Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 21 1921/2021
Clifford – Susquehanna County’s fame for fine cattle is continually spreading. F. R. Varcoe, of Waymart, over in Wayne county, referred to two very fine Guernsey cows, which he had recently purchased from County Commissioner Thomas Jones, of this place. Mr. Varcoe, who, by the way, is a thorough gentleman and successful merchant, is a discriminating breeder and was highly pleased with his purchase. ALSO Stanley and Donald Ayres are attending State College.
Brooklyn – Ira J. Pratt will sell thirty-one head of Holstein cattle, 20 tons of hay, mine props and ties, some lumber, etc., at public sale January 29. This will be a large sale and should attract many buyers. Mr. Pratt finds it necessary to make a sale on account of the scarcity of farm help. ALSO Friends in this place are pleased to learn of the birth of a son—Herman Luther—to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Otto, of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Otto is the daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. L. S. Ely.
Nicholson – The citizens of Nicholson and vicinity will fight the proposition of the Lackawanna Automobile Club of Scranton to remove the six miles of Lackawanna railroad switch tracks, between Nicholson and Hop Bottom. The road bed is wanted for the Lackawanna Trail, but it is the only means of getting freight cars down into the village of Nicholson for convenient loading. If the tracks are taken up, all freight will have to be hauled up the steep hill to the station, on a level with the big concrete viaduct.
Heart Lake – Borden’s harvested ice on the lake on Tuesday.
Springville – A dinner was held at the Grange hall on January 9—the funds to be used to repair the Grange building, known as the old M. E. church.
Forest City - Messrs. Johnson and Lord, of the North Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company, were side-swiped by an automobile yesterday afternoon near the Stillwater breaker. Their horse was thrown down the bank and both men thrown from the buggy. The buggy was badly damaged. The driver of the auto passed on as if nothing had happened, but the license number of the machine was secured.
Uniondale – Thomas Avery, one of the oldest residents of the Burnwood vicinity, and veteran of the Civil War, is suffering from a fractured hip, sustained by a fall on the ice. ALSO Albert Corey and daughter, Grace, left Tuesday for Daytona Beach, Florida, where they will join the Uniondale colony for the winter,
South Gibson – The Boys’ Character Builder class was pleasantly entertained at the home of their teacher, Cecil Resseguie, on Friday evening last. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served.
Harford – Susquehanna County takes pride in the appointment of Senator Edward E. Jones to the chairmanship of the Public Roads committee in the State Senate. Mr. Jones’ appointment comes in consequence of his long period of usefulness in both houses, where his knowledge concerning roads and his championship of measures tending to promote road improvement won for him the sobriquet of “Good Roads Jones.”
Susquehanna - On January 12th, an election was held to decide whether the town shall be bonded for $80,000 for the purpose of paving streets and extending the sewerage system. It carried by a majority of about 2 to 1. ALSO The Baptist church of this place, under the pastorship of Rev. C. C. Walker, is in a flourishing condition, being recently freed from all indebtedness, with both church and parsonage in good repair and money in the treasury. Next spring the church is to be remodeled and enlarged by Architect Williams, of Dayton, Ohio.
Fairdale – Our new creamery man, Mr. Burke and family, have arrived and are living in the creamery. ALSO - The new officers of Fairdale Grange were installed in a very able manner on Saturday by Brother and Sister G. M. Olmstead. We are looking forward to a prosperous year.
Lakeview – The men of the community met at the church on Wednesday to repair the sheds, but on account of the storm did not get much done. The ladies held an Aid and served dinner at F. S. Bingham’s. Another bee will be held next Wednesday. ALSO No one can complain of this winter so far. Nine times the ground has been covered with snow. Some sleighs are out, but the sleighing is rather thin.
Herrick Center – Mrs. Jerome Kishpaugh met with a unique accident one day last week. After sweeping her kitchen she raised the lid of the stove and emptied the contents of the dust pan upon the fire when, instantly, there was an explosion and something struck her in the neck, cutting a small hole in her dress and passing through the skin, lodged in her neck. She washed the blood away and dressed the wound, but as it continued to cause her a good deal of pain, she visited Dr. Craft on Monday and he extracted a triangular piece of coal, about an eighth of an inch in thickness and about a quarter of an inch across.
Bennett’s Corners – Irving Loomis spent the weekend in Forest City, Scranton and Factoryville, playing basketball with the Auburn High school team.
LeRaysville, Bradford Co. – Quick work by neighbors prevented the body of Mrs. Adeline Pennay, who died Saturday, from being destroyed, when the home of her sister, Miss Gertrude Humphrey, was wiped out by fire. Neighbors succeeded in getting the coffin through a window. Miss Humphrey, who was sick in bed, wrapped blankets around herself and walked 200 yards to a neighbor’s while the others were rescuing her sister’s body. It was taken to the home of Burton Lyon, where the funeral was held on Tuesday. The Humphrey home and most of its contents were destroyed, by what was perceived to be a defective flue.
Great Bend/Elk Lake – The primary room in the Great Bend school has been closed, owing to the development of four cases of scarlet fever. The Elk Lake school has also been closed, owing to the illness of several pupils with the disease.
Montrose – Ernest Darrow, of Heart Lake, was in town Monday, having come to secure a large pane of glass to replace one blown out during the heavy wind of the previous night. Numerous residences had window panes blow out, “Ben” Smith tells us that at the family residence on Chestnut street wind blew out a pane of glass in the front of the house. They went out and gazed on the damage and returned to warmer quarters. A second pane soon followed, and again they went out and viewed the damage. A third pane went out—and then they quit going out, and so did the window glass.
Compiled By: Betty Smith