Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 10 1914/2014
Heart Lake – Heart Lake has been the scene of many a big Fourth of July celebrations, but never a more successful observance of this patriotic day’s festivities than this year, and Mack & Jenkins, proprietors of this popular resort, are receiving congratulations on every hand. The crowds came early and stayed late and came from every point of the compass—a cosmopolitan crowd, coming in autos, by trains and wagons and carriages and the grounds were taxed to capacity. The merry-go-round, dance, boats, napha launch and various stands all did a rushing business. The College Quartet sang splendidly, while Robinson, the Funny Juggler, furnished fun and entertainment for all. The ball game was hotly contested, Hop Bottom defeating Richmond Hill. The Montrose Concert Band discoursed excellent music.
Montrose – Edward Button, age 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Button, was painfully injured Saturday, July the 4th, when a 22 calibre revolver was discharged, the contents entering the palm of his hand. His hand swelled terribly and gave intense pain, and after calling a physician, it was decided to take him to a hospital, which was done Sunday morning.
Susquehanna – The world’s greatest locomotive has just been turned out by the Baldwin Locomotive Works for the Erie Railroad and was delivered at Susquehanna this week. It will be used to do the work of four Mikado type of engines on the 8-mile grade to Gulf Summit. Its total weight is 830,000 pounds, water capacity 10,000 gallons and coal capacity 16 tons. The tender is driven with steam, its wheels being equipped with drivers separate from those on the engine, which innovation adds greatly to the hauling power. The bridge at Lanesboro [Starrucca Viaduct] the giant will cross has been reinforced and heavier rails laid on the 8-mile stretch it will traverse.
Forest Lake – Abram Booth, one of our best known and highly esteemed citizens, died at his late home July 2, 1914, aged 70 years, 10 months and 20 days. He was a man of fine physique and commanding appearance, a family trait characteristic of the five Booth brothers, all of whom were over six feet in height, sturdy and clear of eye. Robert Booth, a brother, died some years ago and he is survived by three brothers, William and Thomas, of Forest Lake, and Hugh, Nebraska, who came east about five weeks ago to be with his brother during his last days. Also, three sisters, Mrs. E. C. Baldwin, of Montrose; Mrs. Seneca Arnold, of Towanda, and Miss Hannah, with whom he resided. The deceased was never married. ALSO When John Michael Kane, of this place, attempted to turn his team, attached to a market spring wagon, around in Strawberry alley, Montrose, near the Cox livery, Tuesday morning, a front wheel caught under the wagon box in a way to overturn the wagon and pitch Mr. Kane over the dash board, under the horses' feet. The horses were frightened when the wagon went over and Mr. Kane was dragged several feet when almost by a miracle, the wagon came to a depression, which righted the wagon, on its four wheels, and released Mr. Kane. The unfortunate man, badly cut about the head and face and had an arm badly abrased, was taken to Dr. Wilson’s office where his wounds were dressed. He was able to return to his home in the evening. Both horses and wagon were practically uninjured.
Forest City – Louis Schaiger will remember Barnum and Bailey’s show and Saturday, July 4th, 1914. He attended the show and wishing to make change he found his pocket book gone. ALSO The contract has been awarded the Forest City Lumber and Construction company by the state authorities at Harrisburg for the erection of fire proof barns, sheds and other outbuildings at the fish hatchery near Pleasant Mount. The state proposes to expend about $40,000 in the improvement of the plant, which is said to be the best in the state in propagating the finny tribe.
Choconut – Miss Catherine McCarlin, a highly respected lady of this place, will cross the hundredth mile-stone of her life the 26th of next February. She is in fairly good health at present and although her eye-sight is becoming poor, she has enjoyed perfect sight all these years, being a great reader and has never used glasses. She is justly proud of the fact that she has never taken five cents worth of medicine in her life. Miss McCarlin is a great aunt of the McCahill Bros., the proprietors of the noted resort, Choconut Inn.
Hop Bottom – The Camp Fire Girls, of Factoryville, who are camping at Loomis Lake, entertained the Hop Bottom girls’ basketball team Wednesday afternoon.
Rush – A large delegation of Odd Fellows marched from their Hall to the Rush M. E. church in a body, Sunday evening, and the pastor preached to them on the topic “A Peculiar People, or Men Who Dare.” The church was filled t its capacity and the music was furnished by the Rush Orchestra of 16 pieces.
Tunkhannock – The witch hazel plant and the Smith residence on Fifth street were destroyed Saturday by fire. Both blazes were caused by the reckless use of fireworks. The loss is estimated at $12,000.
Lenoxville – While Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Moore were in Carbondale, on the Fourth, their children remained at home and thought they would celebrate. They set fire to the barn, poultry house and pig pen, all of which were destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Moore arrived on the scene in time to save the porkers, but the contents of the barn went up in smoke.
Uniondale – Urbane Barriger [Barrager], one of our best known residents, died June 30, 1914, following a long illness. He was born at Gelatt in October 1834, and spent his young manhood in that place. In 1861 he responded to the call for troops, serving throughout the war. Soon after the war he was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Westgate and to them was born one daughter. Mrs. Albert Aylsworth, of Trappe, PA. Two sisters and one brother also survive—Mrs. O. Darrow, New Milford, Mrs. G. L. Larrabee, Uniondale and Paul Barriger of Windsor, NY. The funeral was held Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock. The services were in charge of Matthew McPherson Post, G.A.R. Interment in Uniondale. [Sgt. Urbane Barrager was a member of
Co. I, Fifty-Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.]
News Brief: As has been its custom for a number of years past, the New York Tribune will furnish vacations for thousands of “fresh air” kids this summer and have appealed to the people residing in this section to offer accommodations to these children, who come from the tenement districts of New York city. Last year 9,000 children from the east side of New York were sent to the country to enjoy a two weeks’ vacation. The only expense connected with entertaining a fresh air child is the little it takes to feed them. All are subjected to a medical examination before leaving New York and transportation will be provided by the fund. Children will be distributed at all points on the Lackawanna between Stroudsburg and Hallstead on July 15. Those interested should write to the New York Tribute Fresh Air Fund Box, Scranton, Pa. ALSO One Sayre man is dead and another seriously, if not fatally, injured as a result of attempting to make a giant firecracker out of a piece of iron pipe filled with railroad torpedoes on the Fourth. Harry Wagner was holding the pipe in which the torpedoes had been placed, while Clarence Ferguson was forcing on a cap. It exploded as Wagner was holding the pipe to his breast and the force of the explosion disemboweled him, his death occurring at the Packer Hospital later. Ferguson had an arm blown off and was otherwise injured.
Compiled By: Betty Smith