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January 24 1913/2013

Gibson - Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Estabrook and Mrs. Lovisa Wilder attended the G. A. R. installation at Jackson on Saturday last. At the close of the business session Comrade C. E. Washburn, in behalf of the G. A. R. boys, presented Mr. and Mrs. Barrett with a beautiful rug as a token of love and good comradeship. They were married 50 years ago Christmas. Mr. Barrett is of a family of six boys, and five out of that number lived to celebrate their golden wedding.

Highlands - As our school teacher, Miss Carrie Sandell has been ill since the holidays, there has been no school.

Ainey - Albert Moody is seriously ill at his home near Parkvale. His age is nearly 80 years and his recovery is doubtful.

Prospect Hill - The people in this place would like to know what is the penalty for a drunken wife beater, who makes it a regular weekly business. It would be a good case for the State police.

Hopbottom - By night and by day and on Sundays the blasting on the cut--off goes on. ALSO: Miss Maude Willis presented “The Fortune Hunter” in the Hop Bottom Universalist church, Tuesday evening, Jan. 21st. There was a large attendance and those who were not present have a great deal to regret. To be entertained for an evening by an artist such as Miss Willis is surely a treat. It is to be hoped that we may be fortunate enough to secure her for one number on the entertainment course, which will be conducted next winter. These entertainments are managed by the Shakespeare club of the town. ALSO: The Hop Bottom Water Company has their plant in operation now and is furnishing water to several parties. They will extend the system to all parts of the town in the spring. They have a fine supply of spring water and the water system is a big improvement to the town.

Rush - Our town is certainly prospering and bids fair to outshine many larger towns. Two new automobiles have recently been purchased—one by Ude LaRue and the other by Oscar Hardic.

Montrose - It is hoped that all true lovers of the Flag will assist the Daughters of Veterans in making the Lincoln Tea a grand success. It will be held at the Palace Skating Rink this year, on Feb. 12th. Heretofore, it has been held in Mrs. James’ millinery store, but a change has been made in order to accommodate the big crowd expected. ALSO The Story Hour will be held at the library tomorrow afternoon. All children invited. The library will be closed evenings until the electric lights are again ready for use. ALSO No. 2 Fire Co. will hold a supper next Wednesday night. Proceeds to be used to help pay for the new chemical. Everyone should try to attend, or at least send some one.

Silver Lake - C. F. Cady, who has held a position on the Sheldoncroft farm, has been made manager, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Chas. B. Dayton. Mr. Cady is a graduate of an agricultural college and is well qualified for the position.

Deaths of two veterans - WILLIAM ROSENCRANS, a veteran of the Civil War, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. L Merriman, in New Milford, on Saturday, Jan. 11, 1913. He had suffered from asthma for some time, but his condition was not regarded as dangerous. He died shortly after being found in a critical condition from the disease. Interment in New Milford cemetery, Rev. I. D. Mallery officiating. GEORGE H. BURMAN, one of Ararat’s pioneer residents, died at his home in that place on Sunday, Jan. 19, 1913, after a long and painful illness. He was born in Ararat and resided there during his long life, with the exception of the time during his service in the Civil War, he serving as a member of C. A, 56th PA, Volunteers. Fifty-three years ago he was united in marriage to Mary A. Boothroyd and to them three children were born—Mrs. E. L. Avery, of Uniondale, and Wellington and Ernest, who survive him. The funeral will be held from his late home.

Springville - Nathan Comstock has recently purchased the meat market of Lake Brothers and will continue the business, residing in the rooms over the market. The Lakes are going elsewhere. Your correspondent does not know their arrangements, but hear they will conduct a hotel.

New Milford - An effort is being made to have an all night electric light service for all streets. ALSO: Wm. Interline, station agent, is contemplating resigning his position and going into chicken raising, on account of his health.

Forest Lake - The work of rebuilding the Methodist church sheds [for horses and carriages], which were blown down in the recent wind storm, is progressing finely.

Susquehanna - Mrs. Nellie Munson, of New York City, a former resident, was instantly killed at her residence, 158 East 104th street, Friday morning. It appears the deceased was attacked by an epileptic seizure, to which she was subject, while standing near an open window, and fell through it to the yard beneath.

Auburn - James W. Cavanaugh, of Auburn, who lives on the James Matthews farm, has purchased the Riverside hotel at Meshoppen, of F. E. Donlin, who has been proprietor of the hotel for several years. Mr. Cavanaugh will take possession early in April.

News Briefs - It seems once there was a year without a summer; we wonder if this is to be a year without a winter. ALSO: One of the penalties of greatness is that of kissing girls. If we are to believe the so--called historical novels, George Washington spent most of his time kissing the mush--wushy girls celebrated in recent literature. Later on General William T. Sherman won international fame as the best kisser of modern times. He is said to have kissed more girls than any other man living during his time. Lt. Hobson, who won fame during the Spanish war, gave the general a close race for the pennant. Now President Taft seems to be bent on taking the flag from all the historical characters of the past. It is related of General Grant that on one occasion he was introduced to a notoriety seeking female of more or less charm, who gushed: “Oh, General, I want to kiss you.” The great silent state man looked at her with disgust, and replied: “Well, miss, you can’t.” One of the greatest kissers of modern times, whom history has overlooked, was James Buchanan, the old bachelor president of the United States. Grover Cleveland was seldom invited, and always firmly declined. Benjamin Harrison would kiss anything, but William McKinley seldom got a chance, because Mrs. McKinley was always close to him.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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