Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 09 1915/2015
Hallstead – Considerable excitement was created this week when a warrant for the arrest of 27 men employed on the D.L.&W. cut-off operations, charging trespass, was sworn out by J. C. Florence and E. J. B. Roosa. The hearing is set for September. It seems that the D.L.&W. had taken legal steps to condemn lands of Mr. Florence and Mr. Roosa, but Mr. Florence disputes the right of the company to condemn his lands. Later—The railroad’s corps of surveyors was arrested yesterday on a trespass charge by the same plaintiffs.
Forest Lake – Mrs. Mary Overton Brown, widow of the late William Brown, who died from the results of an accident fifteen years ago, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, in this place, Sunday, July 11th, from injuries received in a runaway accident. While descending the steep hill near Clarke Brands, the harness gave way causing the horse to run away. Mrs. Brown was thrown out of the wagon and, with other injuries, her spine was broken. She was taken to the home of the Taylors, where everything was done to alleviate her suffering
Susquehanna – The extreme hard rain of last Thursday sent the Susquehanna river to high water mark and grass and crops were ruined along its banks. Drinker Creek overflowed its banks and washed away the old Erie shop and filled the cellars along by the side of it. At Smith’s shoe store the cellar was full and Mr. Smith lost about $1000. The fire whistle was sounded for the men to get out and save property and try and take care of the water on Main street.
Montrose – The Beach Manufacturing Co., of this place, has received a telegram saying that their patented sawing machinery, on exhibition at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, at San Francisco, had been awarded the gold medal. ALSO It is hinted in official circles that the arrest of one autoist the first of the week, and fining him a ten-spot, is but a forerunner of other arrests where the speed limits are exceeded. Numerous large signs have been placed on the main thoroughfares indicating the lawful rate of speed allowed and officers are eagerly watching for offenders. Several narrow escapes from serious accidents have caused these precautions to be taken. Fifteen miles per hour should be fast enough for even the most speedily inclined.
Harford – Rev. Mueller took twelve boys for a hike on Tuesday. They visited the ruins of the old Harding sawmill, at South Harford, cooked their dinner of potatoes, bacon, etc., and arrived at Harford at 6 p.m., tired but happy.
Great Bend – Accidents are getting to be quite common at Trowbridge creek bridge, just below here. On Sunday there was a head-on collision in which one car was smashed and on Monday afternoon another accident occurred, in which one car was put out of commission. The bridge is rather narrow for two cars to pass safely while speeding. The occupants escaped with slight bruises. ALSO Friday afternoon, while on the river bridge between Hallstead and Great Bend, driving an automobile at fast speed to escape an approaching shower, the machine struck an obstruction and Jay Crandall, of Lestershire (formerly of New Milford), was fatally injured. Three others were also seriously injured. The party had been fishing at Hallstead all Thursday night and part of Friday.
New Milford – The suggestion is made that the old Lackawanna roadbed be secured for a highway between New Milford and Scranton when the railroad company abandons it for the new cut-off. The roadbed is wide, following easy grades and would make a splendid place for auto travel. The wagon roads along that route are hilly and in some places rough and stony. If the railroad could be obtained it would make a famous highway. [It is now “famous” Route 11].
Springville – The ball team won a game from Brogan’s Tigers at Heart Lake on Monday, the latter getting only two hits off Overfield, and he got 21 strikeouts. That sounds pretty good for Springville. ALSO At the meeting of the school board and auditors, L. J. Drake was awarded the contract of hauling the scholars from Rosengrant district to the school here, and it was decided to continue the school at Lynn rather than bring those scholars to school here.
Kingsley – The winner of the baby contest at Greene’s Studio was Richard Masters, of this place.
Forest City - F. J. Osgood is a candidate for County Commissioner and has lately purchased an automobile, which is worthy of emulation as a runner. Mr. Osgood is the manager of the N.E.P. Telephone Co. and has a lot of friends who would like to see him land the nomination.
Middletown Twp. – The fast Middletown defeated Middletown Center, July 3rd in one of the series games. The Middletown team played fast base ball. Harry Jones twirled for the Center with Conboy catching. John Coleman was on the mound for Middletown with Mart. Guiton behind the bat. Fast fielding by F. Guiton and base running by F. Coleman and Watson featured. Middletown expects to play Fairdale July 10, on the latter’s grounds.
Clifford/Dimock – On the afternoon of June 13, 1915, George Edward Chamberlin died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward B. Williams, in Meshoppen, PA. Mr. Chamberlin was born in Clifford, January 8, 1841, and was the son of the late Pulaski W. Chamberlin and Eliza Brownell. A Revolutionary ancestor, Moses Chamberlin, was one of the early settlers of Clifford. He mastered the trade of a blacksmith, but when the Civil War began he enlisted Aug. 13, 1861 in the 4th Pennsylvania Reserve cavalry and participated in the battles of Culpepper, Bull Run and Malvern Hill, where he was wounded and never fully recovered from the injury. At the close of the war he came to Dimock and followed his trade. In 1873 he married Emma E. Titman, of Dimock and she survives her husband together with the following children: Mrs. Margaret B. Williams and Glen E., of Meshoppen and Pulaski W., of Niagara Falls, NY.
Jackson – The celebration on July 5th was a complete success. Everyone present enjoyed an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration with the fantastic parade in the afternoon. Chicken dinner in the hall at noon at which 400 people were served, after which D. A. John Ferguson, of Susquehanna, gave an able address which was enjoyed by all. The balance of the day was spent with games, contests and horse racing. The South Gibson Band furnished music during the day. Entertainment in the evening by local talent. Later, all who cared to stay enjoyed a quiet dance. Jackson cannot be beat yet for a good, quiet, social time.
Franklin Forks – Heavy rain last Thursday caused hundreds of dollars-worth of damage to this place and vicinity. The roads were getting in fine shape for all kinds of travel, but since the heavy rains they are badly washed out. In Brookdale the worst flood for many years visited this place and vicinity last Thursday. Crops were destroyed, fences torn down and bridges washed out.
Burnwood – Charles Ross was visited by burglars last week. On hearing the burglar alarm he did not get up, having been fooled so many times by rats and mice. It did not happen to be rats and mice this time. In the morning Mr. Ross found that they had cut the burglar alarm and turned the irons from the door. Hiss loss was not very great. The burglars had taken a pair of shoes and a few things from the show case.
News Brief: Engineer Matthew H. Shay, aged 72 years, for many years one of the best known railroad men on the Erie, died at his home in Cleveland, O., on Friday. For twelve years he had been secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He was a man true to his principles and faithful in performing his duties. As a recognition of his services the Erie company named one of its engines, the largest and most powerful in the world, and which is now running on the Jefferson branch, near Susquehanna, the “Matt H. Shay.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith