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July 02 1909/2009

Camp Choconut - Seventy young men who compose the members of Camp Choconut, near Friendsville, which for many years has been successfully conducted by Roland Mulford, arrived here over the Lehigh Valley Wednesday afternoon. The youngsters arrived with Mr. Mulford in charge and made the trip of a dozen miles to the camp in four-in-hand loads, and a happier bunch it would be hard to find. This is the largest number that ever was in attendance at the camp and shows that its popularity is continually increasing. The boys get good care and instruction and return to the city in the late summer greatly improved in health.

Lenox - A. W. Conrad and family will remove soon to Harrisburg, where Mr. Conrad will take up his recent appointment as inspector in the State Health Department.

Rush - People in this vicinity should have their shotguns handy, as a thief was seen stealing Mrs. Hibbard's chickens, but was frightened away by threats made by Mrs. Hibbard.

Montrose - The Palace Skating Rink opened last night with a large attendance. The military band organ proved all that had been anticipated and furnished excellent music for the skaters. A Scranton instructor is in attendance. ALSO Rev. Wm. Caines, pastor of Zion A.M.E. [African Methodist-Episcopal] Church in Montrose, and the church at Towanda, has been transferred by the late conference, to the charge at Gloversville, N.Y. Mr. Caines is one of the most able and prominent ministers of his race, and the best wishes of friends here follow to the new field of labor assigned him. At present, Rev. Dawson Edwards is the acting pastor at Zion church.

Elk Lake - Charles Babcock, who has had the contract for carrying the mail for the past four years from Rush to Dimock, retired from the service June 30. Mr. Harris, of Rush, takes the route. Uncle Charlie, we shall miss your pleasant face and accommodating ways, and we hope when the angel Gabriel blows his horn you will have your watch set just on time.

Susquehanna - Laurel Hill Academy, in charge of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, held commencement exercises last week. Among the graduates was Miss Minnie Brush, daughter of ex-Sheriff and Mrs. R. N. Brush, of Brushville.

Forest City - The Hillside Coal and Iron Co., has reduced the noontime of employees from one hour to half an hour. The order also makes it necessary for foremen to carry their dinners and remain at the works. Superintendents, who have heretofore had free coal and occupied company houses, without charge, are obliged to buy their own coal and pay rent.

Brooklyn - Wm Bagley and wife, of Elmira, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Jewett. Mr. Bagley is past 81 years, but retains to a remarkable degree, all of his faculties. He remembers when his father, Jesse Bagley, built the Tewksbury house in 1832. Most of the companions of his younger days have gone to the great beyond. He is a prominent G.A.R. man and attended the State encampment at Binghamton on his way here.

Kingsley - The sound of the M. E. church bell will now be heard again, as W. H. Wilmarth and S. J. Adams have finished repairs upon the belfry.

Brackney - After July 1, the Quaker Lake Creamery Co. will sell their cream to the June Dairy Co., at Conklin, for 30 cents per quart.

Franklin Forks - Misses Nellie Hickok and Alphia Monroe gave a party at Salt Springs in honor of Ina Leebody, of Binghamton, who is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hickok. Games were enjoyed in the afternoon, present were: Ella Ives, Beatrice Watson, Florence Scott, Mina Birchard, Lillian Scott, Marion Scott and Lucy Caterson.

Springville - Lonnie Brink suffered a severe stroke of Apoplexy on Wednesday last. He is some better by spells but has not the use of one side at present. We hope he will recover. He was proprietor of the "Kid Wagon" [1909 version of the school bus] and will be greatly missed by the children if not able to make his two daily trips to town this fall.

Dundaff - Our village now boasts of a butcher shop and an ice cream parlor.

Dimock Twp. - The barn of Samuel Birtch, near James Bunnell's farm, was burned to the ground Monday night at about 10 o'clock. The contents, including all of Mr. Birch's farm implements, were burned up, we understand. There was a small insurance.

Gibson - Mrs. W. H. Estabrook and Mrs. Elbert Bailey attended the annual meeting of the celebrated ladies band of this place, June 26th. This order was disbanded several years ago, but they still meet yearly and have a pleasant time, although this year the circle is broken by the death of Mrs. Edwards, New Milford.

Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - J. N. Andre, an elderly and highly respected citizen, passed from time to eternity, Tuesday at 10:30 p.m. The funeral services will be held from his late home Friday at 1 and from Fairdale M.E. church at 2.

Base Ball - The Thompson club went to Starrucca and played a game with the team of that place, Saturday afternoon. Score, 14 to 2 in favor of Starrucca; The Fairdale Tigers and Laceyvilles played a very interesting game of ball last Saturday at Lawton, Fairdale winning by a score of 7 to 0. The features of the game were the pitching of McCain and the fielding of Jones and Jenner; A goodly crowd turned out to see the Montrose Athletics and the Scranton Athletics play a game of ball, the Montrose team winning 14 to 3. The Phoebe Snows of Scranton will play two games here July 5th; Saturday afternoon; Franklin Forks will play ball against the Hallstead team; Two good games will be played on July 5th, at Hop Bottom, one at 10:30 and the other at 3:00 p.m.; On July 3rd, in Harford, there will be a game between Kingsley and Hop Bottom.

News Brief - In some mountainous parts of New York, Pennsylvania and neighboring states the "summer boarder business" has become the main business of the owners of farms. It is a profitable business in some regions, and it has remodeled rural life wherever the city vacationists have appeared in numbers.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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