweight boxing championship of the world, worked in the local shops of the Erie almost six years ago. He came here on an Erie freight train, secured employment in the local shops and made this place his residence until pay day. All in all Jack resided here about six weeks. He was a quiet lad, and mixed but little, say those who knew him while he was here.
Comfort’s Pond, Harmony Twp. (southern part of pond is in Thompson Twp.) – Leon Storer, while haying in his fields near Comfort’s pond, killed three rattlesnakes in two days. The reptiles were playing in the fields when they encountered Mr. Storer.
Kingsley – The old depot has been remodeled into a garage and Fred Tyler is manager.
Harford – The Normal graduates of Harford, 1856, met again at the Rosemont Inn, Montrose. There were six of them, namely Betsey Oakley Jeffers, of Harford; Mary Corse Stevens, of Clark’s Green; E. W. Bolles, of Fairdale; Levi T. Birchard, of Birchardville; Hon. E. B. Beardslee, of Little Meadows and H. M. Benson, of Jackson. The Normal school of over 200 was the first held in Susquehanna county for special training of teachers. It was organized by Supt. B. F. Tewksbury, at the old Harford academy.
Gelatt – Mrs. Verna Daniels and daughter, Pearl, had a narrow escape in a run-away accident. They took dinner with Miss Gertrude Bigelow, leaving for home about four o’clock. The iron breaking, thill dropping, hitting the horse on the legs, causing her to run away, throwing them out, (and) causing severe injuries about the back and head of Mrs. Daniels. Pearl’s leg was badly bruised. We hope for their speedy recovery.
Montrose – Johnson City base ball team came here, last Saturday afternoon and was trimmed by the score of 7 to 1 by Camp Susquehannock. Camp Susquehannock started scoring in the second. The hit of the day came in the fourth, when Frank Shafer drove the ball to the left field fence, where the ball found a small space and went through, and Frank trotted around the circuit. One might try for ages to duplicate this hit, but the ball would miss the small space in the fence.
Lenox Twp. – Mrs. B. R. Carr was the victim of a painful accident last week, when she was thrown from a hay rake when it overturned on a side hill at her husband’s farm in Lenox township. The horse attached to the rake continued on his way after the rake upset and she was dragged along for some distance. She sustained a compound fracture of the left leg and her body was badly bruised. Owing to her advanced age her condition is looked upon as serious.
Uniondale – Sunday brought more visitors to Cottrell lake than usual. The larger number was from the cities. Over one hundred took the evening train and many more returned by auto.
News Brief: “It’s a waste of time,” says a practical road maker, quoted in the Washington Farmer, “to do road dragging after the roads have dried up. They will usually be wavy and full of holes all summer. Those dragged while wet, will have relatively smooth surfaces.” The road man referred to, uses a simple plank drag that cost him $1.50 and has made the highways around his home nearly as smooth as a pavement. While this advice would not fit all kinds of roads, it does apply to conditions in a great many sections.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 17, 1819.
*Notice. There is an unjust note held against me, for which I never received any value—and I hereby caution all persons from buying said note, as I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. –Said note was given September 9th, 1818, and became due May 1st, 1819. ROLIN BELL, Lenox, July 7, 1819.
*Burying Ground. Public Notice is hereby given to the inhabitants of Montrose and its vicinity, that one of the Committee which was appointed to circulate a subscription for the purpose of obtaining money to purchase a burying ground, and to inclose [enclose] it, has removed from this place and carried the subscription with him—but there was not enough subscribed to purchase the ground then contemplated. We the committee appointed for the above purpose, have thought proper to appoint Friday the 23d inst. at two o’clock P.M. at the Court House in Montrose, for the meeting of the society, to appoint another committee, or do the business necessary to be done—for we have no ground we can call our won, as a society, to bury our dead.—These things ought not to remain so. SAMUEL WARNER, ROBERT DAY, Committee. Montrose, July 10, 1819.
*At the present time of failures of Banks, it is with pleasure we are able to state that the Silver-Lake Bank, at this place meets all demands with promptness. This may truly be termed the time that tries Bank’s Souls, and those which maintain their credit thro’ the present pressing time will deserve well of the community. Silver-Lake notes are quoted in Philadelphia at only 2½ per cent
Discount; which is as low or lower than any other interior notes in this state.
*DIED. In this town, on Monday last, in the 16th year of her age, Miss Peggy Ann Bowman, daughter of Rufus Bowman.
*DIED. On Thursday morning last, Miss Julia Catlin, daughter of Erastus Catlin, in the 17th year of her age.
*DIED. In Choconut on Thursday morning, last, aged about 25 years, after a lingering illness, Miss Luna Webster, daughter of Amos Webster.
Compiled By: Betty Smith