Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 11 1908/2008
Susquehanna - The relatives of Joseph Frank, the alleged murderer of John J. Sullivan, have engaged as attorneys to defend the prisoner, W. D. B. Ainey, of Montrose, W. A. Skinner, of Susquehanna and Alfred Giallorenzi, of New York City, an Italian lawyer. AND In the Erie Shop full time was resumed Jan. 3. This means that about 250 workmen, recently laid off, will return to work.
Upsonville - Miss Mabel Seaman and her friend, of Montrose, visited Miss Helen Dearborn Monday afternoon. Before reaching home it became quite dark and in passing a team they locked wheels, overturning Miss Seaman's carriage and throwing the two occupants out. Fortunately they escaped injury. The horse ran away and was found in Wm. Card's dooryard by Mr. Seaman, who had started with a lantern to meet the young ladies.
Montrose - The Ernest Gamble Concert Party gave an excellent entertainment at the courthouse on Friday evening of last week. It was decidedly classical and delightfully rendered. Mr. Gamble was especially fine in his rendition of the aria from the oratorio "Samson," his deep, voluminous bass voice and fine physique carrying out the part to perfection. Miss Verna Page, the violinist, won the audience by her charming manner and skillful playing, while Mr. Sam Lamberson entranced his hearers in the manipulation of the ivories. They are three of the best artists that have ever been heard here. AND Everything in the Tarbell House for sale, from a toothpick to a crowbar. Carpets, bedroom suits and bedding at a bargain. One fine steel engraving of the Battle of Gettysburg, one coffee boiler, good hanging and table lamps, first-class good table crockery and more.
Brooklyn - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Sterling spent New Year's at the home of his parents here, returning to Philadelphia that evening, where he is employed as chief forester of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Kingsley - Mrs. Alvah Tiffany is ill with diphtheria, and there is trouble in getting any one to care for her on account of it being so contagious. The Grangers made a wood bee for her husband, so that he could devote his whole time in caring for her. She is gaining at present. Dr. Hoover is the attending physician.
Hallstead - The oil well here has now been drilled about 400 ft. A small amount of gas has been struck, also a small vein of salt water was encountered. The eager interest in the project still continues, and the prophets who have predicted that oil will be found are as insistent and determined as ever.
Springville - Madaline Blakeslee underwent an operation for appendicitis on Monday. They found her case a very bad one and with the fact that she has been suffering from scarlet fever the past three weeks and is just beginning to peel from that disease, and the family not quarantined, is causing a great tumult in our village. People have been allowed to go and come at will, and not until Monday did people have the least suspicion, supposing the case to be tonsillitis.
Forest City - Within thirty feet of the hundreds of people passing along Main street, Friday afternoon, in an open wagon box, William R. Michael, a well-known young man, who has resided here for a year or more, passed from life. When found the vital spark had fled but he was still warm. During the morning he was about town apparently as well as usual, although he had complained of not feeling right for the past week. He was seen to climb into a lumber wagon along side Heller & Company's store and the attention of street commissioner Bates being called to his resting place, that gentleman went to see what he was doing there fearing that he would be numbed by the cold. He found Mr. Michaels dead. Dr. Knapp, who was called, found death due to apoplexy. Deceased was the son of the late William Michaels of South Gibson. He was born in Pittston on the 19th of December 1875. Two brothers, John, of Scranton and George, of this place, and three sisters, Mrs. D. B. Gibson and Miss Ethel Michaels, of Uniondale, and Mrs. Alice Young, of Texas, survive him.
Brandt - Wonder if anyone knows why a young lady and gentleman left town on the 10 o'clock train so suddenly about a week ago Tuesday? Don't all speak at once. AND It is rumored that three more electric lights will be put into service shortly. One lamp will be at the intersection of Main street and River avenue, near the bridge and two farther down Main street, near the old Schlager property.
South Auburn - Mr. Albert Judson, who has been spending his vacation with his parents, returned to his studies at Lafayette College, Thursday.
Bisbee Pond, Rush Twp. - Chas. Redding has taken the contract to fill the Rush Creamery ice house. John Curley gets the wood job. AND The young man of this vicinity, who made the remark recently that it would be more proper for husbands to address their wives by the prefix, Mrs., and the wives likewise, [who] also walk to and from church, etc., side by side, is to be commended for his fine taste.
New Milford - Wm. Huntley has leased the Chapman foundry and is prepared to furnish repairs for wagons, sleighs, plows, etc.
Dimock - C. C. Mills, in renewing his Montrose Democrat, says: "I notice that my subscription is due, which I have taken without a skip since Jan. 1844. I doubt whether there is another on your list that can say as much. Herewith find check for $1.50 and continue me for another year."
Middletown - The Grangers held their annual Banquet, Dec. 28th, and was well attended. The dinner was served shortly before one o'clock, and the crowd enjoyed the good things, which only the ladies of the Middletown Grange can prepare. On returning to the hall an entertainment was given, and was greatly enjoyed by all. Music and dancing ended the program and all went home feeling that they had spent some pleasant hours. AND In Flynn--If the party that cut the telephone wire will call sometime inside of three months and pay for repairing the line, nothing further will be said of it. If not, it will be reported to the owner.
Jackson - Hugh Barnes, a student in the University of Pennsylvania, spent his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Barnes.
Dundaff - Another matrimonial bark was launched last Tuesday, Dec. 31, when Ross Snyder, of Tompkinsville and Mary Rivenburg, of Dundaff, were united in marriage at Binghamton.
Compiled By: Betty Smith