Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 19 1923/2023
Susquehanna – Mr. and Mrs. Al White, relatives of Chief of Police Stockholm, made a trip by motor Saturday and Sunday equal to the overland journeys in the old days. They left here last Saturday afternoon and drove to Franklin Forks, which is midway between Binghamton and Montrose. The most of the trip was made through snow well up to the hubs of the car. On Sunday they left Franklin Forks in the driving snow storm, and reached Susquehanna without mishap. Not once were they stalled; in fact they did not even hesitate, although the snow in many places hit the axles of the car and made the machine wabble to some extent. From Franklin to Conklin they had to break the road as no other machine or conveyance had passed their way. ALSO The Tri-Boro Silk Mill opened on Monday after being closed during the holiday season. ALSO Word was received here of the death of James Donahue, of Salt Lake City, Utah. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue, of this place, but had been located in the west about 35 years. He is survived by five sisters, Mrs. P. J. Sullivan and Mrs. Jerre Lyons, of this place, Mrs. M. J. Hennessy and Mrs. J. White, of Binghamton, and Mrs. D. E. Sullivan of Mason City, Iowa. The funeral will be held in Salt Lake City.
Forest City – A fall of snow, estimate to be between 8 and 10 inches buried this section Sunday. The trolley system was placed out of commission. Pedestrian travel was almost abandoned, while trains were running late, passenger service recovered remarkably well from the first effects of the storm. Auto traffic was practically discontinued to all parts north of this place and many were stalled on Main and Dundaff Streets. Burgess William Sredenschek suggests that tomorrow afternoon be a half-holiday so that all hands may get busy and clean the snow piles from Main Street. Under present conditions the street car company can not run cars north of the borough hall. Civic pride ought to be an incentive to rid the streets of the large piles of snow.
Brookdale – The mill belonging to Fred Knapp, of Rhiney Creek, was destroyed by fire Monday evening, January 1.
Harford – The Sweet Chapel has closed for the winter The work may be resumed in the spring but on account of no interest taken by the young people it is hoped by the people of this community that the Grove Chapel, which has ceased its Christian work for more than two years will re-open its Sabbath school again and prepare a place to worship. ALSO The Harford Agricultural Society is to maintain its place under te sun and will erect additional exhibition buildings so that stock and other exhibits may b kept over for the two-day fair, a fact which ill be pleasing to thousands of friends of this old agricultural society with such a fine record behind it. F. A. Osburn, who has been connected with the society a great many years has resigned, both as a director and secretary, feeling that his 70 years entitles him to fewer responsibilities. O. F. Maynard succeeds Mr. Osborn as secretary and the affairs of the society will be given a fresh impetus this year.
Uniondale – A. G. Stiles writes that he is employed by the Robinson Lumber Company, in Binghamton, as an engineer. Deb thinks there is more pleasure this weather in being under cover than riding a hand car on the Erie.
Brooklyn – Sophia Lonsack had he misfortune to fall from the school sleigh on which she was riding to her hone on Thursday afternoon and sustained quite serious injuries.
Hop Bottom – Forty-five thousand young trees will be planted along the Lackawanna Trail between Clark’s Summit and New Milford the coming spring. ALSO A sleigh ride to the home of Mrs. Archie Pratt, followed by dinner served by the Ladies Aid, was enjoyed by a goodly number on Wednesday.
Fairdale – A.W. Hewitt is wearing a broad smile these days. Cause, a new Ford truck.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – The R. D. Carrier did not get over the Hill Monday on account of the drifts.
Montrose – wing to the heavy snow and drifts on the Montrose Trail, the White Bus Line has made no tri[s after last Friday. The big drifts are near the Birchard farm and the woods near Tiffany and on Gardner Hill. However, a large gang of men, teams and snow plow are engaged clearing the road and in al probability the road will be open some time today. ALSO Little Nelson Warner, who broke his leg while taking an extra high jump on his skis last Wednesday afternoon, reports that it is knitting fast in its plaster caste and says that he is going back to school on crutches this week. The new jump was rough and high. In taking it, the first one over, Nelson landed on his ankle. Nelson, who is a plucky little fellow and good skier and worker, deserves a speedy return to normalcy, physically.
Franklin Forks – Shoveling snow is the order of the day. ALSO W. L. Bailey told us yesterday morning that his thermometer stood two degrees above zero early that morning—that the mercury had reached lower points several times during the winter.
Thompson – Hathaway and Wallace, who recently purchased the hardware and implement business of G. A. Post, are making noticeable improvements in their store and are planning to take care of a large business the coming season. Both are energetic, pleasing young men.
Compiled By: Betty Smith