Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 12 1918/2018
Montrose – Fire broke out early Sunday morning in Riker’s laundry on South Main Street, and totally destroyed the block of wooden buildings reaching to Rogers’ market. Four of the buildings were connected by an air chamber along the back next to the roof, making a way for the smoke to travel, partly accounting for Mr. and Mrs. John Snell being overcome in the flat farthest from the fire. The burned remains of Mr. and Mrs. Snell were later found. The businesses places wiped out were Riker’s laundry, Slatter’s grocery store, the A & P store, Steine’s shoe and clothing store and six or more families lost all their possessions. The fire companies did heroic work and at one time it looked as if the flames would take the entire business section. A call was made to Binghamton and a dozen fire laddies reached here in 50 minutes, along with the fire chief of that city. On Monday afternoon the burial of Mr. and Mrs. Snell took place. The remains were put in one casket, and at four o’clock the Rebekah Lodge of which she was an active member, the Sons of Veterans to which Mr. Snell belonged the G.A.R., and the Daughters of Veterans went to the cemetery. After prayer the burial services of these orders were given.
Harford – Henry Jones, son of Hon. and Mrs. E.E. Jones, who has been in France for the past two years, is spending a short furlough with his parents in Harford. Mr. Jones is in the aviation service [Lafayette Espadrille], and has achieved great success in this branch, having been awarded the cross de guerre for bravery. He is to report to Dayton, Ohio, and inspect and test aeroplanes. ALSO Frank R. Tiffany died at his home July 1, 1918, aged 57 years. He was born and always lived in the township. When a young man he drove the first stage between Harford and Great Bend and was engaged in the stage driving business for over 20 years.
South Harford – Truman Oakley, formerly of this place, is reported as lost at sea while en route to France to join the forces over there.
Silver Lake – A large number from here spent the Fourth in Friendsville. A ball game in the afternoon, between Laurel Lake and Middletown, was very much enjoyed by all. The score was 11 to 6 in favor of Laurel Lake. Three cheers for the boys of Laurel Lake. The dance in the evening was also very much enjoyed.
Brooklyn – Leonard Shadduck, one of our well-known young men, is now with the American Motor Car Sales Co., of Scranton, which handles the “American Balanced Six,” one of the widely known cars of the higher grades. Len is both persuasive and affable, and prospective customers of the “American” in his territory will be adequately and eloquently acquainted with this car’s many merits.
Little Meadows – During the storm of June 30, the entire herd of Registered Holstein cows belonging to Harry Brown, who resides about a mile north of Little Meadows, was killed by lightning. They were fine cattle, and Mr. Brown, a progressive farmer and cattleman, had taken much pains to secure a fine herd. But a few days before Mr. Brown had an offer of $600 for four head. There was an insurance of $100 on each animal killed.
Hallstead – W.P. Van Loan has the new bungalow on his farm up the river nearly completed, and already has had several applications from city people who wish to rent the cottage during their vacations. Mr. Van Loan’s farm is situated along the Susquehanna river, about two miles east of this place, and is nicely located. There is excellent fishing, good boating, and with modern convenience makes it a desirable place to while away the heated term. Mr. Van Loan contemplates erecting two more cottages next season.
Dundaff – A notice of petition to annul the charter of Dundaff borough, this county, appears in the Republican today. It is intended to make this borough, one of the oldest in the county, into a township, as the cost of government will be decreased, as well as giving the citizens advantages, which they cannot enjoy as a borough. Our older residents well remember when Dundaff was thought to have great possibilities for the future. It was intended as a railroad terminal and factories sprang up and there was a big building boom. Many left Carbondale, the nearest town of any size, as it was believed the coal deposits were becoming exhausted. Property in Carbondale greatly depreciated for a time and many went to Dundaff to reside. But the failure of the railroad to materialize resulted in the abandonment of the factories and other industries and the town dwindled to a few hundred inhabitants, although borough form of government has been retained.
Lawsville – Francis Hicks and Harry Lavine, two Syracuse boys who escaped from the House of Refuge, Randall’s Island, NY, landed in this county a short time ago and were working for a farmer hear here. They were located through the postoffice authorities and Sheriff Taylor was notified to capture them, if possible. Accompanied by Constable J.I. Chapman and Special Officer E.G. Foote, they went to Lawsville and learned that the boys were headed for Montrose. The automobile soon overtook them and, after driving by the youths, Mr. Foote called back and asked them if they didn’t want a ride. They did. The sheriff brought them on for lodgment with him until they can be returned to the reformatory. The boys had been sent to the institution for the theft of an automobile.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – Sorrow and gloom was spread over this place recently by the deaths of Mrs. P.D. Sherman and S.L. Overfield. By their deaths this place has lost two good citizens who were kind and obliging neighbors. They will be greatly missed.
Forest City – Edward Yanchitis has been sent by the naval authorities to Columbia University, NY, where he will take a short course in the uses of gasoline. ALSO Joseph Zaller, of Joliet, Ill, a former well-known resident, is the guest of his parents of North Main Street. Mr. Zaller is National Secretary of the Slovenic Catholic Union, a position he has held for the past ten years.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 11, 1818.
*The Office of the Montrose Gazette is removed, opposite Fuller’s Tavern. Persons are requested to call there for their Papers.
*Stray Cow. Went away from the subscriber last Thursday, a yellow cow with a white face (some would call her a pale red). She is five or six years old and possibly seven. Whoever will give notice where said cow can be found, or return her to the subscriber, shall receive a handsome reward with necessary charges paid. DAVIS DIMOCK, July 9, 1818.
*Dissolution. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Hezekiah Bullard and Elijah Bullard was dissolved on the 12th instant by mutual consent. HEZEKIAH BULLARD. ELIJAH BULLARD. Bridgewater, June 22, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith