Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 17 1902/2002
Carbondale - When John Burdick eloped with his servant girl, Miss Mousing, the latter's father offered $100 as expenses to anyone to trace them. Walter Burdick, a nephew of Burdick, took the $100 and instituted a search for the eloping pair by taking for company his sweetheart, Mamie Keenan. They were married in Binghamton on Saturday, word having reached here today of the affair. They intend keeping up the search for the other pair until their money gives out.
Jackson - Hon. Galusha A. grow has donated a valuable collection of books to the Jackson Public Library.
Lawsville Centre - The creamery is running full blast, under the management of Chas Southworth, J. P. Downs and C. J. Peck, Directors, and buttermaker Scott Drake, who is counted one of the best in the county.
Brookdale - The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur were shocked to hear of the misfortune that befell them last Wednesday evening, when the house burned where they lived, with a great part of its contents. Also the pig pen with five hogs, nearly ready for market.
Thomson - Mrs. L. E. Bailey, of Prohibition Park, NJ, will speak in the Methodist church, Feb. 23d and 24th, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U.
Glenwood - A report was in circulation last week of a family near here that had come down with the small-pox. There was no foundation in fact. The first thing now is that when any one is sick, small pox is the cry. People should not be so ready to spread such reports, unless they are true.
Fairdale - There will be a New England supper and Japanese wedding at Fairdale M.E. church, on Friday evening, Feb. 2. Wedding ten cents, supper fifteen cents. Two quilts will also be sold. Proceeds to apply on quarterage.
Bridgewater Twp. - The ice on Jones Lake is now of prime quality and from 12 to 14 inches thick.
Hallstead - The funeral of Postmaster Richard A. Barber, whose death from small pox occurred Thursday of last week, was held after midnight of the same day, with all the necessary precautions. The remains were hastily taken to the Catholic cemetery at Great Bend where the assistant-priest, Rev. Father Heffron, read the burial service at the still of night, by the dim light of lanterns, while the remains were lowered in the grave lined with snow and ice. Mr. Barber was a prominent member of the Order of Locomotive Engineers.
Lenoxville - The evening of Jan. 16th was a happy time for a large number of young people who gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Layton Greene for the purpose of having a surprise party for their eldest son and daughter, Lloyd and Leta, who are twins. The first arrivals found Lloyd and his father very contentedly engaged in a game of checkers. However, this soon wore off when the sleigh bells were heard in all directions and the house rapidly filled with young comrades. Games were indulged in and everyone seemed to share in the general enjoyment. Misses Jennie Hallstead, Maud Stone and Messrs. George Hasbrouck and James Bennett entertained the company with songs with guitar accompaniment. Refreshments consisting of cake, pie and coffee were served at midnight, and immediately after the games were again taken up. The company disbanded about 1:30 a.m. Those present were: Emma, Eva & Violet Ross, Maud Stone, Jennie Hallstead, Orla Severance, Sadie & Blanche Wilson, Cecile & Pearl Ransom, Veda Sherman, Sara Maloney, Mabel Barber, Edna, Leta & Belle Greene, Maud Burklin, Minnie, Bernice and Ada Jerauld, Famia Plummer, Mrs. Willis Ransom. Also George Hasbrouck, Garfield Schall, Ray Roberts, Glen Harding, Silas Decker, Sam Gordon, Frank & Charles Barber, Robert Johnston, Jerry Maloney, James Bennett, Ronald Ransom, Lynn Green, Charles Burklin, Harry Giles, Ray Gerauld, Fred and Frank Estel, Clarence Gumaer, Lloyd Greene, Geo. Plummer and Fred Conrad.
Jackson Valley - Wm. Schooley has shut down the sawmill during the cold weather. AND John Hickey and sister Winnie were at LeRaysville, getting dental work done, on Wednesday. AND The people of Potterville made Rev. Hugh Jones and wife a complete surprise on Thursday. They came with well-filled baskets of choice viands and 45 sat down to the feast. They made Mr. Jones a nice present of a rocking chair and some money.
Gibson - Orlie Ellsworth is our new stage driver. AND The Grangers held a peanut hunt at Arthur Estabrook's on Friday evening. AND J. T. Potter has exchanged his mill property for a block in Binghamton.
Susquehanna - The Crescent Club will hold a hop at the Starrucca House on Tuesday evening. AND The revival services will begin in the Oakland Methodist church next week. Pastor Bouton will have the assistance of several clergymen. Cottage meetings are being held this week.
Montrose - Usually a blizzard comes each February, about the time the County Commissioners have to travel over the county, delivering the election ballots. But this year the blizzard waited and came election day (and the night preceding) and instead of the ballot distributors running into it the voters, who wish to get to the polls in the various districts, got it "in the neck," likewise in the roads, and cross-lots, and all sorts of ways wherever they tried to travel. AND The Narrow Gauge [rail]road is having troubles of its own this year, lots of 'em and deep ones-snow banks from 6 to 12 feet deep. The trains run only once in a while a day.
Dimock - David C. Bush, a well-recommended young man, will give an entertainment, consisting of impersonations, monologues and pantomimes, at the Methodist church of this place, Wednesday evening, January 29. Everyone cordially invited. Admission 10 cents and 15 cents.
Compiled By: Betty Smith