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January 24 1898/1998

Bridgewater - At various times during the past three years the Montrose Democrat has referred to the fast approaching date of the 100th Anniversary of the coming of the first settler to what is now Bridgewater and Montrose, and suggested that this important event in local history ought to be properly celebrated. We are pleased to see that the Republican also advocates, in its last issue, a celebration, Miss Blackman having written a letter regarding it. In the fall of 1798 the first settler (Samuel Wilson) came into what is now Bridgewater and arranged to settle just below the present Montrose line, bringing his family the next spring. It is therefore nearly 100 years. A fitting celebration of the event ought surely to be held, either in fall of 1898 or spring of 1899.

Oakland - Oakland has one case of diphtheria closely quarantined.

Lanesboro - It is rumored that Drs. Miller and Newton will establish a hospital or Sanitarium.

Gibson - The newly elected officers of the Gibson Grange are: Worthy Master, Mrs. Ida Brundage; Sec., Effie Tingley; Treas., Mrs. N. L. Guard; Lecturer, Berton Tiffany; Overseer, Mr. E. T. Senior; Steward, R. M. Tingley; Asst. Stewards, Frank Payne and Mrs. B. H. Tiffany; Gatekeeper, John Hill; Flora, Mrs. John Hill; Ceres, Mrs. Sarah Tingley; Pomona, Bessie Senior; Chaplain, Belle Senior.

Ainey - A meeting of people interested in the Strickland Hill Cemetery was held this afternoon for the purpose of considering the advisability of forming a company for the purpose of having Cemetery chartered. It was decided to apply for charter at April Term of Court, in the name of Strickland Hill Cemetery Assn.

Susquehanna - It is stated that a party numbering 25 residents of Susquehanna will leave for Klondike in the Spring.

Montrose - William D. Lusk, Esq., will accompany the Montrose Klondikers as far as Seattle and will superintend their embarkation from that point for the gold fields. Franklin Lusk, Esq., of Philadelphia and Elijah Sherman, of this place, will, we are informed, start for Seattle in about ten days, where they will remain until joined by the balance of the party about March 1st.

Courthouse - Our venerable and honored Court Crier, Mr. Edmund Baldwin, tells us that during his long term of service, which commenced in 1870, there have been removed from our County Court, by death, two president judges, twelve members of the bar (in active practice at time of death) and three tipstaves, viz: Judges F. B. Streeter and P.D. Morrow; Attorneys, L. F. Fitch, R. B. Little (the first), B. S. Bentley, M. J. Larabee, Eugene O'Neill, L. P. Hinds, E. L. Blakeslee, C. E. Lyman, A. O. Warren, Hugh McCollum, Geo. S. Jessup and Huntting C. Jessup; tipstaves, James Simmon, Christopher Sherman and Lucius W. Birchard.

Hallstead and Great Bend - Hallstead and Great Bend people have formed a base ball pool, and will jointly put an aggregation of diamond stars on the road in the early spring to play exhibition games in various places, after which they will return home prepared to meet all comers. It is rumored that Susquehanna and Oakland sports are also contemplating partnership in a base ball venture.

Forest Lake - The day for the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Silas Jagger's, being the New Year's Day, was one of snow, but Messrs Cole and Hoag broke roads and a party of 15 gathered for New Years' dinner. The quilting was postponed to the Tuesday following.

Auburn - Henry Johnson, of Dimock, and Miss Nettie Stillwell, of Lynn, were united in marriage here at the parsonage, on Tuesday night of last week. It so happened that Rev. Jenkins was called to preach at Fairdale that night, consequently the contracting parties were compelled to wait until nearly 12 o'clock. We think it was really too bad, but then better late that never.

Lenox - W. G. Squires new house had a narrow escape from being consumed by fire recently. The smoke pipe from the furnace runs very close to the floor in the cellar, and that is where the fire caught, but the presence of workmen and a barrel of water in the cellar prevented any serious damage.

Rush - Wm. Hibbard, a dealer in pork, calves, poultry, etc., bought just previous to the holidays a quantity of pork and shipped it to a man by the name of Canfield, at Trenton, NJ, who sold the pork to various parties among whom was a lady who purchased a hind quarter of a pig, and in preparing it for the oven, discovered on the pig's tail a gold ring set with three stones. The ring was partially imbedded in the tail, showing that it had been there for some time. The lady reported the find to Mr. Canfield who in turn wrote Mr. Hibbard for information regarding the ring. Mr. Hibbard is unable to account for the ring, but during a recent trip to Trenton, ascertained that the ring is valued at about $40. An effort will be made to discover the owner of the ring. This is the latest from Rush, and is not a fish story.

News Briefs: Congressman Arnold, who desires to slide into the seat of our own Galusha Grow, uses as a trump card the fact that Mr. Grow is old. All the same, Mr. Grow is the youngest old man in public life to day, and he will probably stay just where he is until he either dies or resigns. The esteemed and astute Mr. Arnold will do well to get another issue. He is getting a match pretty near to a powder barrel. (The bold key was on by mistake. Please use regular type for the above).

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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