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January 12 1912/2012

The Great Snow Storm of January 1836 - Never before in the recollection of any man living has there been but once before so great a body of snow on the ground in this section of the country as there is at the present time. On Thursday night (the 7th) the snow commenced falling and continued with very little intermission until Monday morning following. During Friday and Saturday there was no wind, but on Saturday morning it commenced blowing and continued to blow during the night and throughout Sunday it blew a gale. In consequence the snow is piled in heaps. Indeed we are surrounded on all sides by mountains of snow, which put their snow capped peaks one above another in a style quite magnificent. It might be said that “Alps on Alps arise” in the very center of our little village, for when we looked out on Monday morning and saw that our own and neighbors houses were literally buried in the snow, and that mountains had been raised between which it would be necessary to tunnel before the ordinary connections could be established. We thought we saw enough to make the stout heart quail in view of the immense labor we should have to perform in digging out, but we of this woody and snowy region, proverbial for our industry and perseverance, are used to hardships and not easily discouraged. In this emergency the Yankee spirit was up and every man and boy who could wield a shovel took it in hand with a firm determination to dig out or die in the attempt. By Monday night our citizens were able to hail from different quarters, but although the work has continued today there is scarcely any communication between the village and the country. The people are still busily engaged in opening the roads, but many days must elapse before the traveling can be made even tolerable. On April 1st of 1807 the snow fell 4 ½ feet deep on the level, while it is now a trifle over 3 ½ feet on the average. No mail was received from the South for nearly a week and The [Susquehanna] Register was unable to get out its regular issue because of not receiving paper but the [Montrose] Volunteer gives a more lengthy account. The mail which left New York Thursday morning and should have reached Montrose on Saturday, only after extreme exertion, got as far as Jackson on Saturday then came to Breed’s, 11 miles, on Sunday and on Monday made the nine miles to Montrose. (Submitted by F. B. Jewett, Brooklyn.)

Jackson - Alvin W. Barrett, age 94, one of the oldest men in Susquehanna County, died at his home at Lakeview, January 4th. He was born in Brattleboro, Vt. in 1817. Mr. Barrett was one of the most active men for his years, having enjoyed good health up to the past few months. When the decedent was about 16 he came with his father, Hosea Barrett, to Jackson township, where a farm was made in the wilderness. He assisted his father in clearing up the forest on the tract of ground that had been purchased. In 1836 he married Miss Mary Jane Hazen, of Jackson, who was born at Loudenderry, Vt., Jan. 3, 1819, her parents David and Jane Hazen having accompanied the party, including the Barretts, from Vermont to Jackson. In 1841 Mr. Barrett purchased the farm on which he lived so many years, erecting a log house in the forest and cleared the land. Afterwards he replaced the log buildings with substantial modern structures and had one of the best farms and was one of the most progressive and successful farmers of that region. Mr. Barrett was a loyal Republican, casting his first vote for William Henry Harrison and voting for every Republican President down to President William H. Taft.

New Milford - The finest yoke of oxen we have seen in a long time is owned by Ray Pratt of this place. They are well matched as to size and color and weigh 3020 lbs.

South Auburn - Mark Overfield, of Shannon Hill, and Ethel Place, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Place, were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage at Auburn 4 Corners, Jan. 4th Rev. J. A. Transue performing the ceremony, after which the happy couple left for Binghamton, returning to the home of his father, S. E. Overfield, on Saturday. ALSO In West Auburn, Larry, the favorite family horse at A. F. Possinger’s, died last week.

Harford - The men of the M. E. church will hold a bee in E. N. Hammond’s woods, Saturday, to get out timber to repair the church. Dinner will be furnished at Mrs. Hammond’s by the Ladies’ Aid.

Hop Bottom - The sound of sleigh bells were heard for the first time this week.

Montrose - A Montrose man one night recently, while trekking down the middle of the road, lost an overshoe. He offers a reward of fifty cents for its return. He figures that with overshoes at $1.10 per pair, a fifty-cent reward is none too small. ALSO - Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, passed over the Lehigh Valley railroad on Thursday of last week, his private car being attached to a train.

Clifford - David Davis, aged 80 years, one of the best known and most highly respected residents, died on Thursday of last week. His brother, Daniel Davis, who came east from Colorado some months ago to visit him, took his death keenly. He was taken ill on Friday and on Saturday, the day of his brother’s funeral, he too passed away. The former was unmarried, while the latter, who was past 70 years old, has a wife and a number of grown children in Colorado. The bereaved wife came in response to a telegram to arrange for the funeral and burial.

Lathrop - On Jan. 2 our kind neighbors, including Bert Green with his gasoline engine, gave us a surprise and cut enough wood to last all winter. As we enjoy its genial warmth we shall think of the kind hearts that prompted the deed. -Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Whitbeck.

Forest City - There has been a change in the local barber shops in the Forest House and Friedman’s Hotel. Andres Berish has gone from the latter to the former and Henry Witteman from the former to the latter.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Mrs. Dean Baker has been suffering the last two weeks with a gathering in her head, which was very painful. She is somewhat better at this writing.

Silver Lake - Leap Year! If there are any old bachelors left for 1913 it won’t be the girls’ fault.

Great Bend - Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. Barry, was poisoned from the artificial coloring on popcorn balls, which she ate last Sunday. The little girl was weakened from whooping cough and her digestive organs were much impaired before she partook of the corn. It was feared for some time that she could not live, but she is now thought to be out of danger

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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