Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 06 1923/2023
Washburn Murder Trial – In the case of Elmer Washburn, age 14, found guilty of murder in the second degree of aged Cyrus Payne, of Jackson township, Judge A. B. Smith overruled the 18 reasons offered by his counsel for a new trial and refused same. Elmer was sentenced to a term of separate and solitary imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary, at Philadelphia, for a period of not more than 19 years and not less than 17 years. The judge stated in his opinion: “We are conscious that the youth of the defendant convicted and other pathetic features of this unfortunate case tending to arouse a natural sympathy for the defendant in the mind of the court and jury which, in view of the very strong evidence of his actual guilt, undoubtedly moved the jurymen to accompany their verdict with an oral recommendation of mercy, cannot be permitted to sway us from that discharge of our duty which requires us to hold firm and steady the scales of justice and abide by rules which have been promulgated by higher authority and those of superior legal knowledge to ours. Feeling that the defendant has had a fair and impartial trial, was defended by able and conscientious attorneys, we can no more than allow the law to take its course.” When the judge pronounced sentence on the boy, he showed no signs of emotion, returning to his chair beside his counsel and sitting quietly. But for a slightly nervous tapping of his fingers, he showed unconcern.
Fairdale – A petition was filed to vacate a road in Jessup township from a point in the public road leading from Fairdale to East Rush near the intersection of state or Wyalusing creek road to road leading from East Rush to Montrose, near intersection of road leading to Elk Lake, 5,130 feet long. Road is seldom used for travel and expensive to maintain.
Montrose – Wm. J. Ryan is making arrangements to go out of the plumbing business here and will locate with his family in Friendsville, where he has accepted a position in a creamery. ALSO A special show on July 11th, Jackie Coogan in “MY BOY.” Jackie Coogan again knocking spots off his big laugh record in “Peck’s Bad Boy,” making a sensation with the smiles and sobs of “My Boy.” The kid is indescribable. To see him is to love him. He has a hundred new smiles for you and a hundred lovable pranks.
Forest Lake – A freak of nature in the shape of a duck with four perfectly formed feet and legs was hatched on the farm of Earl C. Stone. ALSO L. T. Brown and family are planning to go to California this autumn, making their home a few miles from Los Angeles. Mr. Brown’s brother, Ralph Pritchard, of Montrose, is preparing to purchase Mr. Brown’s store here and will conduct the business in the near future.
Rush – Miss Katherine Fry, a nurse at the Sayre hospital, has been spending a two weeks’ vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Fry. ALSO The Auburn and Rush Poor Asylum is rapidly nearing completion.
Heart Lake – Commencing Saturday, the White Bus Line will operate a bus between Montrose and Heart Lake each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, to accommodate dancers at the resort.
Dimock – Quite a number from here attended the ball game at Foster, Saturday, where the Dimock team won the game 11-5. The game was intensely interesting from start to finish, both teams doing excellent work. The Dimock people appreciated the kindness and sportsmanship of the Harford-Foster team, as they were good losers, courteous to everyone, even when the game was going contrary to their wishes. This proved to be one of the most quiet games of the season, with no arguments or controversies to mar its pleasure during the entire nine innings.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – E. L. Brown was taken to the Hahnemann hospital, Scranton, for an operation. It was found that he was suffering from cancer of the large intestine. Therefore, it was necessary to remove about 12 inches of the bowels. Although in a reduced condition, he stood the operation well and the doctors report him as doing as well as can be expected.
Gibson – Frank W. Pickering died at his home June 28, 1923. He was 74 years old, a veteran of the Civil War and a man highly esteemed by all. He had spent his entire life in Gibson. In early life he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Conrad, of Glenwood, who with the following children survive him: Berton F. and Miss Lottie Oakley, of Gibson; Ralph S., of Lenox, and Charles W., of Avoca. The funeral was held from his home and interment in the family plot in the Gibson cemetery.
Forest City – State Police made an extensive raid visiting several places here and confiscated a large amount of alleged “moonshine” whiskey. Those who were caught in the net were Jake Mahovic and wife, F. Lambert, Jack Karpinski, Joseph Dzikas and Joseph Petokas. They entered bail in the sum of $1,000. Lambert, it was said, had two stills in operation and had just finished using one of the stills and was about to place the other in operation when visited by the troopers. The stills, “moonshine” and mash, were loaded into cars and were objects of interest to many who viewed for the first time the implements used in the manufacture of “hooch.” Lambert and the Mahovic couple reside in the same house, known as the Jackhammer place. There is much speculation as to whether or not the police have finished their work here.
Uniondale – Saturday evening Robert Jones and family were the victims of an automobile accident, when near the Stillwater crossing. Mr. Jones saw two autos racing side by side. In order to save himself he turned his machine to the outside of the road and was crowded over the bank. Fortunately, the occupants of the car were not seriously injured. Their escape was a miracle. Their little son was hurt the worst and is suffering much pain. The car was practically new, but is now a wreck. It is said the racers were under the influence of liquor. If so their cases should be taken care of.
News Brief: When the oil boom hit the town of Smackover, Arkansas, the postmaster general, at Washington, received the following message from the postmaster who had grown wealthy in oil lands: “Office is out of my control; letters arriving 5,000 to 7,000 daily; parcel post by the ton; can’t open mail any longer; no place to put it; accept resignation.
Compiled By: Betty Smith