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July 02 1920/2020

Susquehanna – The bursting of the dam at Susquehanna put the Susquehanna County Light & Power Co.’s plant out of commission for about six hours. The dam was weakened during the winter by the large body of ice which had been forced against it, and it is the theory that the water was forced down under the foundations, undermining the mammoth wall. Recent rains swelled the river to large proportions and it could not withstand the strain of millions of gallons of water held in storage. Shortly after noon a section of the dam, about 50 ft. in width, gave way in the center and the water went out with a roar, a huge wave of water sweeping down the river. The electric light plant was immediately put out of repair. The towns of Susquehanna, Hallstead, Great Bend, New Milford and Montrose, all of which are dependent on the plant for light, and many manufacturing plants and industries for power, were rendered powerless and lightless. A reservoir at the plant was useless and another was constructed with all speed and as soon as possible seam gotten up under the boilers. Early in the evening power and light was restored to all concerned.

South Montrose – One of the most severe and disastrous wind and electrical storms which has visited the county in many years, occurred Tuesday afternoon, affecting Forest Lake, Jessup, Bridgewater, Dimock and Springville townships, where trees were uprooted, silos blown down, buildings unroofed and other damage done. South Montrose seemed to be the worst affected. Jerome Smith’s barn had the roof blown off and damage to the house; silos on the Thomas Brown, Charles Newton and Myron Shannon farms were blown down. Lightning struck the barn on Jesse T. Smith’s farm, killing a fine pure-bred bull and setting set fire to straw. It is believed that the animal owed its death to the fact that a metal ring in its nose attracted the lightning. The Merchants and Commonwealth telephone lines suffered heavily and the Kingsley school house was struck by lightning.

Uniondale – The town will not celebrate the glorious Fourth this year. There will be social gatherings at the lake, and a number contemplate attending the picnic given by the Ararat band at Dunn’s pond.

Camp Susquehannock – The camp will open the baseball season at Athletic park, in Montrose, on Saturday, July 10th. J. C. Cox was at the camp on Monday where he dynamited a number of rocks which were undesirable spots in the tennis courts and baseball park.

Montrose – W. A. Welliver, proprietor of the C-Nic Theatre, has rented Colonial Hall for a year and will conduct it along its present lines. Mr. Welliver will rent it for dances, local entertainments, traveling shows and more. ALSO Max Noll, who has been a successful student of wireless telegraphy, has erected a radio station for the jewelry firm of Smith & Stone, by which they are able to get the correct Washington time at noon daily, also to receive weather reports. He shows considerable talent in this improved branch of telegraphy.

Heart Lake – Heart Lake will be electrically lighted for the celebration on July 5th with lights furnished by the Delco company, through its county agent, Ward Breese.

Forest Lake – The death of Jefferson Green (son of David and Phoebe Darrow Green) occurred at his home on June 29, 1920. The deceased was well-known throughout the county, his 88 years of life having been spent largely in this township. When a young man he joined the “forty-niners” in the gold rush to California, going “around the Horn” and experiencing many adventures by sea and in the mining camps. He was a man of large and powerful physique and until his later years retained a clear mind and enjoyed recounting the travels of his early days.

Scranton – Judge C. B. Witmer, in naturalization court last week, gave aliens who dodged military service during the war, because they were subjects of another country, something to think about. Among the many applications for final citizenship papers were 15 men whose records showed on investigation that they claimed exemption from service because of the fact that they were not citizens of the United States. Judge Witmer promptly denied them citizenship. All told during the week 272 aliens were admitted full citizenship of the United States. Among this number were 54 discharged service men.

Thompson – Miss Gladys Stone is acting as telephone girl at the Jackson exchange this week.

Forest City – The game between Endicott and the Independents attracted a large crowd Sunday afternoon. Wargo and Payne, former members of the Independents, were the battery for the visitors. Carey and Hobbs did the twirling for the locals and Hobbs and Slick did the receiving. In the first inning the visitors made three runs off errors by the 2ndbaseman. In the 6th inning Slick took first on balls, stole second and made home on Moody’s hit. He was counted out for not touching the third sack. The locals put up a lively game but met defeat by a score of 8 to 6.

Silver Lake – Many friends will be pleased to hear of the marriage of Grace Elizabeth McEnaney, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McEnaney, of this place, to Thomas J. Conroy, of Binghamton, June 23, 1920. The bride was attired in a white georgette crepe gown and white picture hat to match. Vincent McEnaney, of Silver Lake, brother of the bride, was the groom’s attendant. They will reside in Binghamton.

Jackson – The Young People’s class of the M. E. church will hold a shadow social in the parlors of the church, the evening of July 8th. Ladies please come attired in gingham dresses. All gentlemen are asked to wear overalls, which of late have come greatly into vogue as a measure to reduce the high cost of clothing. A fine not exceeding a nickel will be levied those who appear on the occasion not dressed in the styles described. Cake, coffee, pickles, beans, sandwiches and cocoa will be served. ALSO In this place, 56 years ago, on July 4th, 1864, the ladies of Jackson held an ice cream and strawberry festival at the hotel, for the benefit of wounded [Civil War] soldiers.

Brooklyn – the Ladies Musical Club was most pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Florence Kent, aided by Mrs. Otto. A study of the composer, Brahms, was taken up, Miss Josephine Gere giving the sketch of his life. Mrs. A. W. Gere played a piano selection by the composer and Mrs. S. B. Stephens sang “The Little Bandman,” also by Brahms; Miss Luella Gere gave a humorous reading and delicious refreshments were served.

Auburn Twp. – Saint Bonaventure’s Catholic church and parish is located about half way between Auburn Center and Auburn Four Corners and its location has sometimes been indefinite. Father Burke, the pastor, has decided to call it Auburn Place in the future.

Gibson – Wedding bells have been joyously ringing. Miss Marjorie Hill and Claud Lewis, and Arbelle Lewis and Mr. Brown, of Heart Lake. May they have a long and happy life.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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