Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 01 1910/2010
Great Bend - That people should be very careful in purchasing stolen property was emphasized the other day, when a man at Hooper bought a horse stolen from liveryman F. W. Simpson, at Great Bend, for fifty dollars, which was much less than the horse was worth. Mr. Simpson went to Binghamton in search of the stolen animal and soon found where it was, the purchaser having gone to Binghamton to report the purchase when he had ascertained that Mr. Simpson had lost a horse, but thought that Mr. Simpson should stand the loss if he was careless enough to let the horse be stolen. Mr. Simpson, however, looked at it differently and his view will, of course, be borne out by law. The thief, who had a wooden leg, has not been apprehended.
Hallstead - This has been a dead town how for a few days past owing to the sad fact that the crews have gone to Scranton o work in the New Hampton yard. Fifteen train crews, twenty-five switchmen and Yardmasters Flynn and Shaw, together with their office assistants, furniture, etc. have all been sent to Scranton, and what further is to be done has not yet developed. As to doing away with the town of Hallstead as a railroad terminal prominent railroad men say it an never be accomplished, for, with the 16 hour law which is now in force, it makes it necessary at the end of 10 hours for the men to have 8 hours rest, and on the return trip from Syracuse to Hampton it would be necessary for the men to be relieved at Hallstead.
Dimock - On Monday afternoon Dimock was visited by a very severe hail storm, which cut a strip through the township, including the Ballantine farm. We are told by a gentleman coming from there that in some places the hail laid on the ground two inches deep. The corn and oats were beaten into the ground in places and even the grass was beaten down as to be apparently almost worthless.
Springville Twp. - Charles W. Kilts and family are here from Los Angeles. They went west ten years ago, and Charlie is just the same "hale fellow well met" as in days of yore. He says there is very little paper money there, the circulating medium being mostly gold. ALSO AT Lynn, Griffin Brooks met an auto one day last week and his horses, becoming frightened, made a wreck of the wagon. Griff made a jump for it and escaped injury.
Elk Lake - H. T. Fargo recently received a box of oranges, lemons and apricots from Ontaro, Southern California, being sent to him by his brother from his orange and lemon orchard of that place. ALSO Our stage driver has been absent from duty the past week. Rumor says he has taken a wife. Congratulations.
Heart Lake - Bullheads are dying at Heart Lake in great numbers and the shore is lined with decaying fish, which emit a most unpleasant odor. It is said that they die off at about this time of year, every third season. The other fish are not affected. ALSO The following young ladies are having a week's outing in the Stephens cottage here. Miss Frances Wrighter, Florence Courtright Loretta Reynolds, May Smith Margaret Torrey Lillian Martin, Merle Hamlin, Ruth Ayres and Bessie Finn. Miss Sallie Courtright and Maude McKeage are chaperoning the party.
East Kingsley - Mrs. Watson Jeffers and daughter, Adalaide, went to Jeffers Lake Cottage, in Lenox, Monday, to help Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jeffers celebrate the 27th anniversary of their marriage. A very pleasant time; plenty of fish and everything else in the eating line that would go to make a sumptuous wedding anniversary dinner.
Auburn Twp. - An Auburn Twp. A man is charged by his neighbors with having left his wife in Montrose one day last week, and did not miss her until he arrived home and was asked by the family as to her whereabouts. He returned and met her half way, she having walked seven miles. You can draw your own conclusions as to what happened on the homeward drive.
South Montrose - L. A. Wells effected a settlement with the long distance telephone company for the horse, which broke its leg in the hollow of a pole which had been cut off flush with the ground. He received $200.
Brooklyn - The large silo on the farm of Hon J. W. Adams was struck by lightning Monday afternoon. Jim got a hustle on, the same as he did when the Capitol at Harrisburg burned, when he was a member of the House. About a hundred dollar's damage was done. During the same storm the old house on Charles Williams' farm was struck and an old hen killed, and about two miles south a colt was killed on Lester Kinney's farm.
Silver Lake - The two cottages which were erected for the Weed and Nelson families of Binghamton, were completed and are now occupied for the summer months. A Mr. Corbett, of Corbettsville, NY, is preparing to erect a handsome home at that place and is ready to start at once, a large structure, having a 85 ft. front and will be well finished, making a beautiful home, both summer and winter.
East Ararat - A cow belonging to J. W. Silver was taken sick about a month ago and the nature of her sickness could not be determined. A week ago the cow was killed and a darning needle was found imbedded in her heart.
Montrose - Gov. Stuart appointed Judge R. B. Little, of Montrose, a member of the commission to build a State hospital for the criminally insane at Farview, upon the resignation of C F. Wright, vice State treasurer. Henry F. Manzer, vice president of the First National Bank has been appointed by the governor a member of the board of trustees of the State hospital, of the northern anthracite coal region, at Scranton.
Gibson - Rev. H. D. Renville, of Jackson, will address the regular temperance meeting held here the first Sunday evening in July. The Jackson choir will furnish the music.
Meshoppen - While on her way to the office of the Wyoming Valley Stone Co, where she is employed as stenographer, Miss Elizabeth Harley was suddenly confronted by a huge blacksnake on Friday. The snake stood its ground and Miss Harley stunned the reptile with stone chips, and was about to dispatch it when two smaller but very vicious snakes appeared. A Mr. Sanford and Mr. Baldwin, who had heard the battle going on, helped to kill the snakes. This example of feminine courage and ability to act promptly in an emergency successfully refutes two antiquated adages; that a woman can't throw a stone straight and that she is afraid of snakes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith