Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 24 1902/2002
Springville - On the eve of Jan. 22, the house of Henry Button took fire from a defective chimney and burned to the ground. The family had gone up to a brothers, a short distance away, while he was a mile and a half away getting his horse shod. He arrived at his brothers, just in time to see the blaze, and got to the house in time to save nearly all of his goods. He had recently sold the place to Porter Squier and was intending to move away soon. There was an insurance of $400
Brooklyn - Among the well-conducted stores of the county is that of Geo. H. Terry, who recently purchased the hardware business of F. H. Kent, being the store conducted by O. M. Doloway for many years. Mr. Terry is both obliging and wide-a-wake-qualities which are sure to win.
Auburn Corners - A very conspicuous sleighing party of 12 or 14 persons, from Springville, visited this place Tuesday night. AND L. W. Titman, of Auburn had a frightful experience with the fire recently, when his barns were destroyed, saving stock & etc. We only wonder that Lem had his whiskers left after the scorching scenes he went through.
Clifford - The following article was taken from the Philadelphia North American: "The death this week of Rev. William Miller ends the fruitless watch for a runaway son. Elder Miller was 81 years old when he died. His youngest son, John, was a pleasure-loving youth and the father frequently remonstrated with the boy about the evil of playing checkers at the neighbors. When croquet became popular in Susquehanna County, 28 years ago, John Miller, then 17 years old, joined a croquet club. His father scolded him severely one afternoon and forbade him ever playing the game again. That night John Miller ran away and nothing has since been heard from him. His parents would never believe that he was dead and have daily watched for his return. They thought he might return in the night and for over 28 years they never locked the door at night. They looked for his return on the different anniversaries of his disappearance, particularly on the 5th, 10th, 20th and 25th. On those occasions the mother would prepare the particular delicacies of which the boy was fond, to have them ready for his homecoming. Up to the hour of his death William Miller was certain that his runaway boy would return; and even yet the aged mother listens nightly for the opening of the door."
Jackson - The Jackson Dramatic Society will present the drama entitled "Fisherman's Luck" in February.
Silver Lake - Louis Donovan is cutting ice on Quaker Lake. How thick is the ice Lou?
Alford - A young man named Sumner Deans, formerly of Dimock, was killed by the [railroad] cars Tuesday night. He was riding on a freight train from which he alighted, near the Alford station, and instantly a fast freight train, coming around the curve, struck and killed him.
Herrick Centre - Good reports come from the family of A. J. Cawley, who recently moved to Endicott and built a fine house. He and the boys are at work in the big new factory.
Elk Lake - The friends of E. W. Stedman met at his home, on Friday, and cut him a nice pile of wood, for which he is very thankful.
New Milford - The New Milford Advertiser is pleased to make this week the official announcement of the candidacy of Charles C. Pratt for State Senator. He will come before the March convention for nomination and at this time there is no opposition in sight.
Susquehanna - Wm. J. Murphy, a native of Susquehanna, has been made general manager of the Great Southern Railway. AND The January number of the Pennsylvania Medical Journal contains an excellent paper on "Some practical points in the treatment of Typhoid Fever," by S. Birdsall, M.D., of Susquehanna. This paper was read by title at the last meeting of the State Medical Society.
Stevens Point - M. Melous has moved out of the house he formerly occupied on account of an ice jam around his domicile, and likely more to follow.
Lawsville Centre - The Lawsville School Library Assn. Will hold a poverty social at Creamery Hall Friday eve., Feb. 14. All are invited to attend-but unless you wish to pay a fine, do not wear a starched collar or a new dress. Bill of supper 10 cents. Proceeds of supper will go to purchase new books for the library.
East Rush - Our mail carrier, Mr. Estus, was obliged to leave his horses this side of the creek at Rush, on account of the ice taking away the temporary bridge. Everybody will be glad when the iron bridge is finished.
Oakley - On Saturday last O. J. Bailey and Amos Tanner fished at the Acre Pond and between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. the two men, with nine hooks, caught 134 fine pickerel. AND The death of Mrs. Warner Wilmarth occurred on Thursday of last week.
Montrose - The distinguished life and service of the late Judge William H. Jessup was fittingly recognized in open court this week. Judge Jessup died Jan. 16. He was born Jan. 30, 1830, in Montrose, and graduated from Yale in 1849 at the age of 19. He lived in Montrose until 1889 when he moved to Scranton and was in practice with his son.
Hallstead - Last Saturday it was decided to be a prudent idea not to hold any public services on Sunday. The ministers afterwards learned that the public places were to remain open Saturday night and they were not altogether pleased with the sentiment that would close houses of worship on Sunday while club rooms were to remain open during the week. Two officers, three ministers, one secretary and six other citizens decided to visit one or more of the club rooms and ascertain if they were allowed to conduct open houses. Four slot machines were the result of their search. It was reported that another proprietor got word of the visit being made and when they reached his place they found it in darkness and the machine reported to have been there did the "presto change" act and it is seen there no more. The courts will decide the matter.
Compiled By: Betty Smith