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July 16 1909/2009

Rattlesnakes - A rattlesnake with nine rattlers was killed in the road near G. M. Carpenter's house in Hallstead yesterday. The drought is believed to be causing the reptiles to crawl from the hills to the lower localities where there is water. ALSO In St. Joseph, James E. Kelly killed a rattlesnake over 4 feet in length.

Springville - No rain for over a month and saying it is dry is putting it mildly. ALSO Red raspberries are coming into market and selling for ten cents per quart.

Dimock - Liveryman W. A. Harrington, of Montrose, has sold a pair of fine matched horses, Tom and Jerry, to Mrs. Cope, an ardent admirer of well bred and carefully trained horses. Tom and Jerry are a handsome pair of young browns whose fine points and beauty have won for them the first premium at both the Montrose and Harford fairs.

Watrous Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - Charles Roberts, of East Bridgewater, has a fine new automobile. He passed through this place in it last Wednesday.

Great Bend - Joe Meehan shot a porcupine in his garden Saturday morning. It was exhibited during the day in the store window of Charles D. Lines. It is a rare animal in this section.

Elk Lake - On Sunday evening nine boat loads of cottagers floated out to the center of the lake and sang hymns, and it was developed that material for a good choir could be found among the sojourners. Instrumental inspiration was given by Norman Steward and John V. P. Quackenbush on the guitar and octerina.

Jessup Twp. - In the death of Jacob Andre, Jessup township lost one of its oldest and best known residents and a man of many sterling qualities and noble traits of character. His age was 71 years. The funeral was held Friday, July 2, from his late home at Fair Hill and later at the church, conducted by Rev. Unangst. The bearers were: Jefferson Green, Silas Jagger, Fred Lewis, Nelson Cool, Ackley Walker and John R. Raub. Besides his widow he is survived by one son Floyd, of Montrose, and one daughter, Miss Ethel.

Montrose - D. D. Lathrop, C. E., recently made surveys and maps for the Water Company, to indicate the locations of the several shut-off valves of the water mains of the borough. There are 29 shut-off valves and one blow-off gate. The valves being in the streets, many of them are covered up by repairing the streets, hence the importance of the maps which indicate distances from permanent objects to each valve.

Forest City - The Farmer's and Miners National Bank is to have new quarters. The directors have purchased the Wm. Sredenschek building, now occupied as a wholesale liquor store and will make needed improvements and move to the permanent location.

New Milford - Chicken thieves have been operating in the vicinity of S. New Milford for some time and many farmers have been robbed of much valuable poultry. One night last week one of these "poultry fanciers," who visited the hen house of Emory Gleason, was seen prowling about and Mr. Gleason, who was prepared to meet all comers, seized his shot gun and "let fly" at the marauder. The shot evidently hit the mark, as the man cried out, and rapidly ran from the scene closely followed by a pull pup which was a partner in his midnight raid.

Franklin Twp. - Two of our neighbor boys have left home, Perry Watterhouse and Percy Webster. Any news from them would be gladly received by their anxious parents or any of their friends in this place, Franklin Forks.

Harford - Mrs. Emeline Redfield is visiting friends in the east. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Farrar, deceased, and for many years teacher in the Soldiers' Orphan school.

East Rush - Mrs. Owen Daley was the guest of Mrs. Theo. Smith this week. Mrs. Daley is 87 and she walked from son Henry Daley's over a mile. She also called upon Mrs. Lydia Risley who is slowly failing.

South Gibson - Notwithstanding a careful investigation of the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Arthur Carpenter, of South Gibson, the young West Chester State Normal school student who so suddenly disappeared on June 19, by the police, teachers of the institution, friends and lastly his father, who went to West Chester last Thursday, not the slightest slue leading to his whereabouts has been unearthed.

Uniondale - For fear our regular correspondent doesn't have his pencil sharpened and ready to chronicle the beautiful exercises of Children's day at the M. E. church, we will mention it, but as we do not know all the children that took part in the exercises, we will refrain from mentioning any names, but simply say each one certainly did finely and those who have seen many more years, can't help but rejoice even to clapping of hands to see such bright little boys and girls go through their exercises so nicely. Although some do not approve of clapping hands in church, yet we can't disapprove of it, if it isn't carried too far, and we think it would encourage the little ones in well-doing, and then how it would sound if some little tot would go home and say, "Mamma, they didn't clap for me at all."

Choconut Valley - Our creamery is doing finely under the management of Walter Clarke, son of our townsman, Frank Clarke. Our blacksmith shop is run by Grover Warfle, who is doing a fine business.

News Brief - "The Hello Girl" The Telephone girl sits in her chair and listens to voices from everywhere. She hears all the gossip, she knows all the news, she knows who is happy and who has the blues; she knows all our sorrows, she knows all our joys, she knows every girl who is chasing the boys; she knows of our trouble, she knows of our strife, she knows every man who is mean to his wife; she knows when we are out with the boys, she hears the excuse each fellow employs. She knows every woman who has a dark past, she knows every man who is inclined to be "fast;" In fact there's a secret beneath each saucy curl of that quiet, demure looking telephone girl. If the telephone girl told all that she knows it would turn half our friends into bitterest foes; she could sow a small wind that would soon be a gale, engulf us in trouble and land us in jail; she could let go a story which gaining in force, would cause half our wives to sue for divorce; she could get all our churches mixed up in a fight and turn all our days into sorrowing night; in fact she could keep the whole town in a stew if she'd tell a tenth part of the things that she knew. Oh, brother, now doesn't it make your head whirl when you think what you owe to the telephone girl?

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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