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January 21 1915/2015

Thompson – At the Jefferson Junction, Sunday night, Pat Ferrio became suddenly infuriated at the car in which many of the track hands are quartered and before the fracas ended had attempted to murder the track foreman, Charles Ross and then killed himself. This man was first seen running up and down the tracks and later began shooting up the switch shanty at the Junction in which were several men, including Foreman Ross. One of the shots took effect in his arm but fortunately caused but a slight wound. In the excitement, and Mr. Ross not knowing the extent of his injuries, he fell to the ground and his assailant seemingly believing he had killed the foreman, turned the revolver upon himself. The dead man had relatives in the earthquake zone in Italy and it is believed the calamity had turned his brain.

New Milford – Three sleigh loads of men went from this place last Wednesday night to help organize a men’s Bible class at Harford. ALSO The following teachers, Prof. T. C. Hinckley, Misses Helen Beebe, Lucia VanCott, Ruth Austin, also director C. S Vail, attended the Teachers’ Association meeting at Susquehanna, Saturday.

Welch Hill, Clifford Twp. – Last Friday night a debate was held at Cambrian Grange. The subject for discussion was “Resolved that it is easier for a young man of no capital to start at present than it was when his father started.” E. A. Reynolds was chosen affirmative and W. E. Bennett negative. The judges were: Merryle Jones, Mr. Gent and Wellington Howell. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative.

Springville – George Halderman, Springville’s progressive lumber dealer, has an auto truck for conveying logs and lumber. ALSO Thomas Loomis has installed hot water and bath in his house. Messerole Bros. did the work.

Lackawanna R. R. – The Lackawanna railroad has found it necessary to erect ten new passenger stations between Hallstead and Clark’s Summit. Hallstead is to have a new station which will be modern in every respect.  It will be an elevated station with two entrances.

Alford – “No. 217,” the faithful, old locomotive, which hauled trains on the L. & M. from Alford to Montrose for fifteen years or more, is no more, being “junked” a few days ago. She was a strong machine and always handled her loads well on the hard grades, but her frame was light and frequently had to be sent away for repairs.

Bridgewater Twp. - Scores of Susquehanna Co. friends and admirers will be glad to learn that Chas. E. Bunnell, a former Bridgewater boy, and son of Lyman Bunnell, has been appointed as a federal judge in Alaska. [Charles Bunnell later founded the University of Alaska.]

Hop Bottom – E. L. Yaw, the hustling proprietor of the Foster House, is brightening up the interior of his hostelry by papering and painting, which makes it much more cheerful and inviting for his guests. Yaw spares no pains to give first-class service to the traveling public. ALSO Friday evening the High School boys will play basketball with the girls, after which there will be a box social for the benefit of the M. E. Sunday school.

Silver Lake – The death of James, the last of the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shea, occurred Jan. 12.  He was four months and twenty-four days old.  [His twin brother, John, died Dec. 30, 1914.]  He is survived by his mother and father and two sisters, Lillian and May.

Montrose – Mrs. Homer Johnson, historian of the D. A. R. Chapter, states that the chapter is soon to erect a suitable memorial under the “Grow elm” on Monument Square. A large boulder from the old [Galusha] Grow homestead, at Glenwood, has been presented by Mrs. Kellogg, a niece of the former speaker of the national House of Representatives, and will be brought to Montrose. The D. A. R. will provide a tablet making known this object of interest, which will be affixed to the boulder. ALSO Fayette Avery McKenzie, professor of Sociology at Ohio State University, has been elected president of Fiske University at Nashville, Tenn.  Dr. McKenzie, a graduate of Lehigh University, with a degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania, will assume his new position at the close of the present scholastic year. “Fay”, as we call him, will always belong to Montrose, and we congratulate him upon the honor which has just been conferred upon his manly shoulders.

New Milford – G. C. Howell, formerly of this place, is now employed in the job printing department of the Lestershire [Johnson City] Record office. The Record has one of the finest equipped plants to be found in the smaller towns. Jesse L. Lane, a former Montrose boy, son of ex-Sheriff S. F. Lane, is employed in the same office.

Forest Lake – Miss Mary Quinlivan has gone to Montrose to work as dining room girl at the Tarbell House.

Dimock – The Dolan House, conducted by J. F. Dolan, has been sold to the temperance people of Dimock township for $2650. The hotel is a commodious building, with a good barn and three acres of land, and had been conducted as a licensed hotel for many years, and was granted a license at this term of court. Mr. Dolan will retain possession until April 1, when it is said, Lee Estus, of Dimock, will take charge and conduct a temperance house. This marks the passing of a licensed hotel in Dimock township.

South Auburn – Through the efforts of Frank M. Baldwin, of South Auburn, six petitions are being circulated throughout the south-western corner of Susquehanna county and the northern end of this county asking that a Sproul State dirt road be constructed, starting from Laceyville, thence to Skinner’s Eddy, then over Doolittle Hill to South Auburn, Auburn Center, Auburn Corners, Elk Lake, South Montrose and Montrose.  Such a road, as mapped out, runs through some of the finest farm land in this section and if constructed will mean much to the farmers along the route.

Franklin Forks – The G. A. R of this place will give a birthday party in honor of J. J. Stockholm and John McLeod at Alliance hall on January 28. The comrades, their wives, friends and neighbors are all cordially invited. Bring well filled baskets. All come and do honor to the heroes of the past.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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