Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 29 1915/2015
Springville – Through the efforts of W. E. Stevens, a wood bee was held for the M. E. church on Tuesday and a large pile of wood was the result. ALSO Springville and Lynn were well represented in Montrose [court] on Tuesday and Wednesday and citizens for the right feel proud of the good they have accomplished and it is the earnest wish of at least a few that the “pool room” will follow suit, next to a licensed [for liquor] hotel, as an unnecessary evil. Let it be a general clean up, is the sentiment of the people.
Dimock - The Birchardville basketball team went to Dimock on Tuesday evening where the home team “trimmed” them right properly in a game in the new community building.
Montrose – Business at The Subway Lunch during the present term of court has been rushing, and extra tables were required in order to “feed the multitude.” Proprietors Mack & Jenkins are always glad to see those who “come a courting.”
Forest City – F. J. Osgood, superintendent of the Northeastern Telephone Co. and a candidate for county commissioner, was in town Monday. Mr. Osgood is “pointing with pride” to the fine showing made the past year by the Northeastern which has a balance in the treasury and is in generally flourishing condition. Considering the low rental fee for the service rendered, he considers it one of the very best mutual telephone companies in the State. ALSO On Feb. 1, Joseph Stein will open an up-to-date lunch room in the building formerly occupied by Weiss and Gorman. The rooms are being painted and otherwise renovated. The lunch parlors will be open to ladies and gentlemen and fills a long felt want.
Heart Lake – The Mountain Ice Co. commenced work on Thursday of last week, putting in 1100 tons the first day.
Franklin Forks – The Salt Springs school has been closed on account of whooping cough.
Rush – The preaching service here will be held Sunday evening in the Baptist church, as the repairs on the Methodist church will not be completed. The pastor will begin in a series of sermons on “Great Americans.” The topic for next Sunday will be, “Grant, the Soldier.” A quartet has been organized and will render special music Sunday evening.
Clifford – E. G. Miller has purchased the home and farm of S. E. Finn, also the meadow lot belonging to L. E. Lee, and a wood lot owned by Owen Greene. “Grimes” says he wants all the land adjoining him as far as Lenoxville. All “Grimes” needs now is a wife to make him happy.
Susquehanna - George F. Larrabee, of this place, and business manager of the Susquehanna Evening Transcript, has received an appointment as door-keeper of the Senate at Harrisburg. The appointment came through the recommendation of State Senator Charles E. Mills, of Athens, PA. Four years ago George served as a bill clerk in the House of Representatives. ALSO It is announced that John J. Ryan will, in the near future, erect a modern, fireproof opera house here, with a seating capacity of from 1,200 to 1,500 persons. Architect J. H. Phillips, of Deposit, was here in regard to the plans of the building. Mr. Ryan, manager of the Hogan Opera House, has had a large experience in the theatrical business.
Elk Lake – The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania owes Harry Lyon a debt of gratitude for killing 44 weasels, which the state terms, “obnoxious animals,” and also did owe him $88 in the “coin of the realm,” until a few days ago, when, through our County Commissioners, they paid over to him 88 cart wheels to reimburse him for his assistance to the state. Mr. Lyon has the record, so far as known. The bounty for each weasel killed is $2.00. Of course Mr. Lyon collected other bounty money, but his leading specialty seems to be weasels.
Hallstead – Toward the latter part of December the name of one of our popular young Democrats, and esteemed townsman, D. E. Hanrahan, was sent to the Senate by President Woodrow Wilson for confirmation by that body for the appointment, as Postmaster, at his town. A few days ago the confirmation was made and it is expected that within a few days Mr. Hanrahan will receive his commission and assume charge of the office about February 1st. ALSO Chas. White, while on his way to the Hallstead chair factory, was struck by a pusher engine while walking the railroad track. He received a deep gash in his head and was bruised about the hips.
Auburn Twp. – J. J. Donlin was circulating a petition Friday, praying the Honorable Court, to either remove the Auburn school board and appoint their successors, or enjoin them to do business and furnish schools for the pupils of the Township, as prescribed by the law. ALSO P. M. Harris and Mart Lake are going to have gas lights in their house and barn at Auburn Four Corners.
St. Joseph – As James Kelly, of St. Joseph, was taking his sister, Daisy, to the Hill school in Silver Lake, a big hog ran between the team he was driving and under the cutter. The horses were scared and backed up, turning the cutter completely over backwards, over the occupants.
Except getting a good shaking up they were not injured, fortunately.
Liberty Twp. – Glenn Potter, of Binghamton, is calling on old friends and neighbors and will be in town once a week and give the Chiropractor treatment.
Choconut Valley – The local telephone company held their meeting last week. Officers elected are: E. J. Stanley, President; William McCahill, Secretary; James Hawley, Treasurer.
Lenoxville – Miss Clara L. McNamara, a graduate nurse of Dr. Burns Private Hospital, Scranton, PA, who recently took the State Board examinations for nurses, at Philadelphia, has successfully passed and is now a State Registered nurse. Miss McNamara, formerly from this place, is now located in Scranton and her many friends wish her success.
Herrick Twp. – David Gibson, son of W. E. Gibson, has been promoted to the position of traveling agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He resides at Los Angeles.
Middletown Twp. – LeRoy Edwards, after many months of illness, passed from his earthly home to the Eternal, on Jan. 8th, 1915. Funeral at the home here, Jan. 10, with burial at Birchardville. A widow and four sons are bereaved, with other relatives and friends. A man who loved and cared for his family and faithful to friends, has thus been called and the earthly home broken.
News Brief: Whooping cough, scarlet fever, mumps and la-grippe, are keeping the M. D.’s busy in this vicinity.
Compiled By: Betty Smith