Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 27 1911/2011
Little Meadows - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gould, Saturday, Jan. 21, twin boys, at their home. ALSO - Skating is the order of the day, Palmer's pond being frozen over, and the young people are making the most of it.
Brooklyn - A Freshman Co-Ed, by Alice Louise Lee, may now be found in the public library. This book is just published and we predict a large sale for it. It is a breezy story of college life and one that holds the reader's interest to the last page. ALSO David Robinove, the well known traveling merchant, met with an accident on Wednesday. While in Brooklyn, between M. W. Palmer's and the Lyman Tiffany farm, his horses became unmanageable and started on a run that left Mr. Robinove behind. They made fast time down the steep hill to Kingsley, scattering the merchandise along the road. The loss financially amounts to a considerable sum.
Birchardville - Frank Robinson, Birchardville's well known merchant, and Thomas Flynn, also of that place, were run into Wednesday night by a team coming in the opposite direction. Mr. Flynn received a bad scalp wound and the wagon in which they were riding was badly damaged by the impact of the two vehicles. Dr. Preston attended the injured man, who was able to go to his home.
Brandt - It is rumored that the old brick yard, which has been idle for some years, will again resume work.
East Lynn - A large number young people from Springville and Lynn enjoyed the skating at States' pond, Saturday afternoon.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. - David Angle, the veteran blacksmith of Angle's Corners, whose "song of the anvil" is hushed for him, owing to his advanced years, has been visiting in Montrose. His son is in charge of the shop.
Montrose - Harry Ross DePue, formerly of Montrose, now a student in the Medical College at Burlington, Vt., has received an honor of great merit by the institution. Mr. DePue has been made president of the graduating class of 1911, he having received the highest per cent of votes given a president in many years. Harry's picture, in a large frame, will hang upon the wall of the Burlington Medical College, along with the former presidents, as long as the college stands.
Hallstead - The Roberts Hardware Store, in the Vanness Block, was damaged to the extent of about $4000. The fire department saved neighboring stores. The alarm was sounded at about 4:30 a.m. and at that time the flames had eaten their way from the cellar to the first floor. Paints, oils, varnishes and other inflammable material stored in the cellar made a lively blaze, and the fire communicated to the second floor before it could be extinguished.
Heart Lake - Charles Cole is here running the engine to fill the ice house for the Heart Lake Ice Company.
Forest Lake - No school this week on account of the death of the teacher's father, John McCabe, who died Jan. 20, 1911. Mr. McCabe, who was born in Ireland, resided in Franklin Forks.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - Preston, the five-year-old son of Mrs. Jennie Howard, fell fourteen feet, striking on his head, while laying in the hay with other children. He is all right now.
Uniondale - Mrs. G. H. Carpenter, while carrying two kettles of boiling water to Mr. Carpenter, who was butchering, slipped on the doorstep and fell on the sill, injuring her back, but fortunately escaped being scalded. ALSO David Wademan took a fall on the ice and hit his lame shoulder, where he got hurt last fall, and now he thinks it is better than it was before he fell the last time. He says he can use his arm better. ALSO Mrs. L. P. Norton got the fly all right. She saw one upon the ceiling and got up in the chair. The chair tipped over with her and she fell across the foot board of the bed and hurt her [self] quite badly. Her husband didn't ask her if it [she] broke the chair, but hobbled upstairs to see what the racket was.
Dimock - O. W. Chase, after a long, successful and most honorable career in the mercantile business, has disposed of same and W. J. Cronk, a highly esteemed citizen of East Rush, becomes the new proprietor. Mr. Chase took over Mr. Cronk's farm and personal property and will offer a large number of registered and grade Holstein cattle horses, grain, hay, farming implements, etc., at public sale, on the premises at East Rush.
Susquehanna - Closed but a week, the Susquehanna-Oakland bridge was opened to traffic Saturday morning. The bridge was closed a week previously and immediately a force of men, in the employ of the Owego Bridge Co., commenced the work of raising the Susquehanna end of the bridge eighteen inches. The work was pushed rapidly and by Friday afternoon the work was almost completed. The raising of the bridge will make this less dangerous in case of high water. For some years the Oakland end of the bridge has been higher than the Susquehanna end and last year the Susquehanna end narrowly escaped serious damage by the ice and high water.
Hopbottom - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pratt entertained a party of little boys at their home, Monday evening, it being the sixth birthday of their son, Willis. Those present were: Fred Stone, Homer Yeomans, Max Roberts, Ward Bertholf and Willis Pratt. Refreshments were served. It was a very enjoyable time for the boys.
Forest City - Frank Eichholzer, who has been employed by Aldrich & Co., for several years, has gone to Buffalo to accept a position. Frank was a member of the Forest City band, and one of the town's popular young men.
Thompson & New Milford - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates, of Thompson, aged 90 and 84 years respectively, have lately celebrated the 60th anniversary of their marriage. This is the second aged couple who have celebrated this unusual event in this county during the past few months. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillespie, of New Milford, having reached their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 14th last. Mrs. Gillespie's death occurred, however, within the past fortnight, she being 90 years of age.
Compiled By: Betty Smith