Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 09 1920/2020
Dimock – During the thunder shower Saturday evening, lightning struck a wooden frame building used as a feed and implement repository located about an eighth of a mile south of the main buildings on Louden Hill Farm, owned by Percy Ballantine. The loss is estimated at from ten to fifteen thousand dollars. The building did not carry lightning rods.
Montrose – The “Fourth“ passed off uneventfully here. Scores went to Heart Lake, as usual, and many others went to Endicott, where horse racing was an attraction. The large crowd at Heart Lake was most orderly, the writer seeing no person during the day that had the appearance of even looking at that congenial old chap, John Barleycorn, who in the old days always got around at the 4th of July celebration. The boats, stands, dance, merry-go-round, etc., were liberally patronized, and all seemed to have a jolly good time. ALSO There have been a number of complaints the past few weeks in regard to the riding of bicycles on the side walks, which a borough ordinance forbids. It would be well that this law be enforced. It would also be well if all boys of the town had some form of warning on their wheels, as required, instead of riding up behind people and then whistling for them to get out of the way.
Susquehanna – Josephine, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. O’Brien, of Prospect street, died Tuesday morning from the result of burns received on Monday night when here clothes caught fire, in just what manner is not known, as the child had just left the house and was out on the sidewalk when her clothing became ignited. She ran screaming into the house. Her mother caught the little girl and rolled her in a rug, but when it was unrolled every stitch of clothing above her shoes was burned away. Dr. Denman was called and worked in vain to save her life, but death came as a release about 5 o’clock on Tuesday morning.
Road to Scranton – It is said that the best road for autoists, between Montrose and Scranton is via Watrous Corners and Newton Hill to Brooklyn, to Hop Bottom; and then swing off to Glenwood, meeting the state road, which is in splendid shape, proceeding via Pine Hill, Fleetville, Waverly and Clark’s Summit. The state road between Harford and Glenwood is in extra-ordinary good condition. [Time on your hands? Try this route.]
Silver Lake – Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hawley are occupying their new home near Laurel Lake. All join in wishing them much success and happiness.
Gibson – Our boys played a game of base ball with Harford Monday afternoon and our “boys” are busy men and have little time to practice, and we do not feel badly if we were beaten for we had a good time just the same.
Hop Bottom – A reception was tendered to Roy Case and bride at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oney Case. Friends assembled, bringing useful and beautiful gifts as a token of esteem. The evening was spent with vocal and instrumental music and games. A beautiful kewpie bride and groom adorned the table which held the bride’s cake, and gifts of silver, cut glass, linen, wool blankets, pyrex ware and a bit of money and other gifts of value. Punch and dainty refreshments were served and all enjoyed the evening.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – George Birchard, of Lincoln, Nebraska, is spending a few days visiting old friends and neighbors. He has been in that state for 38 years and is engaged in contracting and building, having built a large number of elevators on the B. & M. line. ALSO Forest Lake is rapidly becoming one of the favorite summer resorts of this locality. Already twenty-two cottages are located around the lake and more in contemplation.
Jackson/Gibson – Mr. Leo B. Lamb, of Jackson, and Miss Marion R. Tiffany, were married by Rev. B. L. Lyon at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Emma Tiffany, in Gibson, June 30, 1920.
Lenox – the death of Albert V. Jerauld occurred on June 19, 1920. He was born June 30, 1844 and was a veteran of the Civil War in Co. F, 52nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was a commander of the G. A. R. Post at Glenwood. Interment was made in the family plot in the Shoemaker cemetery near Dalton.
Rush – Miss Isadore Sterling, an inmate of the Auburn and Rush poor asylum, fell recently and broke her hip. But little hopes are held for her recovery.
Friendsville – Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lee are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a second son—Lewis John. ALSO Camp Choconut opened on July 1st with sixty boys enrolled. ALSO Mrs. R. P. Mulford has opened “Hackamore,” her country house near Lake Carmalt for the summer. ALSOMr. and Mrs. Woolsey Carmalt, of New York city, are spending the summer at their country home here.
Brooklyn – Miss Nellie Tiffany, of Scranton, who is spending some weeks at her former home here, was a caller in town. Miss Tiffany conducts the Gossard Corset Shop in Scranton, having been in successful business there for some years. Owing to close application to business, she has been obliged to take a needed rest.
Kingsley – William Smith was the victim of a serious accident recently. While driving his horse and wagon to Hopbottom the horse became unmanageable, throwing him out of the wagon upon some rocks. He sustained a compound fracture of the collar bone and other bruises. George Palmer, who was working on the road nearby, went to his assistance and calling [for] help removed him too his home, when Dr. Taylor was called. He is slowly recovering from his injuries.
Local Relic Adorns Harding’s Headquarters: “The first poster hung on the walls of the Harding headquarters was used in the John C. Fremont campaign of 1856, when the Republican party became a national factor. The poster hung in the window of the store owned by B. R. and J. D. Lyons, at Montrose, Pa. It was sent to Senator Harding by C. A. VanWormer, of Buffalo, whose wife was a Miss Lyons. The members of the mercantile firm referred to were better known locally as “Uncle Bennie” and “Uncle Jerry” Lyons. The store was burned some decades ago, and was located near where the C-Nic Theatre now stands.” New York World [The poster must have been returned to Mr. VanWormer when the office closed. Maria Lyons VanWormer donated it to our Historical Society ca. 1922 and it now hangs in the main staircase of the museum.
Compiled By: Betty Smith