Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 23 1920/2020
Lakeside – On January 16, 1919 the people of this place were very much surprised to hear of the marriage of Ella Tanner and Ernest Elbrecht, so on Friday evening, January 16, 1920 the Lakeside people thought they would return the surprise on Mr. and Mrs. Elbrecht by gathering there in sleigh loads. Although a southern storm was blowing outside, the house was filled with a jolly crowd inside. Light refreshments were served, after which the couple was called into the sitting room and in a pleasing manner presented with some linen and a purse of money. Everyone was invited to meet 49 years from that night to celebrate their 50th anniversary. [Ella and Ernest were married 44 years when Ella passed away.]
Montrose – Coincident with the passing of old “John Barleycorn” comes the announcement of the sale of the old “Montrose House” building to contractor W. A. Clark, of Montrose, who will wreck same for the lumber, doors, windows, etc. Mr. Clark is given six months to remove the building from the premises. Miss Meta Guy, of Pittsburgh, is here this week to complete the deal. The Guy estate retains the lot, which we understand will be placed on the market. The old building is one of the old land marks of Montrose. It had been in use as a licensed hotel up to two years ago, and had enjoyed a profitable business for nearly 40 years. The building was originally a residence, which was converted into a hotel by raising the house and building a new first story under same. [The residence was that of Isaac Post, step son of Bartlett Hinds, first settler of Montrose. The Montrose Inn was built on the lot, which was eventually remodeled into the present bank building on Church St.] ALSO W.A. Welliver is looking forward to the time when he shall throw open the doors of his handsome, new movie house, on Public Avenue, to the lovers of movies in Montrose, and to make his equipment for excellent service more complete, he was in Binghamton on Monday to purchase another film machine, that he might have two machines and have continuous pictures during the entire show, without any waits in changing films. The new picture house, the erection of which Whipple Bros., of Laceyville, have the contract, will have a seating capacity of 350, and the most modern ventilation system available. Completion should be by June 1st.
Auburn Twp. - Some of the pupils are absent on account of the snow drifts. However, one student showed his school spirit by getting out and breaking open the road on Sunday night, in order that he could get to school on Monday morning. ALSO At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the West Auburn Telephone Co., which was held on Jan. 15, the old officers and directors were elected to succeed themselves, with R. B. Swisher continuing as managing director.
Susquehanna – The ice is twenty inches thick on the Susquehanna River. ALSO Josiah Mills, a few years ago one of the best-known engineers on the Erie, died Jan. 6 at Highland Park, Illinois. Mr. Mills, who was 86 years of age at the time of his death, resided in Susquehanna for many years.
Birchardville – A variety shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Dayton at their home on the evening of Jan. 13th, by a number of their friends. The young couple received many useful and pretty gifts. The evening was spent at planning rook, checkers and crokonole, after which dainty refreshments were served.
Gibson – The roads are drifted full in nearly every direction and the milk teams had a hard time getting to the creamery Monday morning.
Choconut Valley – It keeps the supervisors busy breaking roads for the Friendsville stage and the rural delivery to get through. ALSO The teacher, Miss Dunne, of the Chalker school, could not reach her school on Monday morning and James Donnelly started to Endicott with milk Sunday, but had to turn and come back on account of the roads being drifted.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - C.L. Sheldon, one of our enterprising townsmen, has invented a snow plow to clean sidewalks, and after every snow storm he can be seen making snow paths about town, especially on Church street and Widow avenue. A vote of thanks is certainly due him, at least.
Clifford – “Aunt” Fannie Felts passed away on Wednesday morning, after a short illness, at the age of 91 years. Her sister, Mrs. Felton, who resided with her, will go to Elmira for the winter.
Lanesboro – Lanesboro council has passed an ordinance calling for a special election on March 29, 1920, to give the people an opportunity to vote on the proposition of increasing the indebtedness of the borough by $15,000, the money to be used for street paving. West Main, Main and Viaduct avenue are the streets it is desired to pave.
Forest City – Fans witnessed the defeat at the high school gymnasium of the high school basket ball team and the Forest City Scrubs, the second team of the high school, by the high school quintet and the junior team of Honesdale. The games were speedy and in the final half between the seniors, Rugby tactics were resorted to by the visitors. They had difficulty in reaching here and were compelled to walk from Simpson. ALSO Students of the high school are preparing to give a musical comedy, “Oh, Oh, Cindy” on Feb. 5 and 6. The play is of high type and is sure to please.
Thompson – Albert Mock, of South Thompson, is soon to have a pipeless furnace installed in his home. Slowly but surely the pipeless furnace will take the lead.
Fairdale – The large farmhouse on the Willis E. Barron farm, near this place, was burned to the ground early Tuesday morning. The fire was discovered about 7 o’clock, catching in the attic over the kitchen, and was so situated under the roof and had got such a start that it was impossible to extinguish the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Barron were engaged in milking and other chores when the fire originated and after a vain attempt to put out the blaze with the limited means at hand, they phoned for help to neighbors and set out to remove what furnishings were possible from the first floor. No insurance on either the building or personal property and owing to the advancing years of the owners it makes the loss doubly heavy. The Barrons are with their neighbor, John Hart.
Ararat – When Mrs. Nettie Hathaway returned home recently from a visit, she discovered window panes broken. Thinking that possibly burglars had visited her home during her absence, she concluded that an investigation would be in order. She entered the house and found a large fox in possession. She proceeded at once to the home of a neighbor, who returned with her and dispatched Mr. Reynard in short order. It is presumed that the fox had been pursued by dogs and sought refuge in the home.
Marriage Licenses: Leon H. Vincent, Binghamton and Margaret E. Hoag, Great Bend; Stanley Crissell, Lanesboro and Clara Stark, Susquehanna; Anton Marinic and Mary Beveris, Forest City; Reinhold Sayer and Irene Rogers, Hallstead; M. E. Sullivan, Sanitaria Springs, NY and Elizabeth E. Clark, Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith