Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 10 1902/2002
Susquehanna - The Philadelphia "North American", on Friday, contained a portrait of Miss Pauline E. Barrett, of Susquehanna, who has been elected to the Chair of Oratory, in Susquehanna University at Selinsgrove, Pa., and says - "Miss Barrett's wide experience as an elocutionist eminently qualifies her to fill the new position. She will assist Prof. Edward V. Dunlavey, head of the department of elocution during the summer season."
Rush - There were no tears shed by the respectable part of the community when the horse traders folded their tents and flitted.
Herrick Centre - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rought celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, Monday, June 30. AND Nellie Burns and Alarie Bowell, both of this place, were married July 1, at Hancock, NY.
Harford - Gertrude Stearns has entered a preparatory school in Philadelphia, for trained nurses.
Forest Lake - Hugh Chalker has sold his farm in Nebraska and returned to this place to live with his son, Frank.
Lindaville (Brooklyn Twp.) - The 4th was an ideal day. At about noon the company began to assemble from all points of the compass, people being in attendance from Scranton, Nicholson, Hopbottom, Brooklyn and Lathrop. Tables were set in the store building and ice cream was served on the lawn. AND In Brooklyn - Roy Shadduck, who has just completed a commercial course at Wyoming Seminary, has entered in partnership with E. E. Tiffany and they have opened the meat market, which had been closed for several months. Brooklyn people are happy over the arrangement, as it insures a good market and keeps a bright, energetic young man at home.
South Auburn - L. T. Place drove back in his field and as the woodchucks are rather thick he took his gun along. Arriving at the field he saw one of the animals and thinking he could take a good aim from his wagon he stood up and fired. The report of the gun frightened his horse and Mr. Place was thrown violently to the ground, striking on his head and shoulder, leaving him unconscious for some time. Finally gaining consciousness Mr. Place managed to get to the house. Dr. Harrison was summoned at once and reported no bones broken, but badly bruised.
Nicholson - The Nicholson school commences Monday, Sept. 1st. The lady teachers have been required to sign a contract that in case of marriage during the school year they will give up their positions.
Uniondale - Drilling for coal on the Carpenter property, Uniondale, still continues. The prospects are very favorable. After drilling 400 ft. they found three seams of coal, one being eighteen inches in thickness.
Forest City - Robert Jones, a resident of Forest City, died on Sunday evening in the Forest City Baptist Church in a manner which is remarkable for its peculiarity and pathos. Mr. Jones had just finished offering prayer, the last words of which were: "For ye know not at what time the Son of Man may visit you," after which the choir sang "Throw out the Life Line," and before that beautiful hymn was ended, his soul had departed from this earth to the celestial realms above. His tragic end deeply impressed the large congregation, which was in attendance at the church. He was 75 years old and will be greatly missed in the religious circles of that place in which he was a prominent worker.
Heart Lake - The 4th of July celebration this year, attracted a large number of people, not only from the immediate vicinity of that popular resort, but from many other points as well. The day was an ideal one, and people began to arrive early. Every train was packed with visitors, and about 500 Montrosers were present. Among the attractive features of the day were dancing, a fantastic parade and riding the merry-go-round, which was teeming with the young all the day and evening. Boats were plying the lake and the small boy got in his vociferous work with his fire crackers and pistol. The Brevier Orchestra discoursed excellent music during the afternoon and evening. The occasion was a very happy one, and shortly after midnight nearly all had departed for home.
Binghamton - The engagement has been announced of Miss Helen Elizabeth Weeks, one of Binghamton's most talented young ladies, formerly of Montrose, to Mr. G. H. Dickinson.
Bridgewater - John W. Young, a student at the Scotland, PA. Soldiers' Orphan School, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Young. This is an industrial school and John is learning the printing trade. While in to see The Democrat staff he set up a "stick" just to keep his hand in. Earl Evans, a pupil at the same school, is also here for his vacation, staying at Horace Welsh's.
Scranton - H. S. Stark, champion bag puncher of America, and heir to the Stark estate of Philadelphia and Tunkhannock, was a recent guest here. The estate is valued at about $225,000 and is entirely in real estate. Mr. Stark is a young man of 22. Besides being champion bag punch of America, he is an all round athlete and has written several magazine articles on athletics. He is the son of the late Judge Stark of Philadelphia and great-grandson of General John Stark, one of the most valiant and noted generals of the Revolutionary War. Champion Stark is a modest appearing young fellow and is a nephew of Chief Justice J. Brewster McCollum of Montrose and is distantly related to many others in Susquehanna county and in the Wyoming Valley.
News Brief - An exchange remarks: The newspaper is a law book for the indolent, a library for the poor, and admonisher to the lawless. It may stimulate the most indifferent, it may instruct the most profound, but it cannot be published without cost and mailed free to the subscribers. AND Mrs. Sylvia Dunham, of Binghamton, in 1800, made her first trip from home at the age of five in a stagecoach, at 49 she rode in a railway train, at 99 on an electric car and recently at 102 she enjoyed an automobile trip. She is still quite active with household duties. AND A great many people have a great deal to say that doesn't amount to a great deal. Ever notice it?
Compiled By: Betty Smith